Chapter 573: Changes (5) As A Woman
"That's right, father. It took a great deal of effort." I said, as I slowly walked, accentuating my current form. "It's actually quite nice. Very different… But it feels nice." I added, stretching in my usual manner, however it accidentally made some individuals blush.
To be specific there were three others currently in the area: Zhao Ya, Zhao Ye Bai and Xu Yi. Zhao Ye Bai was currently unable to comprehend what his eyes were showing him. Xu Yi got a nosebleed and fell backward, twitching with a completely red face. Zhao Ya flew forward and grabbed my hand…
"Wow, it's real… You really became a woman… Just, how did you pull that off?" Zhao Ya asked, then she looked into my eyes, and blushed. She instinctively tried to go in for a kiss.
I of course stopped Zhao Ya before any sort of kiss happened. "Senior Sister Zhao, please, I know my figure is attractive. But that doesn't mean I'll kiss you, let alone in front of your husband." I giggled, as Zhao Ya snapped back to reality.
"Oh my! I don't know what came over me… You were just so beautiful I wanted to…" She said, touching her lips, gently. "That's enough now tell me why the most handsome man has now become the most beautiful woman!?" She demanded with a completely red face. She even pulled out her spear.
"Ahahaha! A spear, against me? You might actually have better luck against my father…" I laughed, sliding the spear away. "But the answer to your question is simple. Two of my little sisters share a similar issue to the one I dealt with in the past…" I continued, as I walked towards Yang Xingjuan and Yang Luan. "When I was younger I had the benefit of living in a world filled with enough dragon pressure that it nurtured only one of my sources, while suppressing the other. However, when I passed by the Parasol tree on my way home… Mother's Source, the portion that remained in the tree, activated and forced my source to develop…" I said, hugging my little sisters.
"But they didn't have that option, because they live in the Star Boundary." Zhao Ya added, as she picked up what I was putting down. It was almost like we were on similar wavelengths. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head when she realized how easy it was to understand my thoughts. "You really did fully become a woman… I would not have picked up on that part otherwise…" She said as a bead of sweat dripped down her brow.
"Well, you're right. And since my sisters don't have that environment. And it wouldn't be fair to them or my other brothers and sisters… We can't put them away into our parent's small universe." I continued. "So they deal with as many conflicts in their cultivation as they experience benefits. However, I've been the one bearing all of the active damage it was causing them. Without that, they would have died." I continued. "And I just couldn't let that happen. I mean seriously, look at how cute they are!" I kept going, holding my sisters tight.
Yang Xingjuan poked one of my breasts with a giggle as she saw the slight jiggle… "Big brother… Will you be our big sister now?" She asked with a teasing smile.
"Big Brother…" Yang Luan spoke up, with curiosity in her voice. "I'm hungry…" She said, eyeing my other breast.
"BWAHAHAHA!" Martial Beast Great Emperor laughed, slapping his leg. "Now that's hilarious… I'm glad I decided to come here today." He continued laughing, wiping the tears that had formed away. "So, Temporal Thunder, how's it feel to be a woman? Is it better or worse than being a man? I only ask out of curiosity, as you're probably the first to ever pull something like this off." He asked, finally having gained control of himself.
"Well… Honestly, I can't really say if it's better or worse. There are different advantages to either or. But if I had to choose, it's easily, to be a man." I said, after thinking about it. "I have 12 wives that I'd like to have children with as soon as possible, after all. And it's far faster to do that than if we all reversed our situation." I explained. "Also, I've lived as a man far longer. I'm more used to it. Though, if I were to be stuck as a woman forever… I don't think I'd mind it either." I added with a smile.
"I see, so it really does just come down to what you feel down in your core." Iron Blood mentioned, thinking about my comments more deeply. "So then, why was it you even bothered to transform in the first place?" He asked.
"That was so I could resolve the issues my sisters have. I figured the best way to know how to deal with them is to experience them for myself." I giggled. "And to be honest, it's not like it would kill me to expand my understanding of the Dao. What better way than from a woman's perspective?" I added.
"Wait, so you solved the problem we had! We won't have to rely on you anymore!" Yang Xingjuan exclaimed excitedly.
Yang Luan on the other hand kept staring at my breasts. She even had a little bit of drool. "I wonder how tasty this milk will be…" She muttered and went for it.
"Ah! Luan… Stop it, that tickles!" I said, letting out a sound I never thought I could make. "Huh, well that was odd. "Sorry, but I won't be producing any milk for you. If you're hungry you ask Mother." I said, putting my breast back in the breast cup. "But before that, I'm going to teach both of you how to properly control your source, and resolve the conflicts between them." I said, setting the two of them back down.
"Can you take a bath with us again? Like this?" Yang Xingjuan asked, with bright eyes.
"Hmm, if you make good progress on this method then sure. I guess I can remain like this a little bit longer." I answered. "Now, let's begin…" I added, getting into serious mode. I began to show both of them the exact process they needed to know.
"Leiji, you are able to reverse this transformation you have, right?" Yang Kai asked… I nodded and he let out a sigh of relief.