91 – The Not-Immortal Blacksmith – A farmer takes a hit
Island nation of Nortontia
23rd of Anael.
2138 years since the new gods came.
Mav kicked his tired legs. The adrenaline had worn off what felt like hours ago. He paddled with his arms as cold of the water seeped into his bones. His movements went from swimming, to flailing, trying to keep his head above water. A few more yards. Just a few. Almost. He couldn't keep his head above water. He tried. His legs grew numb. They would no longer move. His arms flailed, and he sank.
He welcomed the embrace of the watery abyss. Still better than being eaten. Or worse.
The Dell, Western Wilds.
23rd of Arah.
2138 years since the new gods came.
We have investigated the remains of the village that Anna and Grant came from. Those are the names of the pregnant couple. It was burned almost to the ground. We gathered the remains we could find, and the cleric/priest guy gave last rites. We made a funeral pyre from the salvaged remains of the town.
We did manage to find three survivors in a root cellar. There had been more, but we were too late. Mike is very distraught. I'm...kind of numb.
Granny Millow is a riot. Her grandchildren? Not so much. Peggy and Adam. Poor kids.
It has been too long since the raiders hit the town, we can't follow their trail. I hope they try for the Dell.
25th of Arah,
We have returned. The children are acting better. It is a front. They have been broken. They need time to heal.
26th of Arah,
We had a 'family' meeting. That is to say that everyone in the Dell sat around for most of the day, and talked. The knights have come up with a plan of sorts. With the input of granny and Brandywine, we have a map of the surrounding area out to about sixty miles. We have located 3 more villages.
The knights have decided to ride patrols to the villages, and act as messengers between them and us. This will put us in the middle of any trouble, but so be it. I don't want any more innocent deaths. That comes before my want to be left alone.
28th of Arah,
The first group of six knights have left. I told Mike he was in charge of coordinating the knights. It will be a good learning experience for him. I made up a number of talking stones for the operation.
31st of Arah,
The knights have reported contact with the village. They have some refugees from the destroyed town. It will take half a week to make the next town. The knights will be spending three days to rest, and meet the village folk.
40th of Arah,
Mike has worked out a rotation for the knights. Eight groups of six knights each rotate through the villages. It leaves no village empty for more than a few hours each. Talking stones have been distributed to each village as well. I wonder if this is what Rio was talking about when he mentioned that 'internet' thing?
44th of Arah,
The new year is coming. Granny wants to have a celebration for the children. We have plenty of stores to waste some on a party.
Anna and Grant have giver birth to a boy. The naming ceremony will be in a week. Until then it isn't recognized as being people. Strange custom. Meh.
52nd of Arah,
Name day. May I announce the birth of Johan of the Dell. Granny Millow as well as her grandchildren Peggy, and Adam, have also amended their names to include 'of the Dell'. I don't get it, they do have a family name. Maybe it is their way to sever from the past? Meh.
Preparations for the new year are on their way.
56th of Arah,
New years eve. Sarah is back. We had a talk.
- - -
“So, last time. I'm sorry about that.” Sarah looked at Max over her mug of tea.
“Thank you for the apology.”
“I talked to the others, and got the whole story.” She sighed. “It wasn't nice of them.”
“They could have done better.”
“No. Actually they couldn't.” She took a swallow. “The did what they could. She should have died of the pox. That was her fate.”
Max looked at her, slack jawed, and eyes wide. She continued, “Even the old gods couldn't have done anything more. Not without making her a god.”
“But...but what about me then?” Max managed to make his mouth work.
“You? You are an unfortunate victim of circumstance. That Idiot, Tranquility, was messing with things she couldn't understand when she made that potion.”
“She made at least two potions. Maybe more. I found one for sale in a magic shop.” Max wiped an eye that was 'leaking'. “I bought it, and dumped it out under a tree. I don't really remember where.”
“Well shit.” Sarah calmed her breathing with a force of will. “You may have created another like yourself out of that tree.”
“I DID WHAT?!?!?”
Sarah smiled at the reverse of emotions on Maxwell's face. “I will have to go 'look', but you may have made a young tree become like you.”
“Shit. Shit. Shit.”
“Did you know that a tree that lives long enough sprouts a Dryad?” Sarah refilled her mug from the teapot on the plain table. “They have been missing from your homeland for several thousand years due to the expansion of civilization. If anything, you did the world a favor.”
“Was it an Oak, or was it one of the other longer lived species?”
“...no...I think it was an Aspen, or maybe a Birch?”
“Oh...oh dear me. They don't live nearly long enough to develop... It may become lonely, or bitter...”
“I need to go and visit.”
“Yes. But not now. There are...things...coming together here. I can feel it. Some sort of convergence. You will need to remain for a while.”
- - -
The Dell, Western Wilds.
1st of Samue, the month of Planting.
2139 years since the new gods came.
The new year is upon us. Planting starts tomorrow. Everyone seems in good spirits, even if some are still drunk, and other hung over. I have made sure the plows are in operating order, and sharp.