Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 42: The beauty of Ganja's ignorance...

Ganja stood up and turned his back to his daughter, "I'm ready Master Chiron. I only ask that you grant me two requests. The first is that My daughter continues to serve in my place and the second concerns my wife."

Chiron looked at the old dwarf and frowned, "Go on!" he encouraged.

"It happened many months ago," Ganja turned to his daughter, "It is also the reason why I stopped going to the pub and only stayed at home drinking all day. Although the death of my son touched me dearly. It was nothing like what my ears heard that day..."


Many Months ago, Ganja visited the pub like usually did. It was also at this time his son had just died. Like any true dwarf, any occasion was an opportunity to drink. If they were happy, they would drink. If they were sad or even getting married, they would drink.

A race of individuals that the solution to every problem was at the bottom of a wine barrel.

This was such a time.

Ganja went to the pub to drown his sorrows in the bottle of wine. However, he had become so drunk that he passed out on the table. Or at least, it looked that way.

In his miserable state, two gentlemen made their way into the Pub and took their seats not so far away from him. One of them was Leongu. A very famous Blacksmith.

In fact, he was currently the number one acclaimed Blacksmith of the Chikitsa clan. He was a very respected man and truly had influence.

The second person was his apprentice.

The moment they saw the passed-out Ganja on the other table, Leongu laughed at the state of this former Number One blacksmith.

When his apprentice asked why he was laughing, Leongu told him the reason for his pleasure.

As it so happened, leongu was always angry and envious of Ganja's title as the number one black smith.

He had challenged Ganja several times to a smithing competition, but every time, he ended up losing. His anger and envy got to a point that he could hold it no longer.

If he could not take the title of number One Blacksmith fairly, he was going to take it by other means.

At the time, it was popular knowledge that Ganja's wife was quite materialistic. She was a person that was always moved by the pleasures of money and power, and even though she was married to the best Blacksmith in the clan, she was never satisfied.

And so Leongu formed a plan with a very lecherous elder Elder Fatso. Rumors had it that Fatso was a man that was never satisfied with the pleasures of the flesh.

Leongu decided to hook these two fellows up. To his surprise, it worked like a charm.

Elder Fatso was an elder. Of course, no blacksmith whether number one or number two could compete with his status.

The fornication between the two bloomed like the ripening of a beautiful flower in spring.

It was at this time that Leongu first got information about the Meteorite deposit.

Knowing the obsession Ganja had for forging the strongest technique, he convinced Elder Fatso to buy the entire land. Of course, since the land could not grow crops, Elder Fatso got it for an extremely cheap price.

After which Leongu fanned the fire of the rumor until it reached Ganja's ears.

It was at this point that Ganja went to inquire about the price of the land and Elder Fatso had given him a very astronomical but very precise amount.

Ironically, it was the exact amount the Blacksmith was worth if he sold most of his property. And so, he did it.

He even moved the rest of his belongings that he had not sold and started living in the slums. Taking of course the most important thing with him, which was his smithy.

Life naturally became difficult for his family and his wife now had the perfect excuse to leave him.

In his obsession, Ganja lost his friends and family.

"Master Leongu! your methods are truly incredible, but were you not worried he was going to make the greatest forging technique or even the greatest sword?" Leongu's apprentice asked.

But Leongu just laughed at the ignorant words of his apprentice.

"Of course, there was always that possibility, but I was sure it was never going to happen. You see, I had already tested out that Meteorite ore, and even sent a piece of it to my friends in other clans. Everybody said it was trash. There is no way that all those many Blacksmiths will see it as trash and only one dwarf man will see it as a success. So, with such proof, I decided to initiate my plan."

Unknown to Leongu, the entire conversation between him and his apprentice was perfectly heard by Ganja.

However, as much as Ganja wanted to stand up and strangle this man, he just couldn't find the strength to.

His mind had developed a tolerance for alcohol, but his body was numbed by its effects.

After that night, he never went out again. All he did was shut himself inside his home and drink all day.


Hearing this piece of information her father had kept away from her till now, Emma was furious, but more than anything, the seed of hate and revenge birth itself inside her.

"So, Master Chiron. Do you understand My request now?"

Chiron looked at the old dwarf with the pleading look in his eyes.

In truth, Chiron really could not give two f**ks about this man's back story, or why his life became miserable.

After all, what the hell did that have to do with him.

Even the so called greatest Forging technique was just a side note lesson Chiron had managed to be paying attention to at the time because of minimum wage or maybe extra needed cash.

Back in his former world, there were by far many and more profound techniques for smithing than this.

But the old man did not know this. He was like the frog in the well that thought the lid of the well was the size of the entire sky.

Since his knowledge was limited, who was Chiron to not take advantage of this?

Chiron nodded, "Don't worry, I already plan to kill them all..."

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