The Primordial Record

Chapter 1314: Will Of Elder (final)

The Primordial Beast before Rowan was barely a fragment, but this did in no way reduce her eminence or power, and Rowan knew that the only way he could calmly address her was because of the perception of the Primordial Ouroboros that had warped his consciousness into something vastly different from the norm.

Divus was taking a humanoid shape but the first time Rowan had touched the traces of this Primordial Beast he had sensed something whose body was impossibly vast and mighty, and so he did not allow this fragment here to blind his eye to the true nature of this entity.

Time in this memory dimension was not fixed, and even though he knew that a lot of time could pass inside this dimension and barely any would pass on Doom Star, he was not dealing with minor immortals but powerful entities like Nemesis and the Eye of Time, and so no matter how much it fascinated him to be here or the secrets he might learn, he needed to finish what he started and leave.

His body was in grave danger and if he was delayed in this memory for long, it would be too late to make any meaningful change if he returned for he would already be dead.

Divus' voice interrupted his thought, "If there was to be one thing that was good about our loss to the Primes, it was that they would be better custodians over existence… they were to stop the likes of you from ever existing. Our banishment should have at least had a meaning beyond that useless war, yet, we are stuck with the likes of you."

These words from Divus drew old pain from the heart of Rowan and the six Primordial Serpents spoke slowly, their voices barely above a whisper, "Why am I not allowed to exist?"

Divus was silent for a while, looking at the central Ouroboros Serpent before shaking her head in something that Rowan felt was stubbornness, which was a gesture that he found interesting, to say the least.

"Why do you ask questions that you already know the answers to? If this is an Era where a being like you can exist, then I don't want to be in it. I shall remain asleep, and following the nature of creatures like you, then I expect that the next time I wake, this Era would be over and you would be dead. I envision that you are here in order for me to share my Will with you, but even among the most deranged of my kin, none of them would aid you. Return to whence you came abomination, you shall find no aid among us. You wear our skin, but you will never be one of the Elder."

With those words, Divus went silent, and her yellow eyes closed up, and then Rowan chuckled, it was a dark sound, one that held an undertone of rage that he had mostly kept bottled up because he knew that only a few in existence truly deserved this rage because if he let it out, it would consume everything without any distinction,

His powers were both a blessing and a curse, one that he had learned to manage and channel, but it was times like these that truly reminded him of one of the primary reasons he fights,

"You call me an Abomination because I was chosen by a Singularity even before I was born? But you see, this is not the first time I have been called something like this, every moment of my life has been me fighting for my right to exist. At first, I had begged for mercy and understanding, but my tears have run dry and my heart has grown cold, and then I beg for tolerance, but my home has been taken from me more times than I can count. Now I no longer wait, I no longer ask for permission, I no longer beg for the right to exist, and I have decided that my destiny would be written by me."

Divus's eyes were still closed as she replied, "I shall not aid you, for you were never meant to exist. A mistake that I shall not foster, even if the Primes had failed to cull you from existence. Sometimes the enemy of your enemy is still your enemy."

"I thought I told you Divus," Rowan suddenly struck, "I am no longer asking for permission to exist, for I am coming for everything."

The six Ouroboros Serpents sank their fangs into the flesh of Divus and they retreated, not pushing ahead despite the fact that they knew that this entity was still bound, Divus on the other hand did not indicate that she had been attacked by the serpents, she did not even flinch, instead she slowly opened her eyes and looked down at her body.

The attack from the serpents had mostly been on her torso, but one had bitten her face, another her neck, and the rest had bitten her repeatedly on her body in quick succession before they had retreated.

Divus's yellow eyes looked at bite marks all over her body that did not bleed, and she looked back at Rowan with surprise,

"Why did you do that?"

The six Ouroboros Serpents smiled, "I wanted you to know what was coming," their maws had previously held two prominent sharp fangs, and then that number multiplied until it was filled with fangs that were so massive there was no way that they would be able to close their jaws.

"Do you think you are capable of scaring me?"

Rowan attacked, the first Ouroboros Serpent opened its mouth wide and nearly swallowed the entirety of Divus's head as he whispered to her,

"Why do you ask questions that you already know the answer to? Of course, you fear me, because I am not here to ask you for your Will, I am here to take them… abomination, remember?"

The serpent that had chomped on her head pulled back, nearly tearing her head out of her body, nearly half her skull had been chewed through, leaving a ghastly sight behind, as the single yellow eyes of Divus remained fixed on Rowan, her gaze was cold.

Not waiting for the first serpent to swallow its prize, the rest of the Ouroboros Serpents attacked, all going after limbs or tearing into her torso with gusto. Divus did not struggle, her single eye fixed on the first Ouroboros Serpent that had attacked her.

Her voice merged from her chest,

"There was never any intention to ask me for my Will, you simply came to plunder, but that would do you no good. You need a variety of Elder to activate this Will, having more of a single Elder is useless."

Rowan did not bother to reply, perhaps that may have once been the truth, but what he had inside of him was not the previous Will of Elder, as with everything that was touched by a Singularity, his bloodline not only gave him more Ouroboros Serpent, it had also mutated its Will.

At first, Rowan did not understand what that mutation was, until he began eating this fragment of Divus, and he finalized the hypothesis in his mind, his Will of Elder was not meant for bringing back the Primordial Beasts back into existence, it was to consume them.

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