The not-immortal Blacksmith

90 – The Not-Immortal Blacksmith – A farmer in the Winter

Island nation of Nortontia

23rd of Anael.

2138 years since the new gods came.

The air was thick with smoke and snow. Buildings across the harbor town of Ruciengelm were still burning in the overcast morning light. The things had come at last. There had been refuges all week booking passage on ships in the harbor, so much so that there were almost none left.

The icy street was quiet this morning as Mav left his shelter, an old, recently abandoned garden shed. He could smell the smoke on the wind, and the stench of charred flesh. There were bodies dotting the the landscape, some in the open, others hanging out doors and broken windows, he didn't look to closely. When the things from across the sea had come down the hills around the town yesterday, the people had broken and run almost immediately. Some were trampled, others were too slow and were eaten. Those who hid in houses were searched out, and consumed, or worse. He shuddered as he shook off the remains of something or someone from his clothing. That was how he had survived. The things didn't attack the dead.

Mav tried to sneak down the side of the street, but heard the skittering of pursuit behind him, and turned his head to look. It had come out of the alley he had just passed, hidden by smoke. He accelerated into a run, slipped and almost fell. He thanked the gods that wall was close enough to grab.

He ran. Ran for his life. Vaulted over an overturned cart. The sound of the segmented things 'feet' clicking on the cobbles behind him was growing closer. Despite the cold winter breeze blowing in his face, he was sweating. He tried to wipe it from his eyes, but to no avail. He ran on.

Sweat burning his eyes, he crossed the street at a diagonal, barely missing a puddle of...something. He leapt over a body, and immediately wished he hadn't looked down at the child. 'Eggs', the size of coins, spilled out of the corpses mouth and stomach. He almost threw up, but kept the bile down. He rounded the next corner on the left and was now on the main road to the docks. 200 yards away, at the end of the large wooden pier, the last cargo ship in the harbor was still loading. It must have snuck in during the night!

The street looked empty at first glance. His eyes lingered on the alleys, and store fronts with their broken windows and open doors. He saw the faceted eyes reflecting the firelight and early morning sun. He burst into a sprint. His heart beat faster and faster, feeling like it was going to explode. The sound of his pulse was a roar in his ears, drowning out what sounds there may have been. His sweat soaked his clothes, and he didn't remember having shed his jacket. His lungs burned, his legs ached. 50 yards left to the shore.

20 yards left. His eyes could pick out the unfortunate passengers who had missed the ships floating in the water. The bodies on the shore line. 10 yards. 3. 2. 1. He was on the pier. Another 100 yards to the ship on the end. The passengers were waiving and yelling to him. He didn't hear them. He looked behind him again, his pursuit had stopped at the shore!

He slowed, and tried to catch his breath. Looking ahead, the ship was starting to reel in it's anchor. His burning legs kept moving, carrying him forward at an unsteady pace. He was going to make it. For the first time in what felt like forever, he felt hope.

Ten yards from the ship. He could make it! As the ship started to pull away from the pier, the passengers were still cheering him on! CRACK. The end of the pier exploded, as the grotesque head of the biggest thing he had ever seen, came up from underneath. It's jaws snapped at the ship, missing by only a few feet. The passengers cheering turned to screams of horror as Mav froze. The many segmented body of the horror followed the head, scuttling from it's hiding spot on the underside of the pier, to the top.

Mav watched as the ship departed. His heart fell. The great black head, with pincered jaws larger than his leg, turned. If he had had anything left in his bowel, it would have fled. It tried to flee anyway. It's eyes focused on him. The abomination's bone yellow legs repositioned themselves, stabbing into the wooden planks of the pier for a better 'grip'. He saw the ooze drip off of its stinger 'arms'.

Mav threw himself off the side of the pier and tried to swim. There were still small boats, day sailors, at anchor in the harbor. Maybe he could reach one? He swam. Better to drown, than be eaten, or worse.


My Dell, Western Wilds

4th of Arah, the Second month of Snow.

2138 years since the new gods came.

Midwinter has come and gone. The new year will soon be upon us. We have finally had some snow. The first thing Brandywine did was dump some down the back of my shirt at breakfast this morning.

I have been feeling weird lately. Like something is off, deep down inside. Maybe it's just gas? I don't know.

Brandy has been jumpy too. She has been in and out of the Dell several times in the last couple weeks. Sometimes she is gone for several days. I haven't felt like asking.

Farm work has continued. Mike and some of the knights are helping.

- - -

Maxwell fell into bed, he was exhausted. Aside from the exercise and other things, he still had to take care of the farm. Animals to feed and water. Other chores to attend to. Fences to mend, literal fences. Eggs to gather, more chickens had shown up one day. It's amazing how much knights DON'T know about animals, outside of their horses and tack. He lay there, a smile on his face. It's a farmers life. I love it. He fell asleep.

- - -

14th of Arah,

A young, pregnant, couple arrived in the dell today. I decided to give them shelter after hearing their story. They have traveled most of the week through the snow since the village they lived in was sacked and burned by bandits. We will build them a cabin.

18th of Arah,

Sarah stopped by this morning for drinks. She has a new 'Adult' body. The cleric almost shit himself, and the knights all fell to their knees. I wish she didn't always 'descend from the heavens', it's kind of embarrassing. After introductions, she deliberately shook everyone's hands. She give Mike a hug, and kissed the young couple on the cheeks. I guess she likes knights and kids?

The new cabin is done. Sarah is completely drunk. I think she crashed out with the knights.

19th of Arah,

She wasn't 'sleeping' last night. I may have to throw her out. Permanently.

- - -

“Seriously Sarah? A knight?” Maxwell hadn't slept well the night before. Too much noise.

“What? I have needs.”

“And you have a bunch of gods to get handsy with up there.” Max pointed to the sky.

“Sleep with one of those..those CHILDREN?!?” She slapped a hand over her mouth. “You didn't hear that.”

“Hear what? You insulting the rest of the gods?” Max snorted. “For gods, you would think they were smarter than that.”

“Um...yes. That's exactly what I meant.”

...I think I'm missing something here... Max 'looked' at Sarah again.

“Stop staring at me like that.” Sarah raised an eyebrow. “Unless you wanted a piece?”

Max almost missed the comment, he was concentrating so hard, he could almost see something. Something different. “Wait. What?...Oh hells no! No.”

“Really?” Sarah stretched her arms behind herself, shoving her chest forward. “Are you sure?”

Max rose from the table, almost knocking the bench over. “Thank you for the offer, but no. I will wait until I meet my wife on the other side.” He turned and stalked out.

“Well, that failed.” Sarah got up and did the morning dishes.

- - -

22nd of Arah,

Sarah left this afternoon, claiming business. Things have been uncomfortable between the two of us the last few days. If/when she comes back, we will need to have a 'talk'.

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