The 7th Great God (Overlord Fan Fiction)

Chapter 89: Nature's Feelings

"I set up this place so the water can travel freely. We can swim all we want in the water too." Night Silver giggled, as she jumped onto her extremely oversized bed, kicking her shoes off, and crossing one leg over the other. "When the water passes through the drain holes it gets purified anyway. Free drinking water for anyone, including the animals. Later, when I have time to improve the tunnel to the other side…" She continued, wanting to talk about it. However the look on the children's faces was too easy to read, it was clear that it was story time. "Well, we can talk about all of that later, sister Undine. For now, come and get comfortable everyone." She smiled, and was soon surrounded by children eager for the story. Yet the children began yawning the moment they laid down. 

From deep inside the cavernous lair, Brightness smiled. It's always such a beautiful scene. The people love her and so they put their trust in her. Oh, she's returned now, that means I can make some more progress… 

"Brighty, please wait until morning. If you do, I'll personally help you make progress." Night Silver spoke with telepathy as she also continued telling a serenity infused bedtime tale. 

"If that is what you want me to do. I'll continue to ensure the safety of the people and this wonderful home." Brightness replied, laying his head down, and relaxed slightly. "Though, I'm curious, something about you has changed. You seem more eager…" He continued. 

"I'll inform you of the events in time. But yes, you're right. I want one of my very own. The sooner the better." Night Silver answered, putting the topic and the telepathy to bed. 

Hmm, it seems like I'm going to be busy learning how to transform. It's worth it though, once she and I are together… At last… It's so exciting! Brightness thought as he hummed a joyful tune. 

The next morning came and it was time for the quick morning bath. It basically amounted to nothing more than a skinny dip in the cold water pond. It was probably the most hated part of the day. However, it was also quite effective. And it got all the slimy gunk off the skin allowing one to feel refreshed. 

Once done, the children got dressed once more and went to school. Each with a big smile on their faces. Some talked about the story they heard last night, some of them wondered what kind of story would be next. Once the children were gone, it was Undine, Night Silver and Brightness in the lair. 

"You know, I never thought there would be so much fashion designed around the full exposure of a woman's bosom." Undine commented, once she grew uncomfortable of the silence. "It's like that one ancient society… I think it was the Minoans?" She added… 

"Well, I'm not surprised." Brightness chuckled. "The women in these tribes that worship Sil, are definitely far more bold than women elsewhere. And Sil saw right through their plight." He continued. "It was quite funny the first few days. The men went through quite the adjustment period. It was rather hilarious." He added. 

"I can imagine. But, this is a good thing. There never was a reason why women should be restricted from a freedom that men enjoyed for years. There isn't even anything different… And it feels so much nicer like this." Undine said, confidently placing her hands on her hips. "I'm curious if I could get one of those dresses made for me too…" She added. 

"With how beautiful you are, I'm sure the seamstresses would fall all over themselves to take your measurements." Night Silver giggled, causing Undine to blush. "Now, Brighty, let's get you as much practice as possible. I'd really like to say I'll be pregnant within the next month…" She stated, with a warm smirk, and a hand on her belly.

Brightness, and Undine, both blushed hard upon hearing that statement. Both of them knew what the plan was, but still… Hearing it out loud, and so boldly stated… It made everything clear. However, Brightness regained his composure… 

"Sil, I understand and share your desire for a child." Brightness mentioned, his tone ladened with a cautionary curiosity. "Before you left for that Theocracy, you weren't worried, nor bothered by the idea of how long this will take. So I ask you now, what exactly changed? What happened over there?" He asked, making it clear he was confronting her about this. "I ask only because I care…" He tried to continue, stopping once he saw Night Silver… She's crying… It must have been hard…

"I'll tell you, and I'll explain how I felt as everything was happening." Night Silver said, trying to wipe away the tears, failing to do so as they just kept coming. She had finally reached a place, where she could finally let her own emotions flow, and properly let herself express her emotions. And she began recalling the events… 

This was the first time that Undine had heard several of the details as well. The shock of what happened led her to be empathetic and sympathetic. Opting to hold her dear friend, the two of them shaking with each other… Each understood how the other felt. . 

On the other hand, Brightness… I can tell that what she went through was difficult. Yet, I don't understand the gesture Undine started… Damn! I really have a lot to learn before I'd feel worthy of being her mate… Perhaps, it is something I'll come to understand soon. Perhaps transforming the body requires understanding the mind as well… Brightness's soul strength had a sudden increase in strength… I see, that's all I needed, to know that my thought was correct. 

"Sil, I'm going to put forth all my effort into this. So I may be the one to wipe those tears of today, and act to prevent further tears from flowing." Brightness declared, now with another passionate reason to master this spell. 

"Oh my, the two of you have a beautiful relationship…" Undine said, having been interrupted by Brightness' words. She pulled back and then kissed her dear friend, Night Silver… "I'm jealous. But I'll do whatever I can to support you. After all, I too love you." She added, with a tearful smile. 

"Hmm? I see, so Undine was the woman you wanted to marry too. It's good to see that the feeling seems mutual." Brightness chuckled, unbothered by the action. 

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