Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 73: Facing the Green Skinned Leopard...

Chiron's clothes had currently been burnt off and he had visible burn marks all over his body. There were so terrible that some of them looked like little lumps.

Apart from eating and sleeping everyday, nothing had taken him out of this shed. He had stayed, focusing his energy on his experiments.

As one would expect, it went really bad for the first few days. The seal at the back of his neck was not merciful with its shocks and that was the reason for his burns.

Many times, he was close to losing his life. Luckily, he had collected healing medicinal potions from Elder Ellen.

There was one time when the shock was so bad that Chiron could have sworn that he could no longer hear his own heart beat.

However, he still did not stop. Unless death truly made him kiss its sickle, there was no way he was going to stop pushing.

After all, only a man that did things other men did not do, could achieve things other man could not achieve.

Chiron continued to test death until the grim reaper had mercy on him and his experiment finally worked.

He was finally able to isolate the shocks from the seal behind his neck. The current now followed into the thunder stone.

However, it also led to the problem of slowly releasing his spirit energy.

The very first time he had become a Tamashi, his spirit energy had blown out far and wide. This time around, he needed to slowly direct his spirit energy into the paper seals.

As one would expect, it was not going to be easy at all. This was also going to be another painful process. But at this stage in Chiron's life, pain was just another feeling one had. Just like the taste of delicious food when one was hungry.

Unlike the first time he came to the world and his spirit energy exploded, he was more composed.

It was not that he did not feel pain, it was just that it made him feel more alive.

Slowly, he forcibly directed the spirit energy in his body to his hand.

He made a cut on his finger. Using his blood as the medium, he poured in spirit energy into the seals.

However, the first one was a total disaster.

Chiron did not have a Dantain. His control of his Spirit energy was simply blocking other channels that it could flow through except for his hand.

Like running water through a pipe when all the other exit points had been sealed, all the water rushed through that one exit.

This was exactly Chiron's current situation.

The Spirit energy over flowed and he was blasted out of the shed.

Fortunately, he did not hit the ground like last time.

Chiron had been smart enough to realize that he had a habit of being blasted out of this shed and made for a cushions outside just incase it happened again.

As much as he did not mind pain, he did not want to have broken bones something like that would hinder his progress.

He stood up and walked back into the shed.

Everything had been destroyed, but looking at the mess still put a smile on his face.

Now, he had already figured out the right way to redirect the current from the seal behind his neck, and he had also discovered his mistake with the spirit energy.

Even though it looked like he had failed, he could definitely see his own progress and it gave him immense satisfaction.

He took one of the healing potions Elder Ellen had given him and downed the content.

He sat and rested a little. After the Healing potion had taken effect in his body, he cleared the shed and once again continued his work.

By now, it was only three days to the tests. He did not have time nor the leisure of having things go easy for him.


Night turned to morning and once again, it became night. Slowly, time continued its endless stroll and only hours to the faithful moment, he finally finished it.

The shed was once again in a mess, and once again, it smelt like burnt meat, but he had finally done it.

It was finished.

Before him was a stack of paper seals. There were all red with his blood.

Chiron felt very fatigued and wanted to sleep but the high of achievement kept his eyelids open.

He sighed lowly, "I have to hurry up and achieve Aura. It will soon be that time," He sat down on a stool as he clenched his fist, "The gathering of the Sword clans," his eyes sparkled in anticipation, "I can't wait for it!"

Chiron went back home and slept the remaining hours very well in preparation for the test.

The faithful morning finally arrived.

Although he slept late, he still woke up quite early.

Emma had already prepared his bathing water and meal.

Chiron ate in the company of his younger sister and when they were done, the brother sister pair headed to the location for the test as instructed.

Unlike the two previous tests, this test was to be conducted outside the clan. The reason for this was to introduce the new batch of cultivators to the outside world.

It was necessary for them to know how to hunt for themselves. After all, this was the only way for a cultivator to acquire beast cores.

Hunting of cored beast was also the major livelihood of the clan. Fortunately, the Chikitsa clan had access to a variety of beasts because of its location. These beasts provided food, clothing and all sorts of raw materials for the well being of the clan.

Chiron held Nora's hand and the two talked and laughed as they went on their way.

Anybody that had seen these two would definitely have been jealous of the close relationship between the siblings.

Chiron and Nora made it just in time to the arranged point for the students to meet.

The moment they arrived, all eyes were on them.

One of them was the only cultivator to have been born with an S-grade Dantain in hundreds of years. And the other one was a Tamashi, an outcast. A person that was relegated to the fate of forever being unable to cultivate spirit energy.

However, this same person had cleaved an iron boulder in two like a chef cutting an onion, and had even defeated a cultivator.

As much as many of the students acknowledged their strengths, some others did not like them.

One such persons was Cablen. After his loss to Chiron, he had entered an enraged state and made an attempt on the lives of the brother sister pair.

Unfortunately for him, even his rage did not help his situation.

His actions during the last test were considered to be dishonorable by the Clan. Even though he was the son of the chief, discipline had to be maintained.

For the last few weeks, he had been in supervised punishment.

Right now, there was no one he hated more in the world than Chiron and Nora.

However, he knew that he could not do anything. At least, he could not do anything now. He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth. One way or the other, he was going to get his revenge.

A sharp gust of wind suddenly blew and Elder Joules along with two other elders of the clan appeared. They all wore the usual Elder robes with the Clan emblem on their chests.

Elder Joules was the person in charge of this batch of cultivators. She walked forward and the students gave way for her to pass.

She waved her a hand, "Gather around children."

The students did as she instructed.

Each and everyone of them was with their weapons. This included Chiron. He did not want anybody knowing that he could summon his weapon at will from his storage.

Therefore, he had Devil's touch strapped to his back.

Considering the size of the sword, it was quite eye catching, and it looked weird on his body.

"Today will be the finally test. After this test, you will henceforth be permitted to leave the clan and hunt for beast cores by yourselves. Of course, this is based on the fact that you pass. Myself and the two elders, will be in charge of scoring you."

Elder Joules noticed the look in the eyes of the students. It was obvious that they were expecting the presence of the clan chief. But he wasn't here.

"Chief Dona will unfortunately not be joining us today. He is preparing for the upcoming Gathering of the Sword Clans."

Hearing the Gathering of the sword Clans made sparkles shine in the eyes of the students. After all, it was common knowledge how vital such an event would be.

"The Gathering of the sword clans will commence soon. And this time around, the Chikitsa clan will be the host. For those of you that will do well during this test, you will be allowed to participate," her expression suddenly changed into a frown.

"However, that will be discussion for another day. Right now, you all will be facing the Green skinned Shadow Leopard..."

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