Bleach: Shattered Throne-The Last Hollow

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: The Evolution

Ichigo unleashed a roar filled with excitement as new prey he could devour appeared before him. He became frenzied and began rapidly attacking Gigante's new form. Gigante had evolved into a "Vasto Lorde," and Ichigo knew that he could regain his original Vasto Lorde powers if he just devoured him. He could finally return to his love; all it took was one final push. Ichigo teleported forward as he charged towards Gigante's new form.

Since Gigante's new form was smaller, his power output had increased by a massive margin. Gigantes swung his remaining axe towards Ichigo, causing Ichigo to dodge to the left as he was kicked in the ribs into the dunes. Although Ichigo's forces had finished cleaning up most of the remaining enemies, the remaining Adjuchas were still giving them a hard time, and they knew that if they tried to help, they would just be in the way.

Ichigo slowly stood up. One thought was going through his mind, howling at him to DEVOUR. So, he charged forth again with a newfound speed. Gigantes were slashed and sliced up and down all over his body as Ichigo's speed became too fast to handle.

Ichigo's mind had fragmented into almost a wild beast as he threw his blade away and using his claws slashed and slashed. He tore off one of Gigante's arms and stuff in his mouth as he was thrown off. Gigante for once in his life felt a true sense of fear as he tried running away and swinging his axe wildly to defend from Ichigo's strike. Suddenly the axe lodged itself into Ichigo's left shoulder and Gigante's heart stopped. Ichigo had a chilling smile as he spoke "Now you can't run as fast can you!!" as Ichigo clawed out Gigantes left eye completely shredding it. Enraged that he was nothing more than a plaything, Gigante pulled his last remaining weapon. A Giant axe appeared in his hands as he began powering it up. The Axe using a power similar to a cero lit up as two double-handed axe heads appeared. Gigantes began swinging wilder than earlier as ceros were thrown out from the blade, hitting the dunes and a few remaining troops on the field. Ichigo continued stepping in and out as he dodged these wild attacks, He had begun to become bored of this situation and his toy was no longer any fun to play with.

Gigante's mind was filled with fear as Ichigo rushed towards him once more. Ichigo swiftly and silently sliced straight through his top right arm and lower right arm as they were now beyond recognition that they were once arms. Gigante was frustrated at his weakness as his entire goal in life was to become a truly strong hollow worth following. After Aizen's demise and the deaths of most Espadas Hueco Mundo experienced a massive change causing hollows to become smarter and cooperate. Chaos ensued as thousands of hollows began slaughtering each other to gain new power. Hundreds of Adjuchas were born that day as they have devoured enough to now evolve. All the hollows didn't know how they could become strong so quickly, but they jumped at every opportunity to take advantage of it.

Hollows started to form groups and even rarely friendships, while others endlessly slaughtered their kind. All across Hueco Mundo massive blood pools began to form as thousands and thousands of hollows died every day, inadvertently calling more hollows to the slaughter. The Cycle repeated for what felt like forever until Adjuchas started to "lead" hollows and develop organization to a degree.

Thus, the great Hollow Wars began when Adjuchas waged war upon one another for territory and power. It was even heard that a clan had formed in the far Northern Wailing Lands. Many hollows started forming groups and following strong leaders to ensure their survival. One of the strongest factions lay deep within the ruins of Las Noches where no sane hollow would dare venture.

Ichigo's claw tore through Gigantes Abdomen his insides began spilling out. Gigantes fell to his knees as weakness had overtaken what little strength remained. Ichigo then began laughing Maniacally sounded horrifying as he started ripping into Gigantes, while he was still alive as Gigante's screams filled the silent dunes of Hueco Mundo.


Ichigo's powers began to surge as his body slowly evolved back to his original Vasto Lorde form. The horns atop his head grew longer, his claws grew sharper, his eyes became blood red, and his face began to form a crazed smile. Ichigo Vasto Lorde's form had returned as he roared across the Desert. Ichigo's mind slowly returned to him as he gathered his remaining troops and set up camp to collect the spoils to consume. His troops had taken a massive hit in number as he only had 50 hollows, 10 Gillians, 5 Pre-evolved Adjuchas, and one of his generals lost their life. Rinoceronte had fallen in battle, yet Ichigo cared not, for the weak would join the dead, and the strong would triumph over the living. Ichigo sat and watched Hueco Mundo's Moon as he felt strong enough to regain what he had lost. Ichigo's mind was a shell of its for more self, all in the pursuit of love.

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