Chapter 11: The Moon Has Awakened
Chapter 11
"Uh, Goggles, come on let's move." Hugo said as Varian was lost in the thought of potentially having a crush on a guy, even when he knew he liked girls. "Oh, sorry, I'm coming partner." Said Varian as he quickly began walking forward. Hugo was suspicious, curious of what he was thinking about, but then followed him. About 2 weeks passed of battling monsters, heated arguments and studying enchanted life Varian never knew existed, and though the two felt like enemies at times, they were getting closer during this journey. Hugo felt his bond with Varian was genuine, but overtime, he forgot why he was even his friend in the first place.. until one night he was reminded of the reason. Hugo was in the entrance of the tent as he watched Varian make an alchemical solution with Ruddiger. It took Varian a moment to realize Hugo was even there. "Varian.." Hugo started. Ruddiger quickly moved which made Varian jump and almost drop his beaker of toxic chemicals. Varian turned to try and scold his pet but saw Hugo standing there smirking bashfully, "Ruddiger, I told you to not move so much when I'm doing alchemy... H-Hugo!" Hugo blushed and said, "Hey, relax Goggles it's just me." "Yeah! Um, ha ha, wha-what's up??" Varian stammered, trying not to blush thinking, "Don't be weird, don't be weird, don't be weird you idiot, this is just your partner, you can't possibly like this guy.." Hugo cleared his throat and said, "Well, I just wanted to say that you did a nice job fighting that basilisk today, you're actually getting pretty good at these things." Varian laughed softly as he nervously stuttered, "Oh, it's nothing, it's just something we gotta do to get through these woods right, heh!" Varian gathered his stuff and began packing it up while saying, "Well, I'm going to get ready to settle down for the night, so I'll just put these science materials away." Varian could barely support under it's weight and Hugo insisted on helping but Varian denied, in that moment, Ruddiger was running from Olivia, crawling between Varian's legs and making him fall backward. "Ruddig..ah!" Varian shouted as he fell. "Varian!" Hugo exclaimed, catching his head and taking him by the waist, pulling him closer to him. Varian stared at Hugo's wide emerald eyes as they looked down in surprise of how close he was. "Um.. You good Goggles?" Hugo asked. "Yes!" Varian shouted, then cleared his throat as he pulled himself out of Hugo's arms and said more quietly yet quick and nervous, "Heh, I mean uh.. Yeah, I-I am totally fine, thank you though, ha, God would ya look at the time, I gotta get ready to rest.." Hugo looked at him quizzically as Varian blushed, giving him a quirky, crooked smile. "If you say so.. I'll leave you to it then Goggles, see you in a few." Hugo said while walking out the tent. Then, Hugo almost tripped over a book Varian dropped during the near fall and tried tossing it back to him, only to accidentally hit him in the head. "Ow!" Varian exclaimed, rubbing his head and turning around to pick up the book. "Oh frick! I'm so sorry, you alright, I didn't give you a concussion did I??" Hugo asked. "Oh no, it's fine, it was a mistake, I'm not mad, don't worry." Varian told him. "Yeah I should go.." Hugo squeaked. Varian just nodded awkwardly as Hugo quickly walked out of the tent. Varian waited for him to leave the tent before he clenched his teeth and muttered under his breath, "Varian you idiot, ugh! Stupid, stupid, stupid!!" Ruddiger cried crawling on his back when Varian mumbled, "Go away, not now Ruddiger." The raccoon obeyed. Hugo walked toward the fire him and Varian made earlier, flooding with embarrassment but then, he heard a voice that shook his core. "Hugo.." The husky, firm voice said wickedly. Hugo tensed up hearing it, and he slowly turned around to see a familiar face in the distance.. his master, Donella.. "M-Master.." He stammered, remembering the purpose of his partnership with Varian, to pretend to befriend him, study his moon power and in the end, steal his mother's diary from him and burn it so his mother could never return.. But now that he felt it was genuine.. How could he betray him?? TO BE CONTINUED..