The Curse of Time (Harry Potter Fanfic)

Chapter 110: The black dog

After a wonderful meal, we all made our way to our common room.

For some reason, I looked out the window and saw something very strange.

A huge black dog was running through the school garden, seemingly chasing a cat. I had a feeling it was Crookshanks, Hermione's cat.

After witnessing this strange scene, something even more incredible unfolded before my eyes.

The two animals ran at high speed toward the Whomping Willow and vanished.

I know from Fred and George that this tree hides a secret passage, but I found it hard to believe that the two animals could logically know about its existence.

In the end, I decided not to dwell on it and continued on my way without telling anyone.

As we were heading to the dorm, Professor Flitwick appeared at the entrance and asked all students, without exception, to return to the Great Hall.

"Couldn't you have just thought to yourself that nothing would mess up this banquet today?"

Marie was not very happy with me because she really wanted to sleep.

When we arrived at the Great Hall, we saw that the other houses were also present, all wondering what had happened—except for Gryffindor.

Once silence fell, Dumbledore spoke.

"Sirius Black has managed to enter the school. The prefects, teachers, and I will search the school in an attempt to capture him. Therefore, it has been decided that you will all sleep here tonight."

My brain froze for a moment before restarting at full speed, trying to process what had just happened.

'Sirius Black managed to escape the watchful eyes of the Dementors and enter the school. In my opinion, we won't find him—he must have already fled.'

And just as I thought that, the image of the dog being chased by Crookshanks came to mind.

'And what if Sirius was an Animagus and could turn into a dog? I don't recall reading that Dementors' powers affected animals, so I would say that Crookshanks knew he wasn't really a dog, which led to the chase.'

The more I thought about it, the more it seemed logical, but I was still unsure whether Sirius was really there to kill Harry—he had to know that the banquet was happening.

The idea of a surprise attack might be valid, but the Fat Lady would immediately reveal that Sirius Black had entered the common room.

Additionally, I still have doubts about Sirius's crimes because something always seems to be missing.

"Miss Longbottom, could you lend us a hand?"

Dumbledore had appeared, asking for my help in the search.

Marie was about to follow me, but I managed to convince her to sleep.

"I would like you to think about the paths and hiding places that Sirius Black might have used."

"I would do it, but the problem is that I don't know any secret passages he's familiar with, so I wouldn't be able to offer you the best choice."

I ended up spending the whole night with Professor Flitwick and the two head prefects, Penelope and Percy, trying to find someone whose secret escape route might be the Whomping Willow.

"It's useless; he's nowhere to be found."

Percy was starting to lose patience after checking the hundredth possible hiding spot.

"The problem is that he could be anywhere—or nowhere at all. We would need a different kind of defense, as well as the elves' magic, to find him."

After a hunt that turned out to be useless, I returned to the dorm since the area was deemed safe. I got dressed and washed up before classes, which would start two hours later than usual.

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