The warmth of autumn

Chapter 78: Chapter 77: Xue Ting's lingering fear

Qiu Wen sat looking at his brother as his mind wandered to Xue Ting and Qiu Yeh's past. Though he knew his brother would never snatch her away due to many circumstances, he could not help but feel bad for him. He also wondered if there was a chance for them both before he did.

Qiu Yeh stirred at the break of dawn while Qiu Wen who had not slept much the whole night tried tugging Qiu Yeh's hands back into the blanket. Qiu Yeh was startled by the gesture as his eyes flew open and sat up abruptly to find himself in unfamiliar places. 

"How the.. On earth did I end up here?" Qiu Yeh groaned while enduring the growing pain in his head from abruptly sitting up. 

"Tell me brother… Not your first time apparently…" Qiu Wen teased from the bed on the floor and stretched before yawning as Qiu Yeh chuckled when he realised the situation he had gotten himself in.

"Sorry, bro… I …" Qiu Yeh was interrupted when Qiu Wen smacked his back. 

"Just kidding… I haven't had the chance to thank you for all you did for my family all these years. Why would I blame you for such visits?" Qiu Wen's words somehow touched Qiu Yeh's heart unexpectedly. 

"So, thank you… I owe you this…" Qiu Wen added as Qiu Yeh kept himself composed and smiled.

"You know… I was wondering if… the both of you…" Qiu Wen pointed in the room's direction and Qiu Yeh could guess who he meant. "... really had no chance at all before I did? You're so much older than us both. I'm already six years apart from her… So, why didn't you…?" Qiu Wen paused as Qiu Yeh looked away.

"It was somehow my fault when she got kidnapped. Like you said I was so much older. I should have been an adult in protecting you both. Instead, she had to suffer all that ordeal… It's just… How am I to be able to tell her so after all that when Mum sent us off so abruptly? Besides, I knew about your feelings and not to mention, James'." Qiu Yeh explained as Qiu Wen patted his back.

"You know it wasn't your fault for the kidnap. Despite being the eldest so what? You were still so young. You weren't even an adult. She wouldn't blame you. No one did and neither would I. I could tell you're giving in so much for me… That would make me feel bad if I don't help you now to fight for your freedom from Mother. So please, if possible don't try to gain her acknowledgment any further but live for yourself, alone, and find your peace with Ting Ting someday on this." Qiu Wen said as Qiu Yeh nodded while holding onto his pounding head.

"Coffee shall we? And some hangover soup?" Qiu Wen offered before heading to the kitchen, chuckling at his brother's agony as Qiu Yeh watched his brother working on the crockeries proudly.

Right, I should seek some closure perhaps else I would end up here every time I drink too much… Qiu Yeh pondered before making his way to the kitchen to help out but instead was chased to clean himself up in the washroom.

After Qiu Yeh left that day, the twins returned to pack their bags in preparation to head to Shan Feng and the three kids were the most excited about it. Ever since the night of the fallout when Xue Ting knew her kids could legally drive, she would nag at them for keeping it a secret and be overly cautious when they drove especially with Joy.

"Mummy, can you relax? It's not very close to the curb. Are you worried the car will scratch itself at this rate?" Joy vented when she alighted in front of her grandma's house in Shan Feng. 

"Just listen would you for precaution?" Xue Ting nagged as Mrs. Ooi was already happily running towards them.

"Xin Xin, oh my big grandson, how have you been?" Mrs. Ooi greeted him as she hugged him. "I'm good, grandma!" 

"Me too, grandma! Did you see me driving earlier?" Joy greeted as she jumped into Mrs. Ooi's arms while Xue Ting sighed standing next to Qiu Wen with Brisbane. Qiu Wen tucked Xue Ting in his arms to comfort her. 

"Of course I did! You're both growing too fast!" She squealed and at the sight of little Brisbane who slowly made her way behind Matthew and tugged onto his sleeves, Mrs. Ooi smiled raising her eyebrows. 

"And who is this?" She squatted to hug her as well.

"It's daddy's friend's stepdaughter, Brisbane," Joy explained. 

"She tags along with us cause erm… her mother had some matters to settle." Joy continued as Mrs. Ooi gently caressed Brisbane's cheeks. 

"Granny, nice to meet you. I'm Brisbane and I call her mummy too!" Brisbane pointed to Xue Ting who was standing next to Qiu Wen as she gently kissed Brisbane's cheek and stood to have a good look at her son-in-law while questions were raised in her mind about the topic Brisbane just brought up. However, those questions were killed off by the memories of Xue Ting's childhood with the boys. 

"Great to see you again Qiu Wen…" She said meaningfully as she went to hug him.

"Good to see you too, Mdm…" Mdm. Ooi opened her eyes wide and snarled at him when Qiu Wen quickly corrected himself. 

"Mother." She smiled and patted his back. 

"Alright, enough hugs Mdm. Ooi. Are you done cooking?" Xue Ting asked while heading in with some luggage when Mrs. Ooi began her continuous nags at Xue Ting.

"All you know is eat when you return? Don't you know to give some time to greet your old lady?" Mrs. Ooi nagged while making her way to the kitchen. Xue Ting rolled her eyes.

"Well, seeing you nagging so well, you're fine mother. You don't seem to have any problem running to the farm to check on Wen Kang and come back down like you just went there to pluck some vegetables for lunch." Xue Ting retaliated as everyone tried to settle in the tiny house. 

It was a nostalgic feeling for Qiu Wen to be back again to her childhood home which he used to frequent during his tender age. He never dared to expect to return someday after the turmoil he put Xue Ting into at her tender age.

"Now, I understand why mummy is so naggy." Joy rolled her eyes as she told Qiu Wen who chuckled at the new norm of his family. 

After everyone unpacked, Xue Ting was left to accompany Mrs. Ooi in the kitchen, preparing lunch while her brother, Wen Kang was still on the farm. The twins could not wait to hike the hill where many years back was where Xue Ting was nearly kidnapped. They took Brisbane and Qiu Wen along this time. 

"Mummy would never come here," Joy said as Qiu Wen frowned while hiking.

"But why? She used to love it here." Qiu Wen asked.

"Haven't you heard of her kidnap here?" Joy raised an eyebrow as Qiu Wen inhaled sharply trying to remain composed but it did not escape Joy's sharp eyes. 

"Of course I did…" He knew he could not lie. 

"I was with her and Uncle Xavier was asking for help from the villagers while I was hiding… They were protecting me who was useless…" Qiu Wen mumbled his last word as Joy frowned.

"You aren't useless. Look at what you have become. Mummy really loves you and we can tell so. So do you? You, need her in your life. You're both a match made in heaven." Joy comforted as Qiu Wen was a little taken aback by the unexpected praises.

"However, that doesn't mean we are happy with the way other people treated her, especially that witchy girlfriend of yours who intends to take mummy's place." Joy snarled at him feeling upset when he noticed the route along the hill had changed a lot. It was way safer than their time. 

"I'm sorry but the restraining order is up so she wouldn't be able to do more harm. As for the other witch, I will keep her checked under my radar." Qiu Wen explained primly which surprised Joy at his sudden seriousness and felt bad making him call his own mother a witch.

"Sorry, I don't mean to make you call your mother a witch. Well, she is not very… nice, that's all." Joy winced at her lack of a better word. Qiu Wen laughed at her attempt to keep his mother's good name while half enjoying the hike and the way Matthew was carrying Brisbane who was sitting on his shoulder. He wished he could have done that with the twins when they were younger.

"You don't have to beautify your words, my dear. She is what she is." Qiu Wen comforted Joy by pulling her to his side.

"If only mummy's hand could heal faster and overcome her fear of here, I'm sure she would be able to paint better views of here than me." Joy lamented while changing the topic to not make Qiu Wen feel any worse than he was which came as a surprise to Qiu Wen.

"Just how much is she keeping away from me?" He whined as Joy closed her mouth from her loud gasp for spilling too much.

"Oh no, you shouldn't have known that." Joy frowned at her slip of the tongue as she stopped midway while Matthew turned and walked over noticing something was off after hearing Joy's gasp.

"What's wrong?" Matthew asked with Brisbane kicking on some rocks.

Qiu Wen sighed. "Your mum's hand still hasn't gotten better from the accident?" He asked Matthew who guiltily looked away and snarled at Joy who was still cupping her mouth.

Matthew was forced to nod. "Leave it to me. I will help her out." Qiu Wen said nonchalantly.


"But…" Joy wanted to protest when Qiu Wen raised his hand. 

"Another secret to keep. I won't say it was both of you." Joy jumped in happiness as they continued their hike. 

"My daddy knows us the best!" Joy cheered as she held onto Qiu Wen's arms. "Seriously, if only we could bring mummy along here… She will love it very much!" Joy lamented again midway as Qiu Wen thought the same.

Someday… He promised himself to bring Xue Ting up there as he enjoyed his precious time with the kids till the peak. 

Where the incident used to happen, no one could ever tell of such anymore as plant sculptures were built there and beautifying it like a park in the middle of a pit stop. It motivated Qiu Wen to bring Xue Ting up there and helped her overcome her fears of the past soon. 

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