Chapter 5: Chapter 5
After all the Digimon were freed and the other humans snapped out of it, they were all standing in front of a sitting down Monzaemon.
"I'm so sorry about what I did. I don't know what came over me!" Monzemon said sadly, as he looked down at them.
"Yea, well, from what we saw, there's been a lot of that happening with Digimon like you lately," Taichi said with a frown, as Sakuya had told them about the black gear that came out of Monzaemon.
"Well, it's all OK now. Nobody was hurt," Sora said with a smile at the bear Digimon.
"So, you turned into a wizard. Can you do tricks?" Takeru asked Impmon curiously.
"I can make thunder, fly and make light attacks with my magic staff," Impmon said with a smug grin.
"Can you be modest too?" Palmon asked with an annoyed tone.
This caused Impmon to face plant, making them all laugh
"My friends, there's only one way that I can truly show my gratitude, and that's by giving all of you a real heart hug," Monzaemon said with a smile, before he stood up and spread his arms out. "Heart's Attack, with a hug," he said, as small pink hearts appeared, and floated near the humans and Digimon.
The hearts all engulfed each of the humans and their Digimon and they all laughed, as the hearts made them feel happy as the hearts carried them off.
As this happened, the sewer grate below opened, and leader Numemon poked his head out. "Hey cutie, a kiss for your hero?" he asked Mimi.
"No!" Mimi said with a bright smile.
"Ah, nuts. Oh well, she'll come around. Hey sis, you keep her out of trouble!" Numemom yelled at Sakuya, before he went back into the sewer.
Sakuya gave the Numemon a thumbs up, as the hearts carried them towards what looked like the mountains nearby.
It was now getting late, as the group were walking in the woods, after they were dropped off by Monzaemon Heart's Attack.
"We're getting low on supplies," Jo said, as he looked at their emergency food.
"Yea, and even with limiting Sakuya to one bowl, we're still getting low on ramen," Sora said, as Sakuya showed her her backpack.
"Great, I'm getting sick of ramen," Yamato said with a sigh, as while he didn't mind it, nothing but instant ramen was getting annoying.
"I'm half tempted to shave your head while you sleep," Sakuya grumbled out at Yamato.
"Oh, I like that! Do it! Do it, do it, do it!" Impmon chanted with a grin.
What Sakuya and Impmon didn't notice was Sora and Biyomon behind them, before…..
Sora slapped Sakuya on the back of the head, and Biyomon started to peck at Impmon's head.
"Stop picking fights for stupid reasons," Sora said with an annoyed look on her face.
"Yea, and stop encouraging her!" Biyomon said to Impmon, who was rubbing his head.
"He insulted ramen! He must pay!" Sakuya yelled out, as she rubbed her head.
"Like I said, a stupid reason," Sora said flatly.
This got laughs from everyone, while Sakuya and Impmon pouted.
They all soon came up to what looked like a giant crater, and when they all looked into it, they spotted…
"Refrigerators?" Koushiro asked with a confused look on his face.
"Careful, there may be some Digimon in there, playing a trick," Jo said, as they all walked over to the fridges.
"We may as well take a look anyway Jo," Yamato said, as Taichi opened a fridge.
"Look, this one has some eggs inside it," Taichi said with a wide smile.
"And this one has more of them," Sakuya said, opening the other one.
"Hey, there are flat rocks nearby. Your mom taught you and me to cook cuz, so we can make fried eggs," Sora said with a smile, as she gestured to a bunch of flat rocks nearby.
"I'd like sunny side eggs, please," Mimi said with a grin.
"I'll take scrambled," Takeru said with a raised hand.
"I'd like poached eggs," Yamato said with a grin.
"Woah, hold on. How do we know these eggs are safe?" Jo asked in a panic.
Everyone groaned at this, as Jo was starting to give them a headache.
Sakuya approached Jo, and patted him on the shoulder. "Don't worry Jo, my mom is a cook and she taught me how to identify if food is spoiled. So don't worry, I'll check each one myself before we cook them. Does that work for you?" She asked.
Jo said nothing to this, as he had heard that Sakuya's mom was a cook. So he figured he could take Sakuya at her word
"Jo, you keep worrying and your hair will fall out," Gomamon said with a smile.
Jo sighed at this, as everyone got to work making camp.
It was now night, and everyone was gathered around eating some eggs, after Sakuya had made sure that the eggs were all safe to eat.
"Ok, we have fried eggs, omelets, sunny side eggs, poached eggs and scrambled eggs. Take your pick people!" Sora called out to everyone, who had their makeshift plates.
"You're sounding like my mom cuz," Sakuya said with a sweatdrop, as she looked at Sora.
"Just be thankful that I don't curse like her," Sora said with a smile at Sakuya, as she took some fried eggs and sat down next to Impmon who had his own plate, which they both started eating along with the others.
"Wow Sora, these are great! This has to be the best meal that I've had in a long time," Taichi said with a happy smile.
Sora smiled happily at this, glad to hear this, before she saw Sakuya smirking at her. "What?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh, nothing," Sakuya said innocently.
"… Shut up," Sora grumbled, as she knew what Sakuya was doing.
Jo said nothing as he ate, as he was lost in his thoughts about their situation.
"Are you doing ok Jo?" Gomamon asked, as he sat next to him.
"I'm getting worried. We haven't been able to find anyone here, besides other Digimon. And we can't just look around on our own forever," Jo said, as he stopped eating.
"Well, maybe all this stuff came in through other portals or something," Takeru said.
"More likely there were humans here a long time ago, and there aren't anymore," Koushiro mused, rubbing his chin.
"Well, we need to make a plan for what we're gonna do next," Yamato said as he frowned.
"Well, we could head up the mountain, and see if we can spot something," Taichi said, as he pointed at the mountain.
"Infinity Mountain? I heard that place has dangerous Digimon," Impmon said, as he gestured to the mountain in question.
"W-what kind of dangerous Digimon?" Mimi asked in worry.
"No idea, I'm just messing with ya," Impmon said with a laugh.
Mimi scowled at this, as she grabbed a rock nearby and threw it at Impmon.
"Oi! Watch it pinky!" Impmon yelled as he ducked, avoiding the rock.
"Oh, I'll watch it alright. I'll watch it as I beat you to a pulp," Mimi said with a glare, as she walked over to Impmon.
"If we don't know what is on that mountain, we shouldn't lead everyone into an unknown territory," Yamato said to Taichi, as Impmon yelled as Mimi attacked him with a tree branch.
"We're in another world, Yamato. We don't know anything about this world. It's better to go up the mountain, at least up there we can spot the enemy before they can jump us," Taichi said.
"Well, we need to make a decision. We can't just stay in one spot," Sora said, as she dragged Mimi away from a beat up Impmon, who was twitching on the floor with bumps on his head.
"You ok buddy?" Sakuya asked.
"I see a red headed witch, and her yellow fox minion," Impmon said deliriously.
"Medic!" Sakuya said with a flat tone at this, making some of the others laugh.
"Hey, why not ask Jo? He's the oldest of you guys, right?" Gomamon asked, as he pointed at Jo.
"Hmmm. Well, he is the most mature," Sora said, as she rubbed her chin in thought.
"Scraping every 10 minutes is mature?" Sakuya asked, before Sora glared at her, making her jump back. "Well, you definitely have Mom's glare," she said.
"Hmmm, well both of you have good points" Jo said, as he thought about this.
"So you don't know either, great," Taichi said with a sigh.
"Well, I'm… aw jeez," Jo said, as he stuttered over his words.
"Jo, you need to lighten up," Gomamon said, as she shook his head.
"Yea, your hairs gonna get wrinkles if you keep freaking out like that," Mimi said.
"Yea, you're always a stick in the mud," Sakuya said, as she shook her head at this.
"I am not a stick in the mud!" Jo yelled out in annoyance.
"You so are," Gomamon said as he shook his head.
"I'm just practical!" Jo yelled out.
"Ok ok, let's all calm down. For now, let's just go to sleep," Sora said, as she gestured to the nearby Digimon, who were all sleeping already.
Jo grumbled at this, before he went to his own corner to go to sleep, and soon the rest of them went to sleep.
(The next day)
It was now morning, and Sakuya was still sleeping until…
"Oi Sakuya, wake up!" Sora yelled out, as she shook her.
"Damn it Mom, go scream at Sakura and let me sleep!" Sakuya grumbled under her breath, as she turned over.
"Sakura isn't a lazy bum. Now wake up!" Sora yelled right in Sakuya's ear.
"Gaaaahhhh!" Sakuya yelled as she woke up.
"Welcome to the world of the living," Mimi said with a chuckle.
"What? I can't hear you, thanks to the banshee here," Sakuya yelled, as she rubbed her ear.
"Oh, I got your banshee," Sora said as she raised her fist, before Biyomon grabbed her to stop her.
Sakuya ignored this and looked around. "Where are Jo, Yamato and Taichi?" She asked, noticing some of their group were missing.
"Jo took off on his own up the mountain, while Taichi and Yamato went after him," Koushiro said.
"… No really, what happened?" Sakuya asked, as she didn't believe for a second that Jo would go off on his own.
"It's true. Jo went off exploring on his own," Takeru said with a smile, while Patamon sat on his head.
"Then we better go after them. If something does live on the mountain, then we need everyone together," Sakuya said firmly, as she got up and looked at everyone, before she led the way to the path up the mountain.
"Well look at you stepping up as a leader," Sora said with a chuckle.
"Who knew she was more than a ramen sucking loon," Mimi said with a giggle.
"Ha, ha, ha," Sakuya said with a grumble, while Impmon laughed at her.
"Hey Sakuya, I'm curious. Who's that Sakura you were mumbling about?" Takeru asked curiously, as they walked up the path up the mountain.
"She's my little sister, and she's about your age actually," Sakuya said, as she patted Takeru on the head
"Why didn't she come camping?" Takeru asked curiously
"Well, when Taichi's little sister Hikari got sick, she refused to leave her bestie alone while she was off having fun," Sakuya said with a smile at her sister.
"Aww, that's so cute," Mimi said with a smile, finding this adorable.
They all continued to walk, and soon they heard what sounded like fighting happening nearby.
When they walked around the corner, they saw what looked like Greymon, Garurumon and what looked like a large walrus with a huge horn. What caught their attention was that Jo was on the new Digimon's back.
The three Digimon were all fighting what looked like a giant unicorn Digimon, that had a red mask on its face.
"That's Unimon! He's usually a pacifist," Biyomon said with a frown.
"Tell that to the gear in his back!" Taichi yelled, as he and Yamato ran over to them.
"I'm gonna guess the big guy is Gomamon?" Sakuya asked curiously.
Yamato and Taichi nodded at this, as Unimon flew over them, coming around to attack.
"Ikkakumon, attack!" Jo yelled from the back of his partner.
"You got it Jo. Harpoon Torpedo!" Ikkakumon yelled, as he fired his horn repeatedly at Unimon, which he dodged.
"He is too fast!" Jo yelled in a panic.
"Wait for it," Ikkakumon said with a grin.
Suddenly the horns broke apart, revealing missiles which turned around and slammed into Unimon's back, destroying the black gear.
Unimon took off flying away quickly at this.
"You're welcome!" Sora yelled at the flying Digimon.
"Are you all OK?" Jo asked, as Ikkakumon let him off, before he shrunk down to Gomamon.
"Yea, we're fine. Don't worry. Way to step up, mad man," Taichi said with a chuckle.
"Mad man?" Koushiro asked curiously.
"He threw himself onto Unimon's back, and tried to pull the gear out of him," Yamato said with a shake of his head, at how reckless that was.
"… Congrats cuz, you're not the moron of the group," Sora said to Sakuya.
"Give her time," Impmon said with a snicker.
"Ha, ha, ha. Us mad guys try anything, and we get results sometimes. Right buddy?" Sakuya asked Jo with a smile.
"I'm not mad like you," Jo said.
"Don't resist. Join us Jo," Sakuya said with a monotone voice.
"One of us, one of us," Impmon said with his own monotone.
This got laughs from the group. Even Jo laughed after a bit, as he knew his friends didn't mean anything by it.
Unknown to them, up on the mountain top, they were being watched by a shadowy figure that had devil horns.
"Hmmmm. So the digidestined are here. And what's this? The sin of Gluttony has reincarnated as one of their partner Digimon," the shadowy figure said, as he looked at Impmon.