Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 61: Call me an Elder!

Thinking this far, Chiron smiled. Now, he had just gotten an idea that would ensure his racking of points. Even though he had not acquired cultivation rank yet, there were still a lot of features with the Fate Change system that he could enjoy.

Features that could help him achieve his plans.

Looking back at Emma that still had her head bowed at his bedside, he called to her.


"Yes, Master."

"I need you to do something for me."

"Yes, master!" She bowed lower. In truth, she had been nervous since she entered the room. At first, she thought maybe Chiron had forgotten about her. And then she thought maybe he was going to send her out. This was indeed her biggest fear.

That Chiron would not have any use for her. However, the moment he used the word "NEED", it made her feel a lot of relief.

The worst thing to be was to be useless.

"I need you to go get me a healer. It has to be the best Healer in Chikitsa Clan."

"Master" She raised her head, "Are you talking of Elder Van or Elder Gran?"

Chiron shook his head, "No! Those old fools cannot help me with what I want. Their methods are too slow. I want the weird one."

Emma heard his words and it made her eyes open in surprise.

Emma bowed her head, "Master! do you mean the half-Elf Elder?"

"Good! you know her. Tell her to come to see me."

Those words were once more a surprise to Emma. The person Chiron was telling Emma to bring him was an external elder of the clan.

External elders were foreigners that had great achievements in the clan and had been integrated as a part of it.

Clans in this world were usually people with common ancestry. That is to say, they were connected by blood.

However, as the name implied. External elders were external because they were not related to the clan by blood.

Even though the Half-elf was not connected by blood to the clan, at the end of the day, the half was still an Elder.

And Chiron had just ordered that Emma told an Elder of the Chikitsa clan to come to visit him.

If other people could have heard Chiron say this, they would laugh out loud at him.

The reasons for this were just too many.

Firstly, healers were very expensive. On top of that, they could even decide not to take your case if they so willed.

In many other clans, Healers were not so much. But in the Chikitsa clan, Healers were quite a lot. One might think that would make them easy to reach, but the reverse was the case.

A regular healer's one-time visit could make an average family in the clan become broke for several months before they recovered. If the Healer visited more than two times, that family might never recover from the financial meltdown.

Only wealthy merchant Families or Elders of the clan could afford to have regular visits from a Healer.

Even though Chiron's father was an elder, Aleen never once called a Healer for Chiron's injuries. As far as he was concerned, the cost was too much for a son that was too useless to cultivate. After all, at the end of the day, Chiron was probably going to be sacrificed in times of need for the good of the clan.

What good was it to waste money on him?

Healers gathered in the Chikitsa clan because of one thing. Which was the quick access to the herbs that the Dormant volcano behind the Clan provided.

Many came from faraway clans to get healed of diseases and sicknesses in the Chikitsa clan. This was one of the reasons why the clan was so prosperous.

Healers even managed to form their own association here. It was called The Healing Sword Association.

It was a very thriving association that had many capable members. Even teaching medicine to the next generation was done here.

Naturally, Healers were very respected. Amongst them were three top Healers of the Healing sword Association.

They were: Elder Van, Elder Gran, and the most uncommon of them all, Elder Ellen.

These three were in charge of the association of Healers in the clan. However, their status with one another differed. Elders Van and Gran were blood members of the Chikitsa clan while Elder Ellen was not.

However, because of Elder Ellen's Elfin ancestry, she was older than all of them. In fact, she was currently the oldest person in the Chikitsa clan. Rumors had it that she was alive when the clan was born.

Although she was very respected in the clan, Elder Van and Elder Gran were given more priority than her because of they were connected to the clan by blood.

On top of that, Elves did not have a nice history in this world. In fact, unlike one would expect, demons were seen to be a bit better than them.

The reason for this was because of the War that happened a thousand years ago with the Elven race.

Elves were naturally prideful people. On top of that, they had the assistance of mother nature at their side. They had sort to dominate all the races and continents of the world.

In their own ideology, they were the superior race and all were to bow down before them.

Although Elves lost the war, they won the hatred of all tribes and races in return.

It was so bad that seeing an Elf could be likened to seeing a snake, killing it, and asking questions later. People just did not like them that much.

The only three reasons that Ellen had not been stoned to death a long time ago was because history had it that she had saved the life of the Chikitsa ancestor a long time ago and this helped the birth of the clan.

Secondly, she was a half-elf. Even if she was with the Elves, she would have been stoned to death. There was nothing that Elves hated more than to share their bloodline with other "inferior" races.

They considered themselves to be very high and mighty.

Thirdly, Ellen was probably the most intelligent mind when it came to medicine, the clan or any other clan the half-continent had ever seen.

As such, she was very valued.

Naturally, she was also very expensive. She was so expensive that just seeing her without her services, required a toll of two Blue beast cores.

This was an enormous fee. An average family could use one blue beast core to feed their family for more than five years.

Aleen had saved for a long time to be able to have the five blue beast cores he had saved that he wanted to use for Chiron's cultivation.

And Nora's sword was made with the joint effort of several Elder's savings.

This goes to show that only very wealthy families could afford her services.

Elder Ellen was very well respected in the clan. In fact, she handled one of the most sacred rites in the Chikitsa clan.

Yes! it was the same one that Chiron had come into the world to meet.

Elder Ellen was the first person he had seen when he opened his eyes to this world.

She was in charge of the circumcision ceremony that Chiron had gone through when he first came into this world.

It was this same woman that Chiron had the guts to instruct Emma to tell, that she should come and see him.

This was the reason for Emma's shock.

Although Emma did not want to say it, she considered this to be impossible.

Chiron already knew what she was thinking, but he could not bother to explain to her. He waved his hand, throwing two blue beast cores at her.

"This is the entrance fee through her gates. Take it and give her."

Emma caught the beast cores and held them with care.

Next, Chiron took a pen and a piece of paper and wrote down some things on it.

"When you get there, make sure that this paper is handed over to her. Next, make sure to tell her that I will only wait a day for her arrival," Chiron had a stern expression on his face, "Do you understand!?"

"Yes, master!" she nodded and bowed.

"Good! now hurry up."

Emma nodded and stood up to leave, but she stopped when she got to the door, and she turned to Chiron.

Chiron could clearly see the look on her face. He knew that it was worry.

She wanted to talk, but she held it back every time.

Chiron could not help but smile a bit, "Don't worry! I know very well what you are bothered about. I have it under control. In fact, you will be surprised that Elder Ellen will present her services, and I will not even need to pay anything. And that includes the gate fee you are going to use to see her. In fact, she will even pay me to heal me."


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