Bleach: Shattered Throne-The Last Hollow

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: The Unexpected

Ichigo awoke to the sound of fighting as his troops were engaged in a massive brawl with a giant centipede. The hollows that didn't evolve into Adjuchas but consumed many hollows evolved into something far worse. The hollows became up to 50 times bigger and were always frenzied. The hollows attacked anyone and anything, consuming all in its wake. The strength of these "Tyrant-Class Hollows" was as powerful as an Arrancar, yet lacking intelligence. Almost every Tyrant Class hollow became an instinctual beast, but the few who still held on were ever more terrifying. Ichigo dodged as a passive tail whipped past him, throwing several hollows and killing a couple.

Ichigo's two remaining generals were scared and brutally beaten as most of his troops had fallen to the same problem. Ichigo felt a sense of renewed power as he began to walk toward the charging Tyrant. Ichigo pulled back his claw and shot something forward as the giant centipede stopped. Seconds went by before the centipede split in half, falling to the ground. All the hollows were stunned that their leader had just destroyed a Tyrant class Hollow in a single strike. As time approached, Ichigo walked away towards the dune he sat upon to find and bring Orihime back to him.

Ichigo was within 100km of Las Noches ruins, where he sensed Orihime as he rushed forth, slaughtering any in his wake. Large groups and medium groups now fell quickly, and many swore allegiance. Ichigo knew only the Adjuchas were even slightly worth devouring anyway, as he felt little growth, yet he still felt propelled to continue devouring.


Time had passed, and now it had been two and a half months since Orihime was captured and chained. Orihime's remaining eye contained sadness and hope. She had sensed Ichigo coming her way for a few weeks, yet she was also fearful of what had happened to him. Orihime knew she could heal any of his wounds and hold him close, yet she underestimated how lost Ichigo's mind had fractured. "Your little lover is getting closer and closer every day to how joyous it will be to rip him apart right in front of you." Orihime glared at Ocuil as he picked her up and threw her across the room. "You're still so lively after all the fun we have been having. I am so glad you are not broken like all my other toys," laughed Ocuil. Orihime looked across the room as Hollow bodies littered everywhere; hundreds of pieces of hollows mixed and mashed together, creating chimera hollows. Every day, she hears the screams of hollows as they are twisted and torn apart just to be thrown back together. Orihimes mind had been slowly deteriorating as she had started hallucinating sometimes. Ichigo would come to save her, or she would gain control of her powers again and escape, yet it was all a figment of the mind trying to reel from all the pain.

Orihime became fearful as it seemed Ocuil wanted another brutal beating session as he got annoyed at the smallest of things. She knew her screams would only bring him joy and her no escape. Chills ran through her body as Ocuil slowly walked towards her, whistling a tune with a crazed smile.


In these past times, Ichigo had accumulated a massive force upon his journey to get Orihime back. Ichigo finally saw the broken entrance to Los Noches. Ichigo could no longer wait and ordered his troops to begin the Siege of Las Noches. Ichigo's army was now 12,000 Hollows, 4,000 Gillians, 100 Pre-evolved Adjuchas, and his two generals. Ichigo had been solely focused on getting to Orihime, so these numbers mattered little as they were charged. Ocuil had been waiting for this for a long time as he sent out 20,000 Hollows to countercharge Ichigo's forces.

Hollows poured into each other as hollows began dropping left and right. Gillian ceros were flying everywhere, blowing anything in sight. The Adjuchas in conflict were tearing through the battlefield, causing massive casualties and damage to the terrain. Blood filled the area, and scavengers watched from afar to get the scarps left. Larger and Medium-sized groups also moved towards the battle as it would be a chance to reap the rewards of entering the fight later on and crushing both enemies. The Hollows knew they had a chance if someone was bold enough to attack Las Noches. In the distance, a rumbling was heard, yet ignored as the sounds of clashing and roars of hollows filled the sky. The Moon stood brightly in the sky as the only light source illuminating this bloodshed for all to see.

The final battle would begin now, and the echoes of the damned would litter this battlefield for millennia to come. However, an expected variable would turn this battle into a Massacre beyond Hollow's comprehension.

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