Bleach: Shattered Throne-The Last Hollow

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: The Awakening

As Ichigo's army set up a camp atop the hill, he noticed the hollows in a different light. The hollows interacted with each other and seemed to almost feel human. As Ichigo probed further the hollows had things they enjoyed, hobbies, dreams, and goals (Getting Stronger) and it surprised Ichigo and also brought him concern. In Hueco Mundo who could be strong enough to change hollows and awaken so much with them, yet another thought crossed his mind which made him break the cup he was holding. What if the individual who caused the change within the hollows was the one who took Orihime from him? What if he was the one behind all this? Ichigo did something different and tried talking to some of the hollows. Most of the hollows were quite fearful of him and took a while to somewhat warm up to him. He realized these hollows weren't like they were before only focusing on endlessly devouring, yes that was still something they wanted, yet they had more control over themselves now. Ichigo's eyes felt open as these hollows were different from the thousands he had killed in the past; they felt alive in a true sense. Ichigo continued wandering through the camp and finally came across his 3 generals. Rinoceronte (Rhino) was the first general; his appearance was like that of a Rhino and Stegosaurus mixed. Ichigo's second general Serpitina was a naga-looking hollow (lower body of a snake and upper humanoid Ish).

Ichigo's last general who rarely spoke at all was known as Sombra (Shadow). Each of his generals would lead his troops into battle. Tactics of course were very simple and not overly complicated since hollows have not developed very much besides what Ichigo had told them. Ichigo had been developing his thought process more and more realizing he would need troops as it would take too long to break through all the weaklings just to devour a few Adjuchas. Suddenly the sounds of marching echoed across the lands as the battle was going to begin within the hour.

The dunes echoed the screams of the dead as the Swarm approached from the north. Secondly, Gigante's army approached from the Southeast. Finally, the Dead-End group approached from the Western side. Ichigo and his forces sat on the Northeastern side. Comendador led the endless swarm first as it had grown even larger now after abording the remaining medium-sized groups and some smaller groups. The Infinito Pular had grown to a staggering 5,600 hollows strong. Gigante's army had also grown and now led over 400 Gillians. The army also seems to have 100 Gillians that were made for close quarters combat as they are all carrying a variety of weapons. Dead-end forces were now slightly larger, and they had acquired a 6th Adjucha and around 200 hollows under their command. The battle began instantly as the Swarm began to rush Gigantes group as they were currently a bigger threat in Commendador's mind. The Melee Gillians also charged towards the swarm as the remaining Gillians started firing Ceros at the Swarm and Dead End. Dead end Adjuchas decided to focus on targeting the leaders of the other two groups and split into 2 groups each with 3 Adjuchas and 100 hollows to take out the commanders. Ichigo and his forces watched as the chaos unfolded on the battlefield. Ceros were flying every causing massive destruction, yet the horde kept pushing and pushing and got locked into combat with the melee Gillians. Hollows got slashed, stomped, thrown, and blown up as all sorts of madness spread across the battlefield. The hollows fought fiercely as Ichigo's group more instinctually drove them. This confused Ichigo, yet it wasn't as important as the battle. Gigante came to the front lines and began pushing the swarm back. The Swarm was like a tsunami crashing against the Gillians as several Gillians began to fall and get killed. 3 of the Adjuchas from "Dead End" decided to focus on the Gillians in the back behind Gigantes Melee Gillians and ignore the original plan for now as Gigante had rushed to the frontlines.

Commendador was now in intense combat between 3 Adjuchas trying to kill him. He kept 400 hollows in reserve in case this occurred, and they were engaged with the 100 hollows from the opposing group. Commendador's troops numbered higher, but the Adjuchas tore through them like butter. Commendador used his ability turning his troops frenzied as they began ripping through the hollows even faster and all that was remaining were the 3 Adjuchas. Commendador smirked, but then a roar echoed as Gigante covered in cuts bruises, and bleeding from many orifices charged towards him. The 3 Adjuchas seeing the other group of Adjuchas ignore the decided plan (Democracy at its finest in hollow society XD) began to make a fighting retreat. Ichigo sensing the change in battle and perfect opportunity sent Sombra with his elite division (Pre-evolved Adjuchas) to slaughter the remaining Gillians on Gigante's side and the Adjuchas attacking them as well. Rhinoceonte was told to charge from the northwest and break through both lines splitting them in half. Serpitina was tasked with preparing the Gillians to begin firing into the crowded area from this hill (Like Artillery) Ichigo then dashed towards the battlefield focusing on the leaders of the three groups as they were important for his growth.

The smell of death filled the air as countless bodies littered the desert. Pools of blood had formed, and the echoes of distant clashing continued. Ichigo arrived to see Gigante missing an arm and an eye, Commendador was mixing 3 tentacles (out of 10), and out of the 6 Adjuchas from Dead End 5 remained. Ichigo troops came at the perfect point causing Gigante's backline to collapse and the 3 Adjuchas to be locked into combat. Rhinoceonte split the lines apart as he charged directly through the lines engaged in battle as hollows were stomped or flatted by him. Serptina's Artillery had dispersed all the large, crowded fighting zones as only many small pockets remained. Ichigo smirked as he disappeared and then reappeared behind one of the Adjuchas from a dead end and used his claws to rip through his body and tear out his heart. Ichigo then began clashing with Gigante and Commendador as each of them realized this new opponent wouldn't let any of them get away. Gigante threw a massive spear and Commendador sent his few remaining frenzied hollows to attack the new intruder. Ichigo then grabbed the other Adjuchas from the dead end and threw him at the incoming spear slicing him in half. Ichigo then used a cero to deal with the frenzied hollows approaching him. Gigante charged toward Ichigo as it rushed with two axes in its hands prepared to face the hollow. Ichigo dodged the axe strike against him as he kicked Gigante flying backward into the sands. "So, you decided to attack when we were all weak quite cleaver if I do say so myself" spoke Commendador who realized his fate was most likely sealed. Ichigo slowly walked forward as his aura howled thousands of dead hollows. Commendador began to attempt to run away, but all it took was a single slash from Ichigo as Commendador fell into two pieces. Ichigo dodged as a massive axe landed where he just was. "You are truly worthy of a challenge," spoke Gigante, as he began to shrink to a much smaller 6 meters (Originally 20 Stories) and began to laugh. "It's time for the real show to begin!"

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