Shadow Slave: The Holy Emperor

Chapter 31: "Tainted Lantern"

Morgan's eyes bore into her runes.

Attributes: [The War] [Flame of Divinity] [Warforged] [Executioner] [Will of War]

Aspect: Conqueror (Supreme)

Innate Ability: [Charisma of Struggle]

Dormant Aspect Ability: [Civilization Erosion]

Awakened Aspect Ability: [Iron-Blooded Knight]

Ascended Aspect Ability: [Reaper]

Flaw: [Projected Fragility]

Morgan pushed her curiosity away as exhaustion was beginning to take over. Well except for one thing. '[Will of War] just what are you?'

[Will of War]

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man."-George Bernard Shaw.

The spell spoke far to soon for Morgan's liking.

[Wake up, Broken Sword]

Morgan's eyes opened.

Morgan's exhausted body pushed forward. The door to the sleeping pod fell apart, barely even dust remained.

Morgan's exhausted body pushed forward. She fell to the floor, it seemed that even the wood from a Fallen Titan was detained to collapse under her. Morgan pushed herself up as she saw the sea of corpses in the other pods.

Morgan's exhausted body pushed forward. Morgan clung to the walks as she walked. It took her hours, no... minutes? Morgan couldn't tell the difference anymore. She finally found someone. 


The old man looked towards her, she knew he had noticed just how exhausted she was. So maybe that's why he decided to show her some mercy.

"Young lass! Ah, it's good to see that you passed your Nightmare." Jest smiled, and yet there was a melancholic look in the old man's eyes.

"Where is my father?" Morgan meant to make her voice sharp, but she was far too tired to put any amount of force into her voice.

The world twisted unnaturally, and yet neither could notice.

"Young lass your father is busy." Jest ignored Morgan's sharp tone.

"Where is my father?" Morgan glared at the older man.

Jest eventually gave and began leading Morgan to her father. And so Morgan's exhausted body pushed forward.

It took them a while to get to the top of Bastion, Her father's workshop, This wasn't the first time she had climbed these steps, and yet it felt so much harder. With each step she took her body faltered, but she didn't let herself fall.

The weight on her body grew stronger the closer she got to the peak. Her father's cascading will, pressed upon her very soul. And yet Morgan pushed herself forward.

Even as they climbed her father's hammer bellowed like it always had.

Once they finally reached the top Morgan opened the door, as she did she almost collapsed from the echoing might of his hammer.

"Father, where is he?!" Morgan's voice was loud, far louder than it should have been. It seemed that he ignored her and she didn't dare to speak once more.

only after what felt like an eternity did he give an answer. "He's not back yet."

Morgan breathed a sigh of relief, but before she could say anything else, Jest spoke up.

"He might never come back." Now that had certainly gotten her father's attention. Morgan tried her best to hold back the searing contentment stirring within her soul.

A frown appeared on her father's usual stoic face. "Did something happen with his Lantern?"

Jest nodded. "You might want to take a look."

Anvil's hand beckoned something forward, and not long after came Lantern. And Anvil did not like what he saw.

Morgan looked on in horror as she looked at the disfigured lantern. The flame within was a mere speck of what it was, A spark where there should be an inferno. The glass was stained red as if it had been dyed with blood as the cracks made it look like it was on the verge of collapse. The outer shell was bathed in scars with a cancerous taint clinging to its sides.

Morgan's horror only grew as fear consumed her father's face.


I know its a little short but I only have so much free time. Considering SAT prep and all that.

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