The Primordial Record

Chapter 1315: I Am Ready

It did not take long for Rowan to finish consuming every bit of Divus left on the throne, but that was just an appetizer, the real treasure was this Memory Dimension.

He did not mind the horrifying cold yellow eyes looking at him, with the perception of the Ouroboros Serpents they were just colored eyes, and all the threat they carried, all the potential of madness or death that should have occurred by just looking at those eyes were nothing before the serpent's gaze.

Rowan understood that perhaps even if it was the Eye of Time that was here, it would not be able to easily dismiss the influence of these yellow eyes.

Power was important, but sometimes having the right tools in the right places could bring about changes that no level of power could easily bridge.

Perhaps the Primordial Beast was correct in her assumption that Rowan was an abomination, but he had been unwillingly thrust into this reality kicking and screaming, and he would not be here if he had not fought for every single opportunity to get ahead, he had killed his conscience, he had killed his soul, he had sacrificed every chance for redemption along the way, for one simple reason, he wanted to be the one to decide his fate.

Escaping the Nexus on Trion, battling against the Third Prince, even going against the plans that the Primordial Record had for him and transforming himself into a living dimension was the result of him always battling against fate, and not even Primordials would be able to stop him, he would be the one to decide his fate.

To achieve such a lofty goal in a reality where Primordials and all sorts of great powers exist, Rowan would always have to take the first steps, he could not afford to hide or react to situations that might come up in the future, instead, he needed to be pushing ahead, excavating the limits of his potential and breaking those limits.

Rowan no longer trusted existence or those that ruled it, if the power of Luck could be by his side, others could equally have stranger abilities, and the only way he would come out on top of this rat race was to be the one who set up the stage. He had experienced what it felt like to be under the palms of the mighty, where all your moves were simply a game to them, and he did not want that to be his destiny for all eternity.

A sort of ghostly image of Rowan appeared in the midst of the six Primordial Ouroboros Serpents and he looked at the throne of sand and blood that Divus had once occupied, and he sighed, his eyes flashed with a bit of melancholy before it firmed as a burning resolve erupted in his heart.

The next steps he would be taking were so monumental that he had to brace himself for it, all of his preparation spanning nearly a billion years had brought him to this moment and he whispered,

"I am ready."

The body of the six Primordial Ouroboros exploded in size, and harsh winds blew out from their mouths, within those winds you could hear faint sounds of screaming. The serpents seemed to be making an extremely long exhale, and when their size had reached titanic proportions, they inhaled.

The sky above which seemed to be made out of bleeding flesh was drawn into the maws of the serpents, even the earth that was bare of anything but winds that tasted like tears entered into their endless stomach, drawn in by a force that could extinguish every light inside a universe.

This memory dimension was torn into pieces and they were all being rapidly devoured. Every single bit of memory here was a fragment of Divus, and not a single bit could be lost.

Rowan could feel his six stomachs beginning to hurt, which was the first time he to ever sensed this as a Primordial Ouroboros Serpent, and it took his knowledge as a mortal man and the obvious bulge in his six stomachs to understand what was happening because as an Ouroboros Serpent, this pain was alien.

Rowan was full. Yet he had only consumed half of the Memory Dimension here.

The Primordial Ouroboros Serpents might share the same primordial roots as Divus, allowing them to consume this Memory dimension, but that did not mean they could rapidly assimilate them given that they were still third-dimensional primordial serpents.

However this did not mean that he was going to stop, even if his stomach was full, Rowan could continue swallowing until there was nothing left, as a serpent, his body could accommodate far more than his size could indicate, and he would simply have to store them until he could digest it all, no matter how uncomfortable the process would be for him.

What the serpents had eaten was a massive meal that would take a long time for them to fully digest, and the swollen bodies of all the six Primordial Ouroboros Serpents were proof of this, and as amusing as it was to observe the six serpents twist around in slight confusion and irritation, Rowan focused on the final portion of what he needed to become, which was a fourth-dimensional entity.

As a living dimension, he would become the first of his kind.

The stomach of the six Primordial Ouroboros Serpents was like a furnace, and the consumed memory dimension of Divus was being broken down inside of it, and the smoke that was emerging from that furnace was escaping from this place and filling up Rowan's dimension where it began to merge with his flesh.

Inside his consciousness and dimension, there was a loud crack, and everything changed as if the final piece of the puzzle had been revealed and that loud sound signified its completion.

A feeling of wholeness swept through his body, soul, and spirit, and he knew that his foundations were complete, it was now time to push for the heavens and beyond.

Rowan's perception was usually split into many portions as his mind pursued billions of varied objectives at the same time. From observing the trillions of lives inside his dimension to following every single event of this battle and the hundred other silent battles he had orchestrated for his overall plan that stretched across space and time, his mind was a base of frenetic activity that would drive an immortal insane, but at this moment, everything else was shut down and his entire perception was focused at this moment.

Even in the realm of the higher dimension where time was extremely fluid to their senses, the world around Rowan still seemed to be moving in slow motion.

He could barely perceive that his perception was now fully rooted in his body, and at this time he was on Doom Star because this was where his main body was, above him was Nemesis who was extremely close to devouring his flesh, but something had triggered panic and great anger inside the mind of this entity for it was no longer focused on Rowan, instead it seemed to be creating a portal that would be carrying it back to the Great Desert.

Most likely the creature was detecting the destruction of a third of the Great Desert, after falling into Rowan's trap, Nemesis could only react to his moves after he had made them.

This was all he could gather before his body froze up and his four Wills erupted across his dimension.

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