The Moon has Awakened

Chapter 8: The Moon Has Awakened

Chapter 8 (Warning, blood, self loathing and violence, this is a dark one)

As the tempest of rain, hail and lightning surged outside of the Crystal cave, Varian's own inner storm raged inside his freezing head while he slept, it shook him to his core. Varian's hair was completely glowing blue with one singular black strand and his eyes were completely white, Corona was in flames as he saw that everyone he loved was trapped in black rocks and he realizes that he was in control of them, he was causing all of this destruction, seeing the ground and sky was nothing but a gray, lifeless abyss, then he heard somebody cry out his name, his father as he became encased in the moon rocks. "Dad!" Varian cried, running as he reached out his hand, only for a rock to pierce through his father's encased statue, causing the sculpture to shatter. Rapunzel was trapped, Cassandra was trapped, Eugene was trapped, the King and Queen of Corona were trapped, every body were just completely engulfed by this magic and he was now surrounded by the rocks as well and he was greeted by his mother again, and she looked disappointed yet afraid of him.. "S-Son.. What are you doing??" She queried. "M-Mother??" Varian asked quietly. She began cackling in his face saying, "Why, ha ha! You're fulfilling your evil destiny of darkness like I always wanted you to since the beginning!" Varian began to panic, gasping, "W-What??" He couldn't believe it, 'evil'? 'darkness'?! was he meant to be the villain all along?! He hated his sinful past as a bad, dangerous person and now he learns he might have been bound to it for his entire life. "This is your future my child, your fate!" Ulla announced. Varian's anger bubbled and he then shot a black rock into his mother's chest, trying to shut her up and he predicted they would say his name in shock and hurt.. but it wasn't his mother's voice. "V-Var..rian??" Hugo choked out, crimson dripping from the corner of his mouth as Varian's blood ran cold, he began rapidly breathing, trying to process what he had just done. "Hugo! No.. No, no, no, no! Oh God, say something Hugo please, I'm so so sorry!!" Varian cried. Hugo just said one last sentence before taking his final breath, "I.. You're scaring me.." The life in Hugo's emerald eyes faded away as Varian began choking back the tears swelling in his ominous white eyes. He tried to touch him but everything around him just evaporated as he fell to his knees in a void of black nothingness. Varian felt his body going cold as he curled in on himself, his hair the only light in this abyss. He felt like he was frozen, like he couldn't move at all anymore, realizing that he was now alone. Soft rain came down, and when the water from the sky touched his freezing skin, it encased around him as physical ice. Varian didn't care he was now dying, he didn't want to live in this world anymore.. all alone, knowing that death is the only true ending for a villain.. His blue eyes then shot open, hearing the sound of pounding hail and a familiar voice echoing his name. Varian sat up to see Hugo, very much alive yet genuinely worried. "Goggles, are you okay? You have been really cold since you had that episode outside before the storm." He asked, truly uneasy as Varian looked at his surroundings before looking into Hugo's wide and puzzled green eyes as his own teared up. Varian then wrapped his arms around himself, sobbing. "Hey.. Goggles, what is wrong? Is this another episode or??" Hugo asked. Varian couldn't think, just the memories of his villainous era flashed through his head like a camera. He looked up at Hugo and unexpectedly hugged him with extreme, tight force. Hugo didn't know how to react, he was surprised this alchemist with an attitude was actually really vulnerable. "I.. I'm just so scared, I don't know what's happening to me.." Varian said, his shaky voice breaking, "If you're that curious to know, I'm going to the Eternal Library to find my mom, but the library is in the Dark Kingdom and this forest is the only way to get there, hence my reason for my journey.." Hugo didn't even care, he was trying not to blush as the terrified alchemist squeezed him. "Listen, I know my way around the Dark Kingdom and this forest, so while I accompany you, I can also help." Hugo stammered, "I will help you find your Mother.. Varian." Varian stopped crying and looked at him in surprise. "I'm sorry.." He said. "No, it's alright, just get some rest, okay Goggles?" Varian rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever.. Partner." Hugo was surprised he was called that, but even more shocked to hear that the storm had stopped. Varian went straight to sleep and Hugo tried to rest too.. Thinking about his new.. friend. TO BE CONTINUED..

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