Chapter 77: Chapter 76: Having another baby
Xue Ting decided to take Brisbane and Qiu Wen on a bus trip around the neighborhood which would end up with a visit to a famous flower park of Cravine since the twins had gone on their camping trip.
"How long have you not sat on a bus?" Xue Ting asked noticing Qiu Wen was engrossed with sightseeing while being blown by the wind with Brisbane.
"Since the shift to Wai Tao." He said briefly as he held her hand. She smiled and leaned onto him. It was an assurance that she would stick with him always as promised knowing it must have been tough on him since the move to Wai Tao.
He had been hiding the agitation of his phone vibration along the ride that when they finally reached a riverside for lunch, he switched off his mobile instantly when they alighted.
Xue Ting chuckled.
"Why?" He asked confused at her sudden laughter.
"Aren't you afraid they would start calling me?" Xue Ting finally revealed that she actually knew his phone had been ringing all the time.
He wanted to help her switch off her phone but she stopped him. "Don't. I promise I know whose call to pick up…" She reassured him as he nodded.
"Hungry?" She asked Brisbane who had been exceptionally obedient during the ride. Brisbane nodded and cheered into Qiu Wen's arms as he lifted her and walked with Xue Ting to the noodle store nearby.
"Let's eat!" Qiu Wen chanted with Brisbane. A part of him could tell it felt like he was given a second chance, heading back to being a young child's father. Though Brisbane was not his own, he was grateful to be able to experience a simple relaxing day as a family with the lady he had loved all his life.
After lunch, while they strolled by the riverside, he learned about the simplicity of life. A ball hit him when he stood by the edge as Brisbane was walking ahead of the couple.
When he turned he saw it was from a little girl who came to him for it. He then squatted down to pass the ball back to the nervous little girl. He gently patted her head as she giggled and ran back to her mother.
The sight smitten Xue Ting as she wondered if she was ready to have another child with him and if he was up for it as she would not mind sharing the experience with him. He returned to walk towards Brisbane who was curiously prying around a bush.
"Would you… be ready for parenting?" She asked while holding onto his hand as they strolled.
"You?" He asked her in return which caught her off guard.
"I didn't have a choice. But given the choice, no one can ever be ready cause when you plan, it tends to fall apart. When you let it flow, it just... works miracle." She smiled as he understood what she meant.
"I'm not sure before this… But it makes sense when the twins walk into my life and now, Brisbane." He said sounding a little unconvinced himself as Xue Ting stopped by the pathway closer to Brisbane and caressed his cheeks.
"Take your time… We are in no hurry." She comforted as he kissed her. "But it doesn't mean we should stop warming the bed…" He teased as a corner of her lips could not help but smile. She hit him gently on his chest before he caught them and held them as he kissed her again.
"There's a secret hideout I want to bring you to since we are heading back to Shan Feng…" He said when they pulled away from their lingering kiss.
"Oh, are you sure it is still there?" Xue Ting asked before reaching out to Brisbane who was still engrossed at the sight of a cocoon.
He nodded while squatting next to Brisbane. "Brisbane, what are you looking at?" Qiu Wen asked as Brisbane tilted her head to the side.
"What is this? Is this leaf sick?" She asked while frowning as Xue Ting chuckled. "Baby, a caterpillar is living in it." Xue Ting explained as Qiu Wen gently combed her hair.
"A caterpi pi? How?" Brisbane was confused as Qiu Wen chuckled.
"Let's show you tonight before bedtime how little butterfly is made." Qiu Wen coaxed as Brisbane nodded.
"Can I bring it home?" Brisbane pouted at the couple when Qiu Wen shook his head. "That would only kill the little caterpillar." He explained.
"Aww… Can we come back here to see it again?" She requested.
"We could try before we leave for Shan Feng." Xue Ting tried coaxing as Brisbane reached out to hug her. The idea of having another baby was beginning to grow in Qiu Wen's mind that afternoon as he beamed watching the girls.
"Where is your brother? Why is he not even home? Could not reach him at all!" Mrs. Tang was venting to Qiu Yeh who was scrolling on his phone for updates on his other businesses. He was trying to remain composed and poised as his other businesses' great progress was a constant reminder of his backup plans which brought happiness to him.
"What kind of assistant are you who could not reach your manager? I would have fired you if it weren't 'cause only you could potentially find him at this rate!" Mrs. Tang vented again as Grandma flipped the newspaper gently. That made Mrs. Tang fume even more.
"Why isn't any of you worried about him? Who knows if he ran off with that useless wife of his!" Mrs. Tang yelled this time which annoyed Qiu Yeh as it was an accusation this time.
Grandma was frustrated too as she forcefully slammed the newspaper on the couch before making her way slowly upstairs. Qiu Yeh too left and decided to head to his bar in Cravine. He received an update from May on Xue Ting's new address along the way as he decided to stop by the neighborhood to look around. Surprisingly, he was very satisfied with how well-guarded it was.
Although he was approving of her decision this time, he still felt down as he drank cup after cup of whiskey at his bar that night. He somehow realise he regretted deeply not seizing all the chances he had with Xue Ting.
The worse was the guilt from all those years being the eldest but yet could not save her from the traumatising close call of being kidnapped and raped at such a tender age. He blamed himself every single day for that day alone, for that mistake, for that responsibility he held onto till today, let alone trying to confess to her.
His biggest regret was to let her go through so many heartbreaks from James and then his brother. And now, his mother. He wondered how long more was he to keep out for her discreetly and not upfront protecting her.
He knew it was too late now but he still hovers some hope in him.
I could have done better than Qiu Wen if you were with me. I could bring you away and ensure she doesn't harm you at all with the kids. But you had to go and choose him or perhaps your destiny was meant to be… Qiu Yeh shut his eyes tight in agony.
I didn't stand a chance from the beginning… How true is this Ting Ting? He finished up his cup of whiskey and added more as he drank the night away.
That night, the couple sat in bed with Brisbane in between and read her a made-up book by Xue Ting about the butterflies' life cycle.
"So the caterpillar will grow wings in the cocoon?" Brisbane concluded when the story ended as she stood up in bed excitedly at her new discovery.
"How is she still so active?" Qiu Wen whined as Xue Ting chuckled.
"Yes, sweetie… So you see in the middle of the wings was the caterpie pi…" Xue Ting explained as she pointed to her illustration.
Qiu Wen was impressed with his wife's skills. He was contemplating whether should he help her publish that simple story and illustration she made within hours for Brisbane. He watched her trying to calm Brisbane who was questioning a lot and before he knew it, Brisbane was beginning to fall asleep in her cuddles.
He tugged on the sleeve of her shirt as she nodded, understanding it was their cue to leave the little one to sleep by herself in their room as they both sneaked out to the balcony. He wrapped her into his arms and inhaled her scent as a reminder that she was still his and was not going anyway.
"You have been very clingy… You're alright?" She asked as she stole a kiss on his cheek.
"I'm just… grateful…" He studied her face as she smiled.
"I don't want this moment to end… I want to make another baby with you…" He teased as he let her fuss with his dry skin on his face.
"The moments wouldn't end if you start to do self-care regime and making another baby is anytime, anywhere business…" He chuckled at her joke which was cut short when their doorbell rang.
The terror in Xue Ting's eyes alerted him that it could be his family.
"I didn't tell my address except to May. Don't worry. It could be just her wanting to visit." Xue Ting comforted her groaning husband as she walked towards the door.
"This late?" He asked behind her sounding irritated and before she could respond to him when she opened the front door, they met with a familiar figure unable to support himself.
"Qiu Yeh…" They both called out in unison when he was falling onto Xue Ting who then tumbled to the ground with Qiu Yeh.
"Qiu Yeh, why did you drink so much again?" Xue Ting asked as silence followed while being pinned on the ground.
She was grateful that Qiu Wen quickly lifted Qiu Yeh from her. He threw his drunk brother to the couch nearby, half surprised but also half annoyed by the interruption. Xue Ting closed the door and hurriedly went to fetch Qiu Yeh a wet towel and some warm water.
When she finally returned to watch Qiu Wen look after Qiu Yeh who was drunk, she was at ease.
"How did he know your address?" Qiu Wen questioned as Xue Ting blinked wondering if her doubts were right.
"May gave I guess? Besides, he has always been looking out for me and the twins with May. Not his first time turning up at the front door drunk either…" Xue Ting mumbled the last sentence loud enough for Qiu Wen to hear them as he gasped.
"Not his first time?" He stood with his arms at his waist as Xue Ting smiled and walked over to him.
"You know how much pressure he is in? Sometimes I guess he is here for refuge. Well, look after him while you can. After all, you owe him for taking care of me and the twins during my tough times." She smiled kissing him before heading to their room and accompanying Brisbane to sleep.