Chapter 3: Chapter 3
Sakuya was walking through the sewers, with the rest of the group and their Digimon.
It had been a few days since they had all come to this strange world, with Gabumon, Biyomon and Tentomon also Digivolving to their Champion forms, as Impmon called them.
They had been having to fight some Digimon that had been manipulated by these black gears, which when destroyed, caused the attacking Digimon to snap out of it and apologize to them.
And now, they had just recently explored some odd factory and had met Andromon, who had also attacked them, and been able to take on two of their digivolved Digimon easily, before Koushiro had figured out his leg had a dark gear in it, which Kabutarimon had destroyed, snapping Andromon out of it.
As thanks, the robot Digimon had let them use the sewer system to leave the on lock down factory, which they were now walking in.
"Ugh, I hate this!" Mimi yelled out, as she walked.
"Hey, it's no picnic for us either Mimi," Taichi said as he covered his face with a handkerchief.
"Well, we don't all have handkerchiefs like you and the gremlin!" Mimi said, as she pointed at Impmon, who was using his handkerchief to cover his nose.
"It's a scarf, pinkie," Impmon said with a scowl.
"Here Mimi," Sakuya said with a smile, as she handed her a red bandana she had on her.
"Oh, thanks Sakuya," Mimi said, as she took the bandana and covered her face with it.
Sora smirked at her cousin at this, but Sakuya made a killing motion under her neck with her thumb, which she chuckled at.
"I'm curious about something," Takeru said as they all walked.
"What's on your mind Takeru?" Yamato asked curiously.
"I'm curious about what the rest of the Digimon that haven't digivolved yet will become," Takeru said, as he looked up at Patamon, who was sitting on his head.
"Ya know, the squirt has a point," Sakuya said with a nod.
"Well don't ask us. We don't really know what we will become, until we do it," Gomamon said with a shrug.
"So, another Agumon might not become a Greymon?" Taichi asked curiously.
"Yeah, pretty much," Agumon said with a nod.
"Well, if we keep running into Digimon with bad attitudes, it will eventually happen," Koushiro said, as he figured that was the common event that triggered it to happen.
"I can't wait to see what I am," Impmon said with a smile, punching his fist forward.
Sakuya smiled at this, as she patted him on the head.
"You'll probably be a gremlin or something," Mimi grumbled out, as Impmon was always making comments and playing pranks.
"Bright light!" Impmon yelled as he smirked, noticing that nickname since Sakuya told him about that movie.
This got laughs from Sakuya, Yamato and Taichi, while the others all rolled their eyes at this.
As they continued to walk, they all heard a noise behind them.
"Who's there?" Taichi yelled, as he held out a flashlight, which showed something was behind them.
The light landed on a few small green coloured Digimon.
"What are they?" Koushiro asked Tentomon.
"They are Numemon. They're Digimon that live in the sewers," Tentomon said
"Why didn't Andromon mention them?" Jo asked.
"Would that have mattered? We still needed to leave," Yamato said.
"They look like piles of crap, that's what," Sakuya said.
"Ha! I always said that too!" Impmon said with a grin.
The Numemon all growled at this, before they all charged at them, while throwing some pink stuff.
"Run away!" Sakuya yelled, as she and Impmon took off, with Sakuya grabbing Mimi's hand and Impmon grabbing Palmon's
"What she said!" Sora yelled, as they all ran away.
Eventually, they came up to what looked like a closed sewer door.
"Open it, quickly!" Impmon yelled at Sakuya, who along with Taichi grabbed the doorknob and tried to turn it.
As the Numemon approached them, they finally pried the door open, and let in the sunlight, which caused the Digimon to scream in terror and run away.
"Oh yea, they are afraid of sunlight," Tentomon said, as they all watched the sewer Digimon flee.
"Next time, lead with that will ya?" Sakuya asked, as they all piled out of the sewer and looked at where they were now.
"Oh great, another forest," Jo said with a sigh.
"Hey, it's an upgrade from the sewer," Sora said, as they all walked into the forest.
They soon came upon a whole bunch of vending machines.
"Oh wow! I betcha that there's enough snacks to last us at least a lifetime!" Mimi said happily, clapping her hands together.
"Uh Mimi, they might not work," Taichi said as he sighed
"Yeah, don't you remember the phone booths?" Yamato asked.
Mimi ignored this, as she took off towards the vending machines, with Palmon running after her.
"Well, at least she has a good attitude" Sakuya said with a chuckle, as they all followed her
"At long last, a soda! Do you want one Palmon?" Mimi asked curiously.
"No, I don't!" Palmon said, as she didn't trust this machine.
"No need to bite my head off!" Mimi said with a frown, as she put a yen piece in the machine.
Which then shook and the front of it fell over, making Mimi yell and run back to the others.
"Surprise!" a Numemon yelled from inside the now revealed to be hollow vending machine.
"That's the leader," Palmon said, as she stood at the ready.
"He's their leader? He couldn't lead a pack of show poodles, even with his doggy breath," Mimi said with a scowl.
"Mimi, that's mean… dogs are at least cute," Sakuya said with a smirk.
"Hey baby, how about a date?" Numemon asked with a dopey grin.
Mimi shuddered at this, as her face turned green, before glaring at Numemon. "There is now way I would ever go out with a short, slimy, sewer sliding, sludge slinger, sludge monster like you!" she yelled out.
"Wow, pinky has a mouth on her," Impmon said with a chuckle.
"That's nothing. You should hear my mum, as she makes what Mimi said look tame," Sakuya said.
"Yeah. Auntie Natsuki could make even a sailor blush from her swearing," Sora said with a nod of agreement.
"Huh?" Numemon said with a surprised look on his face.
"Don't make him angry, Mimi!" Palmon said with a worried tone.
"What for? He can't come out in the sun, right?" Mimi asked, as she pointed up at the sky, where the sun was shining down
Before the clouds came in, and blocked out the sun.
"Uh-oh," everyone said, as they backed away.
"Way to tempt fate pinky!" Impmon yelled out.
"How dare you insult me?! The date is off! Let's get them boys!" Numemon yelled, as the rest of the vending machines shook, before they too opened and more Numemon came out of them.
"Numesludge," a few Numemon yelled out, throwing pink sludge at them.
"Run away!" Sora yelled as everyone ran away.
As they ran, all the Numemon ran after them.
"What do we do?!" Jo yelled out in a panic.
"There are too many of them to fight!" Yamato yelled, as he kept Takeru close.
"Split up into groups!" Taichi yelled, as they all headed into the forest
Everyone took off into the forest, splitting up.
As Mimi ran, she tripped over a tree root. "Ow," she said, holding her foot.
"Mimi!" Palmon yelled, as she stopped to try and help her up.
As Mimi gave Palmon her hand, she was suddenly scooped up into someone's arms as she was carried off.
"S-Sakuya?" Mimi asked in surprise, seeing it was the bluenette who was carrying her.
"Look into her deep red eyes later, pinky! Just keep moving!" Impmon yelled, as he and Palmon led the way.
Mimi blushed at this, as Sakuya carried her and ran into a cave nearby, after jumping over some tree roots and weaving through the trees.
Sakuya put Mimi down and had them both hide against the wall, as Sakuya listened for the Numemon.
"I think they are gone," Palmon said, as she sighed in relief.
"Yea, so you can stop holding her hand pinky," Impmon said with a snicker.
Mimi blinked at this, before she looked down and saw that she was holding Sakuya's hand tightly in hers.
Before she eeped and jumped back with a blush on her face.
"Oof, rejected," Impmon said with another snicker, before Palmon slapped him on the back of the head.
"Why you gotta be such a jerk?" Palmon asked, as she put her arms on her hips.
"Ow! That hurts woman!" Impmon yelled, as he held his head.
"Hush, all of you! There's something out there!" Sakuya whispered to them, before they heard some thuds.
When the thuds stopped, they looked up out of the cave and saw a giant yellow teddy bear with red eyes.
"It's Monzaemon!" Palmon yelled out in surprise.
"Woah, that's a big teddy bear," Sakuya said, as he looked up at the tall bear.
"Come and visit us at Toy Town," Monzaemon said with a happy smile.
"He's in charge of a special place called Toy Town. He takes care of the abandoned Digimon toys," Impmon explained.
"Well, he looks pretty harmless," Sakuya said, as they all came out of the cave.
"He always has been," Palmon said, as she smiled
"I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance," Monzaemon said happily, as he fired lasers from his eyes at them.
Before he fired, Sakuya grabbed Mimi and ran off again carrying her
"He's pleased to make our acquaintance!? Then why is he attacking us!?" Mimi screamed in terror, as she hugged Sakuya as she ran.
"L-little tight Mimi!" Sakuya choked out, as she tried not to blush and think about how close Mimi was.
"Less talking, more running!" Impmon yelled, as he and Palmon ran with them.
"Hey cookie, you can hide in here with me. As for you other friends, you can hide somewhere else," the Numemon leader said, as he waved at them from a deep trench nearby.
"Screw that! Bada Boom!" Impmon yelled, as he threw a fireball, which made the Numemon move and make room for all of them.
"Language!" Palmon said, as Mimi had taught her about bad language, and Impmon had been regularly swearing.
"Bite me, flower child," Impmon said, as they all jumped into the deep trench and hid.
"How about a kickin game of soccer?" they heard Monzaemon say.
"Where did you learn to talk like this?" Mimi whispered, as she scowled at Impmon.
"No idea. I keep having dreams of a red headed demon, yelling this stuff at me," Impmon whispered back with a shrug.
"Hush, he's getting close!" Sakuya whispered, as they all went silent as they heard Monzaemon approaching.
"Would you please come and spend a fun day in Toy Town?" Monzaemon said, as he walked over the trench.
Everyone said nothing as they hid, and Monzaemon's thudding footsteps slowly got further away.
"Hey sludge boy, go take a look," Impmon whispered to Numemon.
"No way! That's a fully evolved Digimon!" Numemon said, as he shook his head at this.
"Oh you're doing it, or I'm gonna light you up!" Impmon said, as he made a flame with his hand.
"You and what army, clown face?" Numemon shot back.
Palmon's eyebrow twitched in annoyance at this, before she grabbed both of them with her vines and threw them out of the trench. "You morons can look together!" she yelled out.
Impmon scowled at this, as he hung from a tree branch, before he chuckled. "You have quite a temper, huh flower child?" he asked.
"Only against you! I can't stand you!" Palmon yelled out in annoyance.
"Yeah well, you're stuck with me. So neyah!" Impmon yelled, as he stuck his tongue out and mocked Palmon, who growled in irritation at this.
"The coast is clear," Numemon said, as he slithered over to the trench.
"Thanks," Sakuya said, as she climbed out and helped Mimi up out of the trench.
Mimi smiled at Sakuya in appreciation at this, before she adjusted her hat. "What was that overgrown teddy's problem?" she asked with a frown.
"No idea. He's been acting weird lately. Normally he leaves me and my boys alone," Numemon said with a shrug.
"Is that why you guys hide?" Sakuya asked curiously.
"Well, we liked to get fruit when the sun was blocked. But we haven't been able to do that scene Monzaemon started acting weird Numemon said
Sakuya frowned at this, as she didn't like this. As while the Numemon were annoying, they should be able to get food.
"Gaaah! I can't stand you!" Palmon yelled out, getting Sakuya, Mimi and Numemon's attention, and when they looked, they saw Palmon trying to strike at Impmon with her vines like a whip, but Impmon was dodging and laughing at her.
"Ok you two, let's go find the others. Enough of the yandere baloney," Sakuya said with a chuckle.
Mimi giggled at this, as she knew what Sakuya was insinuating.
Palmon walked over to them, grumbling under her breath, while Impmon followed smirking.
"Thanks for the help. You Numemon aren't that bad," Sakuya said to the sludge Digimon, as she held out her fist to him.
"Uh, what's that?" Numemon asked, as he looked at Sakuya's fist curiously.
"It's a fist bump. It's how humans show we're buddies," Sakuya replied.
"Buddies? You mean, like me and my bros?" Numemon asked curiously, as he tilted his head curiously.
"Exactly," Sakuya said with a kind smile at the sludge Digimon.
Numemon smiled at this as he took his stubby hand, and patted it against Sakuya's fist.
"Ok, you try to stay out of trouble. Come on you," Mimi said, as she dragged Sakuya off with their Digimon following.