The Tomboy of Digidestined

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Sakuya and Mimi walked out of the forest, and were now in a field with what looked like a big town nearby.

"Is that Toy Town?" Sakuya asked Impmon who nodded, confirming it.

"The others could be there!" Mimi said as she ran into the town, with Palmon right behind her.

"That girl," Sakuya said with a sigh, as she followed after her.

"Is the honeymoon over? Ow!" Impmon snickered, before Sakuya grabbed him by his ear and dragged him with it.

Sakuya and Impmon soon arrived in the town, in the middle of an empty street, with Mimi and Palmon nearby.

"Did you find anyone?" Sakuya asked Mimi, as she let go of Impmon's ear, which he started to rub and grumble.

"No. It doesn't look like anyone is here," Mimi said, shaking her head at this.

"Something's not right guys," Palmon said.

"What?" Impmon asked with a mocking tone, as he was still mad about his ear.

Before Palmon could say or do anything to Impmon, someone was running at them from down the road.

"Oh boy, this is fun. This is really fun," Taichi said with a strained smile, as he ran past them, with a windup car chasing him.

"Taichi?" Mimi asked in confusion.

"Boy, I'm really having a lot of fun now," Taichi said, running off.

"Uh, that doesn't look like fun to me," Palmon said.

"This is so exciting. This is really exciting," Sora said, with her own strained grin, as she ran with a monkey holding cymbals chasing her.

"Sora?" Sakuya asked with a raised eyebrow at her cousin.

"What's so exciting about being chased by that thing?" Impmon asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh joy! What a delightful activity! This activity is really delightful," Koushiro said, as he ran along, with toy soldiers marching after him.

"Koushiro doesn't usually talk like that," Mimi said, with Sakuya nodding in agreement.

"Boy oh boy! Is this really great, or what?" Yamato said happily, as a wooden train was after him. "This really rocks! Forget books! This really rocks!"

"Ha ha ha!" Jo laughed, as a rocking horse rocked after him.

"… I'm so using this later," Sakuya said with a grin, as she took out her phone to take a picture.

"Oh hush," Mimi said, as she stopped her and rolled her eyes.

"Ha ha! You can't catch me," Takeru yelled out, as a toy helicopter chased him. "You can't catch me!" he said, as he ran down a street.

"Ok, either they drank the kool aid or they are under some kind of spell" Sakuya said with a frown.

"Yeah, one that's making them act like zombies," Mimi said with a nod.

"Where are the other Digimon?" Palmon asked curiously, as she didn't see any of the other kids Digimon.

"That's a good question. We should check one of these buildings," Impmon said, as he went over to a nearby building.

"Oh look, a good idea from the gremlin," Mimi said as they followed him.

"Did you just compliment me pinky?" Impmon asked with a smile.

"Law of average, you eventually were gonna say something right," Sakuya said with a smirk, getting a laugh from Mimi.

Impmon made a mocking face at this, as they all started looking through the windows of the buildings.

Eventually Mimi looked through a window, and saw what looked like a treasure chest inside the building, which was shaking.

"Hello! Can anybody hear us out there? Taichi?" a voice yelled out from the chest.

"Hey, there's a chest moving in here!" Mimi said, as she opened the door to the building and went in, with Sakuya and the Digimon quickly following her.

"Is someone in there?" Palmon asked the chest, leaning her head against it.

"Palmon! It's me, Agumon!" the voice said.

"Are the other Digimon with you?" Impmon asked.

"Yea, we're all in here," Biyomon said.

"Except for Impmon thankfully," Patamon said.

"I heard that, cream puff!" Impmon yelled, before Sakuya covered his mouth.

"Stealth mission means to be quiet!" Sakuya whispered to Impmon, while Mimi and Palmon talked to the other Digimon.

One explanation later, and the locked up Digimon had explained what happened after they had all split up.

"So Monzaemon captured all of you, and is now letting the toys play with the others, while he locked you all up?" Mimi asked curiously.

"Yea, we can't help you guys while we are trapped in here," Gomamon said.

"It's time for you to be the heroes this time," Gabumon said.

Mimi frowned at this, as she didn't think she could do this.

"Well, at least there are two of us," Sakuya said, as she nodded at the chest.

"Alright! I'm gonna get my chance to Digivolve!" Impmon said with an excited smile.

Palmon and Mimi looked at each other and nodded, before they followed Sakuya and Impmon out of the building.

"You can stay here if you want Mimi," Sakuya said as they left.

"And leave you to fight alone? No way!" Mimi said, as she shook her head at this, as she refused to let Sakuya go alone, after she had helped her so much today.

"Well, look at you stepping up pinky," Impmon said with a smirk.

The two of them walked down the road, and as they approached the end of the road, Monzaemon walked around the corner while holding some balloons in his hands, and looked down at them.

"Oh, hello. Would you like a balloon? Everyone likes balloons," Monzaemon said happily.

Before Sakuya could respond, Mimi stomped over towards Monzaemon. "Listen here, you yeti teddy! Whatever you've done to our friends, fix it now, or you'll be in big trouble. Ya understand me!?" she yelled out angrily.

Monzaemon looked at them and said nothing, as his eyes glowed red.

"Oh, this is gonna go well," Impmon said with a groan.

"Mimi, move!" Sakuya yelled, as she grabbed Mimi's hand and pulled her, as they ran away with their Digimon close behind.

Monzaemon chased after them, firing lasers from his eyes as he did.

"This isn't funny! I'm being chased by a giant stuffed teddy bear!" Mimi yelled out.

As they ran, they ran past what looked like a sewer grate and as Monzaemon approached it, it exploded and a bunch of Numemon piled out of it.

"Defend our sis!" the lead Numemon yelled out, as he pointed his stubby arm at Monzaemon.

The group of Numemon all gave out battlecries, as they threw pink sludge at Monzaemon

"It's the Numemon!" Mimi said in surprise.

"What are they doing here?" Palmon asked curiously.

"I'm guessing Sakuya being nice to their leader made them make her an honorary sister. Hey, save some for me!" Impmon yelled after the Numemon, before he ran onto the battlefield.

"Mimi," Palmon said, as she looked at her partner.

"Go ahead. We can't let the Numemon fight for us," Mimi said with a nod.

Palmon nodded as she ran after Impmon. "Oi, wait for me, gremlin!" Palmon yelled out.

Both Digimon stopped as the Numemon were easily sent flying by Monzaemon.

"Hey! I don't like bullies!" Impmon yelled, as he made some fire in his hands. "Bada Boom!" he yelled, as he threw it at the giant bear.

"Poison Ivy!" Palmon yelled, as she swung her vines at Monzaemon and grabbed his arm, as Impmon's fire hit him in the face.

This did nothing, but make the bear Digimon mad. He then swung his arm, and sent Palmon flying into Impmon, which caused them to fall at Sakuya and Mimi's feet.

"Are you guys ok?" Mimi asked worriedly, as she checked on Palmon.

"Yea, you took quite a hit. Maybe we should try and make a plan to—" Sakuya was saying, before she got cut off.

"And let him bully the Numemon?! Hell no! Let's go, flower child!" Impmon yelled, as he ran at Monzaemon, who was being swarmed by the Numemon.

"I may be a lady, but I am not a pushover!" Palmon said with a glare, as she ran after Impmon.

Sakuya and Mimi watched them run, and didn't notice as their Digivices glowed, which caused their partners to glow along with them.

"Palmon digivolve to… Togemon!" Palmon yelled, as she changed into what looked like a handed cactus, wearing boxing gloves.

"Impmon digivolve to… Wizardmon!" Impmon yelled out, as he turned into what looked like a wizard, complete with a pointy hat while holding a staff in his hand.

"Wow," Mimi said, with wide eyes at Togemon.

"Huh. Didn't guess the wizard, but I like it. Go get him, Wizardmon!" Sakuya yelled at her partner.

"You're going down, big boy!" Togemon said with a glare, as she advanced towards Monzaemon.

Monzaemon growled as he approached Togemon, who just growled back.

Togemon and Monzemon rushed at each other, grappling fists with each other. Togemon threw a hard punch at the yellow bear Digimon, who growled before returning the punch, which soon escalated into a full on slug out. Monzemon then pushed Togemon into a nearby tree, before laying out more of its fearsome attacks.

Wizardmon jumped into the air, waving his wand before unleashing a ball of light striking Monzemon, causing his eyes to swirl.

Wizardmon then stabbed his staff into the ground. "ThunderBall!" he yelled, summoning up a thundercloud, unleashing a powerful bolt of lightning down on Monzaemon.

"Needle Spray!" Togemon yelled out, as she took in a breath, before unleashing a barrage of spiked needles upon the yellow bear Digimon.

Monzaemon growled at this, as he covered his face and charged at Togemon.

Togemon dodged to the side, as Monzaemon crashed into a building. But before he could recover, Togemon jumped onto the bear's back, and grabbed him by wrapping her arms around his neck.

Monzaemon growled in annoyance, as he tried to get Togemon off his back. But the cactus Digimon wouldn't let go.

As they fought, Wizardmon flew around them and approached from the front, and made a moth opening motion with his hand, so Togemon could see.

Togemon nodded at this and grabbed Monzaemon's mouth, and attempted to pry his mouth open. "Open wide! It's time to take your medicine!" Togemon said.

When his mouth opened, Wizardmon jammed the edge of his staff into the bear's mouth. "Say ahh! Magical Game!" he yelled with a laugh, before he fired his attack and lit up the bear Digimon with his attack.

"Aggghhhhhhhhh!" Monzaemon yelled out, while Togemon jumped off his back, as the bear Digimon fell forward and the zipper on his back burst open, and what looked like a black gear flew into the air, before breaking apart.

"Another one," Sakuya said with a scowl, as she looked at it.

"Ahahahahahah! That was great! Thanks for the backup, flower child!" Wizardmon said, as he laughed and looked at Togemon, as he took his staff out of Monzaemon's mouth.

"Oh no, you were my back up," Togemon said with an annoyed tone.

"Hey! My attack actually did something, unlike your needles!" Wizardmon said with a scowl.

"Ok you two, break it up. You both did great as a team," Mimi said, as she and Sakuya approached them.

"Yeah, you both did great. You look great as a wizard, buddy." Sakuya said with a smile at her partner.

"They have wizards in your world?" Wizardmon asked curiously.

"Well, we have stage magicians. But none as cool as you," Sakuya said, as she held out her fist to her Digimon friend.

Wizardmon smiled at this and fist bumped with Sakuya.

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