A Demigod In The World Of Magic

Chapter 165: Chapter 164: Feb 24th!

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"Maybe," Chanel nodded, "but he has never treated me or any of my friends with anything but genuine compassion and respect. He's written to us not as a demanding lover but a valued friend….you know don't you? That he's resistant to our allur?"

Fleur glared, "and? It didn't stop him from-"

"-shut your mouth," Chanel spat, "he wasn't in his right mind when doing that. And he has never even insinuated we were anything less than friends. He treated us with respect, respect it seems not even a fellow veela can offer us."

Chanel reached into her jeans pocket pulling out what looked to be a crumbled up letter that had been read several times over, "these are the letters he sent us, sent me. And do you know what he talks about the most in there? You. And yet now I see you aren't worth the ink he used to write it with," she threw the papers before Fleur's feet.

Chanel turned and walked away, "if by tonight you haven't spoken to him, I will take that as a notice that you have given up on him. Which is fine by me, and the others. We'll take him, and we'll be happy."

The french champion was left alone, she saw Chanel walk up to Percy and the others who were walking towards the Hogwart's gates. She looked down at the letters and picked them up. She read them one by one.

...how's Germany? Are people there really that heavy drinkers? Don't get drunk okay! Last thing the world needs is five drunk cheerleaders throwing fireballs around.

Anyway life's here is pretty good. Last week was the wand weighing ceremony and guess what I found out! Fleur's wand core is veela hair! I didn't know you guy's could make wand's out of your own hair? Guess you could say that your hair is very…..magical! Haha! I hope you liked that one, because Fleur sure didn't when I told her!...

...I asked around and no, we can't conjure pizza, bummer. I was thinking of taking Fleur on a picnic or something, help her relax from all this tournament garbage. Poor veela looks stressed, makes me just want to hold her tight and pat her head…

...I don't know what to do, but I think I'm getting a clue. Fleur's fun to be around, don't worry though, you're still my second favorite veela! Only tied with Fleur! Whose first you ask? Why Kelly of course!...

Fleur read all those letters, again and again it mentioned her and what he felt about her. 

Her heart grew heavy with guilt, not once in all these letters did Percy ever mention a sexual relationship, if anything one would wager this was written to a friend rather than lover.

Fleur didn't know what to believe, these letters could be fake, but she didn't think that was possible. She couldn't bring herself to admit it, but she knew she overreacted, again. She always did this, and not just with Percy.

The veela looked towards the gates where Percy and the others were chatting with the veela. Fleur wanted to go there and talk to him...but her pride refused to let her do so. She folded the letters properly and walked towards her carriage.

But she looked up to see Beauxbatons students walking towards the carriage, they would be insistent that she sat with them and regaled them in her stories of how she defeated the dragon. 

Fleur didn't want to do that, she needed some time alone. She looked to the lake shore and sighed, 'that will do.'


With Percy:

By the time they reached the gates the Hogwarts students had already left for the castle, they didn't want to intrude on Percy meeting up with his old friends. This left Percy alone with the veelas, again.

"What's wrong Chanel?" Percy asked, "you keep looking over. Expecting someone?"

Chanel sighed, "no, no, nothing like that," 'I really thought she would come,' the australian veela sighed, "anyway, it's time for us to go back to our rooms. It was nice seeing you again Percy."

"Same," Percy smiled as he hugged her, "it was nice chatting with your guys again, maybe next time it can be some time when I'm not fighting a dragon." The veelas chuckled, Chanel laughed too, but her smile didn't reach her eyes.

"So when's the next task?" Amanda asked.

"I think it's February 24th," Percy shrugged, "so I'll see you all then?"

"Yup!" Ebele nodded.

"What's the plan for you all now?" Percy asked curiously as he walked them through the gates.

"Well we're going to stay the night at Hogsmeade," Ula answered, "after which another minor quidditch league will begin getting us another job."

"I see, well it's sad to say goodbye so soon," Percy chuckled, "I mean you guys just came in like a hurricane and left just as fast."

"Yeah...sorry about that," Amanda said nervously, "we didn't mean to ruin your chances with Fleur."

Percy's eyes widened, "what? No I didn't mean that! I just said you guys were quick like a hurricane, it's fine about Fleur, it's my fault really. I should have told her the truth outright."

"Well don't blame yourself," Catherine grumbled, "she's always been quick to judge, she's like that, so sensitive about her veela side. Just give her time, she'll be fine."

"But you know Percy we don't really have to end it like this," Ebele said with a smile, "if you want to talk about it you could come over."

"Yeah!" Ula nodded, "we have nothing better to do, come hang out with us, it's been so long!"

"Yeah! Come on Percy!" Catherine grabbed him by the arm and dragged him towards the carriage.

"I don't think I can leave the school grounds," Percy protested, though not very strongly.

"You're a champion, I'm sure they won't mind," Amanda shrugged as she and the others walked up to a carriage being drawn by thestrals towards Hogsmeade.

Percy sighed, "fine, just one drink. I need to get back and I don't want people thinking I'm a drunk on top of everything else they're accusing me off."


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