Chapter 72: Plans at the Lost Treasure 2...
Those words were like water to a thirsty man in the desert.
Elder Van was a short, slightly robust man. He had a full black bearded face and his eyes looked like tiny oval beads.
He wore the usual clan elder robes, but his had the Emblem of the Healers association on the right of his chest. It was the same thing for elder Gran. However, elder Gran was a slightly taller man with no hair on his head or face, and he had much larger eyes. They looked more like moon craters on his face.
The two of them formed a weird contrast in looks when they stood close to one another.
Leongu looked at Elder van, "Revenge!?" he muttered subconsciously.
"Yes, Revenge!!!" Elder Van turned to Leongu's apprentice and gave him a deep meaningful look. The apprentice understood and excused himself to another table.
Elders van and Gran each took sits at the table.
Leongu could see that this two men were actually serious.
Just like him, both of them were famous, important and very influential. Although their influence was in different fields, men at the top always attracted one another.
Elder Gran sighed, "Leongu! We have been friends for a long time, and we know what touches your heart."
"That is true. We are very aware of your rivalry with Ganja, and we know that deep down, you want revenge." Elder van added.
Leongu laughed lowly. He looked at the two elders like he was looking at a couple of fools. "Revenge!? How are you two going to help me get revenge. Ganja is already dead. His corpse already rotted by now. How can I settle the chaos in my heart when the reason for it is no longer in this world?"
Leongu laughed some more and drank another deep gulp from his wine bottle.
"Hmmm!" Elder Van groaned a little, "But he is not dead!"
Those words made Leongu's bottle of wine freeze before it reached his mouth for a second gulp. "What do you mean? I saw his corpse with my own eyes, and the dwarf was dead."
Elder Van and Gran looked at each other and elder Van nodded at Elder Gran.
"What we are saying is that he is not completely dead. At least a part of him still lives on. And that part of him has the greatest forging technique that you so desire."
Leongu did not understand elder Gran's words. "What do you mean by that?"
"Don't worry, I'll explain." Elder Gran pacified the perplexed blacksmith, "I don't know if you are aware of this, but word on the street is that the Tamashi had stayed with Ganja for a full week. The reason for this was not just to make the sword, but to also pass down the technique to him."
Elder Van nodded, "True! True!! I have people that claim to have seen the Tamashi enter Ganja's home to beg him to teach him, and after much pleading, the blacksmith finally agreed."
Leongu listened to the words of both old men with wide eyes. He had already guessed that Chiron now had the technique on how to make the sword. But that was a different matter from him being Ganja's first and only student.
To him, this was both incredible and disastrous news.
It was incredible because it meant that he still had a rival which was born from his rivalry with Ganja. That same rivalry was now in Chiron.
The same way a man inherits the wealth and blessings of his father, he also inherits the debts and curses of his father. Both of them were two sides of the same coin.
The bond between master and student was also considered in the same light. This was one of the reasons for the endless chain of hate and revenge that occurred amongst enemies.
It was usually advisable for a person to eliminate all the children and apprentices of ones enemies, even if they were toddlers.
This was the only way to guaranty that the revenge circle ended.
This was also disastrous news because it meant that Chiron had the ability and technique to potentially surpass him.
It was common knowledge that the Tamashi could not cultivate. This meant that Chiron would eventually have no choice but to dive into another means of livelihood.
With the knowledge he now had from Ganja, there was a great possibility that Chiron would move into Blacksmithing. At least, this was what Leongu thought.
There was also the possibility that maybe this was the reason why Chiron participated in the Cultivation test. It was all to announce to the world that he now had the greatest forging technique.
This was a scary thought for Leongu. Even for a second, he did not even consider the fact that Chiron was still only eight years of age.
As far as he was concerned, anything that was a threat to his reputation, was a threat. This same rule would have applied even if Chiron was two years of age.
This cultivation world, was a truly brutal place. There was no sentimentality involved when in came to one's gains or benefits.
Leongu's thoughts made obviously overexaggerated scenarios and he could see a world were he was far miserable than he was at the moment.
No matter what, he needed to do something about this. Leongu frowned and the effects of the alcohol seem to fade completely from his eyes.
Elder Van and Elder Gran saw this, and it made them smile.
However, Leongu was not a dull man. He had also considered a lot of other things and he looked at both elders, "So, what's your gain in this!?"
"Good! Good!!" Elder Van giggled a bit, "We knew that you would eventually catch up to us. You see, just like you, we also want revenge!"
Leongu frowned, but before he could ask, Elder Van explained.
"We have information that Elder Ellen has taken a new liking to the Tamashi. It seems that he has some how become her new boy pet."
Elder Gran nodded, "Hmmm! It is true. There are also rumors that her love for him is so incredible that she already started building a private home for him."
This was new news to Leongu. However, he had been in this clan for many years and he knew that these friends of his did not like Elder Ellen.
Only recently, They had sent a joint challenge on Elder Ellen's status as head of the Healers Association. Although both of them were confident of their win, they both lost.
This was a very big slap on their faces. There was no way that they could let such a thing pass. In their own words, "We need to have pay back on that old hag!"
These two were not aware that Ellen's cultivation had fallen so low that they could challenge her to a fight and possibly win.
Then again, they were many factors to consider in a fight. But the best of them all, was probably attitude.
And Elder Ellen had long imputed fear in these two elders. In their hearts, she was the person that they could never surpass.
For years, she had been one of the pillars that held the clan up. Even though they had also become elders, they had deep seated fear for this woman.
However, there was more than one way to enter a person's house other than knocking on the door.
And this was their plan. They wanted to hurt Elder Ellen by hurting her beloved boy pet.
Leongu listened to both of them and nodded his head. This was indeed a good reason for them to want to get rid of Chiron.
Men loved their reputation. Even more so men in positions of power.
Elder Van suddenly put on a serious face and leaned in to whisper into Leongu's ear, "It might not be easy to find someone to do this job for us within the clan. But we know that you have... Special friends outside the clan... who can help with such matters."
Leongu nodded, "Hmmm! that's true. But you know that for me to ask those 'Special friends', some shining colored stones would have to be involved right?" He made a rubbing motion with his fingers to indicate payment.
Both Elders laughed lowly, "Don't worry about that. The cost for such an operation is not at all a problem. We can cover it."
Leongu also smiled and the three men laughed loudly.
"Good! good!! This way, both of you can get your revenge and I can get my hands on the greatest forging technique."
Leongu was suddenly in a very elevated mood, "Waiter! Bring more drinks for my friends. And please send some of your best girls over. TONIGHT, we celebrate!"
Meanwhile, Chiron was in his shed. His attention was entirely focused on his work. If another person were to enter this shed, they would notice that it smelt a little like burnt meat.
Actually, it smelt like burnt flesh.
This smell was from Chiron's body.
His clothes had currently been burnt off and he had visible burn mark all over his body. There were so terrible that...