summoned to dxd by mistake but I got…a group chat?!

Chapter 33: (24) the main villain took me out…clothes shopping? part 1

I will admit, I've seen a lot of things happen in my life, I've seen a kid shove a dime up his nose and cough it out for another slice of pizza, I've seen a fox girl in real life, I've even talked with abridged mr.popo! But of all things to add to that list.

'Why is my assassination target in front of me?!!'

I was screaming in my head, the big bad of this series, Ragyo Kiryuin is now asking me to accompany her, for what? No clue but right now I don't feel safe!

I know she sexually abused her own daughter in the manga and anime,(even if it isn't shown it was implied) and right now I'm involuntary clenching my buttcheeks!

(This is not a joke, but It was said that Ragyo Sexually assaulted/abused Satsuki-thelostswordsman)

"Do I get a choice?" I ask her as I feel her bloodlust coming over me in small waves, sure I got Dante's abilities but that doesn't mean combat experience, "No" she answers before continuing her reply, "Because I need a model for a men's line and you interest me." She says as I see her smile a bit, and honestly it would be quite the beautiful smile if I didn't know who she was.

(Basically she got interested at the potential he has as a model, getting some real Hisoka vibes there.)

"Dont worry young man, I only want to chat with you while I'm out shopping for clothes in the five star district, it's not like I'm going to rip your heart out." She says trying to coax me into joining her

'Lady I've seen you do that before' I think to myself as I try to calm down and play it cool, "fine but give me something as compensation for giving you my time." I say as she smiles, "then follow me." She says as she starts walking.

While I was behind her I go to the group chat in order to tell Karla and Yusuke.


(Karla) Yoriichi what's wrong?

(Yusuke) did something happen?

(Yoriichi) Ragyo Kiryuin.Jpg

(Yoriichi) I somehow caught the attention of Ragyo and now I'm accompanying her, any suggestions on what to do here?

(Karla) just follow her and try to get any information about her plans and I'll get you out of there! My mama would use seduction for this situation.

(Yusuke) I don't think pure evil can be seduced that easily Karla.

(Yoriichi) Karla just observe and write down any vital information, I'll continue accompanying her for the day.

(Karla) Okay!

I close down my chat group as I see a car pull up and a butler walked out the drivers seat, "I've come as requested ma'am, I also brought along your daughter." The old man said as he looks at me before looking back at Ragyo.

"Is this young man coming along with us?" He asks as Ragyo nods and the butler opens the door and ushers me in much to the surprise of Satsuki.

"Yoriichi?! What are you doing here?!" She says which catches the attention of her mother, "Satsuki do you know this young man?"

"He's the captain of a club I supervise mother, but why is he here?" She says as she looks at me, but the look was like that of a mother looking at her son-in-law.

"I needed a model for a clothes line, and so I invited him. But first I need to make him look presentable." She says cryptically as the driver turns towards the five star district and I couldn't help but drop my jaw to the floor.

Each of the homes, if you could even call them that, we're as big as the schools I've seen in my previous life! Now only that but some were as big as a stadium.

"Holy shit I feel small." I mutter as Ragyo laughs, "I take it this is your first time in the 5-start district? I take it your from the lower districts." She says as I just blush.

"We're here Ma'am." The driver says as we pull up at what looks like the fanciest clothing store imaginable! And at the entrance a bunch of the employees were lined up at the entrance and bowed when Ragyo walked out of the vehicle, "WELCOME BACK VALUED CUSTOMER!!" They all shouted as she walked past with satsuki and myself in tow.

"How much power does this woman have?" I mutter as I hear a response, "all the power you think and more, now follow me." She says as she grabs my wrist and ushers me to the changing room.

As she did I feel an invisible hand touch my shoulder, and I turn to see Karla walking alongside me and Ragyo stops before pulling men's clothes off the rack and instructs me to try them on.

"Uhh….okay." I say as I go in, 'it feels like I'm doing back to school clothes shopping.' I muse to myself as I put on a white button up shirt and black pants, and to top it off a dark blue blazer and tie.

I walk out and she tells me to spin around as she hands me some leather shoes.

After I put them on she looks at me with the eyes of a seasoned fashionista and nods in approval, "looks like my instincts weren't wrong, you truly are modeling material." She says as she hands me more clothes to try on as she tells me to hand the clothes i wore to her butler.

"This is…much worse than I remember."


Well folks I hope you enjoy this chapter, must be surprised this was a shopping chapter huh?

Well I gotta be honest I'm getting bored with this world mission and may complete the mission within the next 5-6 chapters(parts are equal to one chapter)

But with that I'm out peace!

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