Bleach: Shattered Throne-The Last Hollow

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 The Sands of Hueco Mundo

As Ichigo and his army began crossing the desert, they encountered several scout parties, who were instantly captured and interrogated. After a violent interrogation, Ichigo learned that he would have to cross three regions to reach Orihime. The Wailing North, The Eastern Dunes, and finally The Shattering Western Forest. These three areas contained several Adjuchas fighting for power to take control of that region. Ichigo needed to get to his original Vasto Lorde form before he could consider dealing with whoever captured Orihime. The army made camp because Ichigo said so as he sat in silence alone. Ichigo wondered how Orihime was doing and even wondered how long he had been here. The entire reason he came here in the first place was to save her, yet he felt as though he was wasting his time and wanted to go to her this moment, but he also realized how own weakness which eats his up as the voices in his mind. His inner hollow, his weakness, the voices of those he has killed mocking him. Ichigo was in a constant clash with himself to survive to ordeal and save Orihime.


Orihime sat in silence as she had been chained for more than 3 weeks by now. Orihimes eyes were still filled with light as she still knew Ichigo would save her, but even she wavered ever so slightly. She knows Ichigo tried to protect her, but she was just taken right in front of him, and he could only helplessly watch. Orihime was very concerned for Ichigo and hoped he was safe. Suddenly a voice echoed through the darkness "I truly wonder if he will come to save you, my dear?" Orihime tensed as she knew who was talking to her. Ocuil Mortas was sitting atop a broken throne as he tossed one of his eyes in his hand. "This will be a true test to see if Ichigo is worthy". Orihime looked at him with eyes of anger and frustration as her powers were seen through completely and she was unable to activate them at all. "The truth will always reveal itself and those who deny it shall see it and those who see it shall worship it" Ocuil spoke in a monologue sort of way aloud. Orihime knew he was utterly insane and was far from sanity which made her even more tense as she knew not to say something as she had learned that the hard way last time. Orihime drew back the hair from her face as she had a long scar from her forehead through her right eye down to her cheek. She wanted to just defend Ichigo as his insults had been too much over these weeks, however the cost was brutal. Orihime had lost an eye and been brutally beaten, she had several broken ribs and many fractures in multiple places. The worst part was he would make her heal herself and then beat her again. The tormenting psychologically and physically was weighing on Orihime, yet she still clasped the hope she still had that Ichigo would save her. She was still chained to the ground and was only allowed to heal herself when he told her too otherwise for some reason her powers didn't work. Orihime shed quiet tears awaiting Ichigo to save her from the nightmare.


A tear fell from Ichigo's face as confusion riddled his face (Reminder he is in Pre-Vasto Lorde form so he is still a hollow). Why was he crying or even how was he crying he had never seen a hollow cry before as the black tear dropped into the sands of Hueco Mundo. Ichigo felt he needed to continue forward as that was his goal, his objective, his meaning, his purpose. It consumed his very being to a point like no other. Ichigo got up and ordered his troops to begin moving again as he heard fighting in the distance and wanted to acquire more power. As Ichigo and his troops poured over the horizon a conflict between two mid-size groups was occurring. One group had 3 Adjuchas about 400 hollows and about 30 Gillians. The other group had 4 Adjuchas 350 hollows and 10 Gillians. The remains on the field number in the high hundreds as it was filled with the bodies of hollows and fallen Gillians either half-eaten or just everywhere (Literally). Ichigo ordered his Gillians to fire Ceros into the crowded areas and leave 50 hollows to defend the Gillians, the rest of the hollows would follow him. None of the hollows questioned him as they knew better than to end their lives prematurely. Cero fire rained from above as crowds of enemies were blown to pieces. The Adjuchas all noticed the new group arriving and prepared to engage as each group sent about 100 hollows and an Adjucha. Ichigo would only focus on the Adjuchas as they were the only thing worth devouring to bring his power up. The fierce close combat battle began as hollows poured into each other ripping and tearing each other apart. The skies were filled with flying hollows fighting for dominance as Ichigo began slaughtering his way through several groups of hollows blocking his path. The Adjucha that Ichigo was targeting first was like a Centipede and Scorpion mixed. The Scorpion lunged its tail towards Ichigo as it had a powerful stinger, but Ichigo simply dodged out of the way and aimed to cut the tail off. Surprisingly Ichigo's attack only did medium damage to his tail not completely severing it as expected as he gets body slammed by another Adjucha. This Adjucha looked like a muscle man on Steroids galore. The Scorpion seeing an opportunity poison the Muscled Adjucha, but the stinger barely penetrated the skin as the muscle Adjucha was armored very well.

On the other part of the battlefield hollows were in a fight for survival as the three groups clashed. Hollow after hollow fell as more and more bodies filled the sands of Hueco Mundo. Ichigo's Gillians firing from afar dealt massive damage to the large crowds causing both enemy groups to lose hundreds of hollow. The scorpion screamed in pain as Ichigo tore its tail out and then proceeded to beat the scorpion-centipede hybrid to death with it. The Muscled Hollows didn't expect the poison even in a small dosage to be so strong as he fell over half paralyzed. Ichigo of course took this opportunity to walk over and decapitate him. Ichigo's mind was filled with hunger as he began devouring the two Adjuchas remains. The two opposing groups finally ordered a retreat as they had both lost hundreds of hollows, several Gillians and even Adjuchas. Ichigo would enjoy his meal as his remaining forces began devouring the battlefield as every hollow grew stronger. His forces were now stronger as he had now 40 Gillians 10 Pre-evolved Adjuchas and 200 hollows. Those that retreated were picked off by smaller groups or scavengers as nowhere in Hueco Mundo was safe.

The Group continued forward as Ichigo tore through little groups, small groups, and even medium-sized groups as his power became more abundant. Ichigo realized he only needed 5 more Adjuchas and a Pre-Arrancar for him to get back to his original Vasto Lorde state. The journey truly began now as they were on the outlines of the Eastern Dunes. This area was known to have 3 Large groups of hollows present 25 medium-sized groups and an abundance of small groups. Ichigo began with one of the large groups known as "Infinito Pular" or 'Endless Swarm. This hollow group only had 1 Adjuchas leading it, however, it had over 3,000 Hollows within the group. The leader of the swam was known as "Comendador" or 'Commander". He could somehow raise his hollow's morale and turn it into a frenzied state. Ichigo had recently learned about this after interrogating roaming little groups of hollows as they were easy pickings and demanding they join the group or be eaten was an easy choice. The 2nd large group was made up of entirely Gillians numbering about 200, led by a very powerful Gillian. This Gillian was known as "Gigante" or "Giant" and was an impressive 20 stories tall compared to regular Gillians towering a mere 2-6 stories tall. The only thing knew about the leader was that he used a massive hammer and looked exactly like a Gillian with four hands and a different facial structure. The last and final group was known as "Callejon Sin Salida" or "Dead End". This group was only made up of 5 very powerful Adjuchas and 100 or so hollows following them. Ichigo had heard from one of the hollow groups he captured that a grand battle was taking place soon and that all 3 would be facing off against one another and calling in the medium groups to make a difference in the conflict. Out of the 25 medium-sized Groups, 10 were subjugated by the swarm, 7 were devoured or destroyed, the Comendador took 5 and Gigante got the remaining 3. The remaining smaller groups and little groups were either absorbed by the medium/large groups or devoured. A fierce battle was going to take place, so Ichigo decided to go on a little recruitment drive of his own. Ichigo captured 55 little groups and 20 small groups adding to his numbers. Ichigo now had 600 Hollows, 50 Gillians, 20 Pre-Adjuchas, and 3 Adjuchas. The Adjuchas were to act as a sort of "Leader" or "General: of the group as, one would guard the Gillians, one would lead the small elite group of Pre-Adjuchas and the other one would lead 300 of the hollows. Ichigo would set his group up on a hill overlooking where the battle was supposed to take place as he prepared for what would be the main battle so his strength would finally fully return.

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