Chapter 62: The Healer in Trouble...
Emma was shocked by Chiron's words. But nevertheless, she did as she was told.
Chiron laid back in his bed. He needed to rest some more before Emma came back.
Quite a distance from Chiron's home sat a manor.
This manor was quite big and spacious. In fact, it was probably the only home in the entire clan that could compete in size, style, and age with the Chief's manor.
It had high walls that surrounded it and a big gate that was very artistically made with carvings of flowers and naked women on it.
In front of this gate were very long rows of people sitting on the ground. They were all waiting.
Many at this gate had come here to wait for days. Many others had waited for weeks, and a few of them have been coming here monthly.
Many of them here were very wealthy merchants. In fact, some of them were even cultivators. However, they all without complaint sat on the ground.
It was not that they did not desire to leave or even bring their own chairs while they waited. It was just that, this was the rule.
Regardless of who so ever you are, if you needed the services of the person that lived in this compound, you had to sit on the ground with the rest of the people here as equals.
Rumors had it that many of the people sitting on the ground with masks on their faces or hoodies to hide their faces were actually elders of the Chikitsa clan or Elders of other clans that needed treatment.
Because of the shame of sitting on the ground, waiting like homeless peasants, they had decided to hide their identities.
Of course, they were times when one or two people would come with their mighty status in an attempt to skip the line. However, they were automatically banned from seeing the person within the Manor.
Whether it was a rich man, poor man, or even a cultivator, if the healing services of the person within the manor were needed, one had to shut up and follow the rules.
Emma arrived at this gate only to see the long rows of people waiting. By her rough calculations, she had at least two hundred people before it was her turn.
She had no choice. Chiron had given her his orders. She had to sit and wait outside like the rest of the people waiting.
Emma waited for a very long time. In fact, she waited until it was already Dark. During this time of waiting that had lasted at least fifteen hours, only two people had been permitted into the Manor.
Nevertheless to Emma's surprise, this did not offend any of the people waiting outside. Some of them even had blankets and spirit lamps with them. Obviously, they had come prepared.
The moon had already taken its place with the stars in the sky and many of the people waiting had started their snoring.
A maid suddenly opened the gates and walked out with the last person that entered. The person had a smile on his face with tears running down his eyes in gratefulness, "After journeying here for ten long months, and waiting by these gates for three more, I'm finally free of this disease."
The man went on his knees as he bowed to the ground thanking his ancestors for their willingness to extend his life some more.
Emma watched this and was speechless. "Three months!?" She whispered to herself. She knew that many people waited here for a long time. But three months before one could be attended to was just preposterous.
She could not help but imagine how long it would take before it was her turn to be attended to.
Just then, as the man continued his praises on the ground, the Maid made an announcement. "Friends from far and near. At the moment, Elder Ellen would no longer be seeing anyone. she is tired from a long day of Healing and needs to rest."
"And how long will that take!?" One of the men with a deep voice and a hoodie over his head asked.
"How long it would take for Elder Ellen to rest and recover, is not information I'm permitted to give. It might take any time from two weeks to a month." The maid replied.
Hearing this, the crowd gasped.
"Please can't she just see me? I have been waiting here for months now. I don't have long to live," A woman at the front of the line begged with tears in her eyes. She even rushed forward and held the maid by the helm of her dress as she pleaded.
"As I have said, Elder Ellen needs rest. Please come back another time. Thank you!" The maid bowed and went back through the gate.
As she left, many people complained. Some others were furious in anger, cursed at the Elder. While some others begged at the gate on their knees. At the end of the day, it was all for nothing.
They had no choice. They all had to leave
Meanwhile, in the Manor, a woman with absolutely otherworldly beauty entered a well-spacious room with only a big bed in the center. Her maids followed her behind. Each one of them was also beautiful, but like the stars surrounding the full moon, they paled in comparison to her.
She took her time as she entered her room. Her steps one at a time were graceful. She waved her hand to signal them to leave her alone. The maids bowed as they hurried out of the room.
The moment the twin doors were locked behind her, she fell on the floor coughing out blood. Her skin suddenly became paler and all that grace and demeanor she had, gone with the wind as she crouched on the floor in pain, her hand gripping tightly at her chest that heaved up and down rapidly.
If any of the people that had waited outside the gate for a long time could see this woman in her current state, they would not believe that this was the same half-elven Elder they had sort to heal their diseases.
At the moment, she could not even heal her own...