
Chapter 35: ch35

The Raven and the Princess

-West. Kingdom of Asgard. Winterfell-

-Lord's Hall-

Hariric was looking through the paperwork. The truth is that it was an immense headache and he had to use all his ingenuity to not grab his hair and pull it out forcefully. But the job was the job and he did it with the intention of keeping the kingdom united and running smoothly.

The paperwork was different things. For example, one of the reports spoke of an attack by bandits on a town. He had given the order to catch and interrogate the bandits. The discovery? It seemed like someone was paying to cause chaos in his kingdom. Of course every time there was an attack like this it was obvious that it was because of the entry into the kingdom.

There were several options for people to sneak in: the shores and the canal entrance. Entering through the canal was a big no sir. The canal was protected by his brother who made a real and true effort to maintain its protection and at the same time ensure that no one with bad intentions entered through it.

The most conclusive options were the coasts. His magical security would have informed him if any of the ports had been breached in any way. But at the same time it was enough for him to know that it wasn't because of the ports and that only left the locations that were the territory of the House Karstark alliance that made him groan.

Rickard had made no secret of his annoyance at many of his changed forms. For example, Rickard had expected greater pressure from the lords on the little ones to which he was totally against since the situation with respect to the little ones is that they should have a comfortable life and not one in which they feel belittled. .

His memory of the nobility was not the best. Like Black he had felt superior. He believed that his blood was worth a thousand times more than anyone else's and it was something he agreed with. In his opinion his brothers, his children and himself were superior to any nobleman and any other person on the ground.

But being superior also means having higher obligations. When a person is at the top it means that he has responsibilities from which he cannot escape. Whether or not others liked being a lord and especially being a Stark meant that you had some demanding rules of conduct and much more.

The reason for his annoyance is that he was putting laws in place so that the little ones would not be abused. They were the ones who moved a country while it was the lords who stabilized and shaped it. They needed each other so naturally screwing over one side wasn't the smart thing to do.

The problem with Rickard is that he had a very northern way of thinking. First he was xenophobic. In his opinion, if you were not of northern blood, you did not deserve to be and be part of the kingdom and in his opinion that had only increased when the kingdom of Asgard was formed.

Next Rickrd had a sense of how things were. The woman was only useful to have children. The man was the power and the strength. He was fighting to prove that women deserved fair treatment and not to be abused and torn apart by men. Damn, the guy had a daughter and he should think about what's best for her.

No matter how many ways he looked Rickard despised his changes because they went against his ancestors. In fact he had had the audacity to say that he hoped that with the separation his old habits would come back. When the man suggested that the nobles continue to claim the first wedding night of any peasant he had put his heel firmly into it.

Do you need help getting to bed? Are you so unmanly that you actually need to force a woman to have sex? Those were her defenses. But other than that she just reminded him that what she was doing was rape. If he caught anyone doing that he would kill them in the most painful way possible. And he made an example of a couple of stupid gentlemen for it.

The Karstark alliance, which, although small, still had power, was upset with him. Jon Umber handled things very well. Damn, the man was happy with how things were working and, more importantly, they supported him. And many others too. But the karstark alliance would never be happy with the all time.

It was a disaster that could explain the entry of these groups of bandits into the kingdom. It was sad. But if that's how it was then what he would do is wait. But what he was going to do was break the man's balls when he was offered the opportunity. What a shame to think that he could just get away with it.

With a single movement I activate a mirror and wait. Moments later Ragnar's face appeared in the mirror. His spymaster was a serious man. Honestly, the man did the job well, but once his dear Shelia had to do less in terms of parenting, he would give him the job back or perhaps he would seek to make new divisions.

''Ragnar, would it be possible for you to carry out an investigation? The bandit groups are being annoying. Someone is sneaking them in and I think I have a suspicion who may be behind it.'' Ragnar looked at him for a moment before nodding.

''it will be done as you say my lord. You just have to tell me exactly who you think it could be and I will do my best to find out the information about who could be behind it.'' Ragnar had read the reports of the attacks himself and was far from happy.

''my suspicions revolve around lord karstark. It seems that even though I gave him a prosperous business, the man somehow thinks that he can start thinking about plans against my family and my government. "These attacks make it seem like my government is not in control." And that was something that bothered him a lot.

''lord karstark has shown nothing less than honest interests in you my lord. We don't have very big reports of it but...it could be possible and one of the reasons for the most recent movements from the south.'' Ragnar was going to have to get more people into it than he thought.

''What movements in the south are you talking about exactly, Ragnar? 'He would think that if there was a movement that was worrying in the south he would have been informed of it by now.' The spies had an eye on the great lords especially Doran, Tywin and Olenna. Those three were truly cunning and dangerous.

''A disappearance of bandit groups has been noted in the south, especially in the crown lands and also in the river lands. We could only assume that they were leaving for greener pastures like the dominion lands. It seems that this was not the case and in reality they could be interfering in our kingdom, your majesty.'' Ragnar sighed. This was going to be a huge mess to deal with.

''I suppose that would not have been of interest to the corps and the intelligence division. It could have been correctly assumed that those groups could have been treated in some way or would have gone to better places and with a better exit.'' It seemed like there was someone who was trying to cause chaos and trouble within his kingdom with bandits.

''The scum are always willing to move for gold and money. If they thought they could get away with it, it is obvious that they would come to the kingdom of Asgard, especially with the new wealth we have. You don't have to be a genius to know that. Fortunately the ranger forces work very well.'' The rangers protected the people of Asgard and that was good.

''So we have someone who is essentially trying to break the lords of the kingdom. I know that Rickard must be letting them pass through his side of the coast or they must pass through the territories of his allies. But these bandits would not dare to pass if someone did not offer them gold.'' The bandits were mostly idiots. But some were desperate.

''I can suggest several sources of people who may be interested in the kingdom being thrown into chaos. The main ones are the free cities. Until now, cities could compete with Westeros in economics. We're making that difficult at best.'' Free cities could be a serious headache to deal with.

''The free cities would obviously take this the wrong way. We've already caused Myr to lose two-thirds of his income. We sell and offer valuable resources in large quantities that everyone has to buy. It is obvious that the free cities would be dying to get their hands on us.'' It was a smart move on the part of the free cities.

''Free cities also have a lot to gain for another reason. There has been a departure of the non-mercantile or noble population from the free cities. More and more people come to work with the hope of being able to find a future for their family.'' And there was work. That's what a nation that had so much future had to have if he had to be honest.

''Free cities lose their population and in turn see an increase in their expenses by having to buy so many things that they would not otherwise have to buy. Yeah. I can see the free cities funding this with the intention of putting tension in my country...fucking bastards.'' And here he thought he was being nice enough.

''My main concern is Braavos my lord. Braavos was greatly harmed when they were exposed. There are many possibilities that they took it the wrong way and especially that they planned their revenge accordingly for his personal good.' It was a possibility if you stopped to think about it.

''I was kind enough to the Iron Bank even though they were idiotic enough to think they could pay the Boltons to do what they did. I thought I was being nice by not giving them a hard time. It seems I was wrong. Don't worry Ragnar. Seeing that it's my mistake, I'll fix it myself." Oh yes, they wanted war? Well, I would give them war.

''The cities of slave bay and the men of Qarth are a very strong possibility. Before the kingdom of Asgard arrived, they were the main producers of the highest quality silk and the best spices. The kingdom of Asgard has taken away most of their businesses and now they have to dedicate themselves to other matters. I can easily see the annoying groups.'' The slavers were the worst.

''tch. Their belief that they can overcome anything is a problem. But making war on them is stupid. "They are very far away and what is more important they are in a situation in which we cannot command our armies without tempting our enemies here." They were a problem. It would have to be settled in a more effective way.

''If I may say so, I would recommend extreme caution. Yes Qarth. The free cities. And slaver cities lose patience and have two guilds of specially trained assassins: the Sorrowful Men and the Faceless Men. "Both groups would be a nightmare to deal with." Ragnar decided to offer the intelligence.

''which means that our attack has to come earlier, be fast, be powerful and most importantly be decisive. We will start with the free cities. "We will attack the slave cities in a way that I know we can do them the most damage: their attacks to obtain slaves." I would need information for this in this case since they would have their main meat sellers.

''It should not be difficult to obtain the names of all those who are essentially working for the slavers. Pirates. Dothraki. All of them. "They are targets that we can reach if the opportunity is offered, my lord." He did not have the slightest intention of failing his master and lord in this mission.

"I trust that you will get the information so tell me, are those all the potential enemies that we could take into account or suspicions of more enemies that have the potential and the currency to carry out this form of attack?" Hariric looked at his spymaster who for a moment seemed immersed in his mind.

''I can think of two. One would do it directly. The other in a more indirect way. One is Varys the Master of Whispers. With his ability to get information I would call him the planner. And through him giving that information to the lord hand who could suggest that certain things be done.'' Ragnar almost felt sorry for his enemies.

Hariric narrowed his eyes. He should have known. That bastard Jon Arryn would never abandon his damned cause of seeing the kingdoms under one faith and in fact he was an even bigger idiot with delusions thinking that he had the right to anything. He should have known that this man could resort to those types of tactics because as long as people didn't know what he was doing, he could get away with it.

''Jon Arryn...I thought I was done with that chapter of my life. I thought it was over. That he could finally leave the affairs of the south. I figured planning and dealing with them another time was all I had to do. "I should have known that they wouldn't just leave me alone." Bloody Jon Arryn should have stayed on his southern business.

''If I may say so it is not only the lord hand who could be a cause for this. Varys has been investigated and it has been discovered that he is in an association with a Magister of Pentos. His name is Illyrio Mopatis and he is a man who would do a lot more business if Asgard didn't have so much power.' It was very valuable information from what he could say.

''An external agent who is associated with one of the most trusted in the kingdom? No. Rather Varys has always been associated with this Illyrio and is only benefiting from the remaining six kingdoms. The best thing to do in this case is to make sure there is no threat. Investigate it. Just in case''. Better not to cry in case of problems.

''My lord didn't need to tell me twice. Varys having such an influential ally and not seeing each other or making an effort not to seem like allies is bad. "It could potentially be a pain but it is better not to be a pain that our lords will have to regret later." The best thing was to know as much as possible about the meeting between Illyrio and Varys.

Hariric narrowed his eyes. A foreign merchant having even a friendly relationship with an important person in a king's court was worrying. There was a reason you had eyes and paid attention to those around you mostly with the intention of making sure they didn't catch you from behind.

''The last one is a man known for his majesty: Petyr Baelish. Petyr Baelish is a man who has risen very high despite his birth. Anyone would call it work skill. Forgive me if I say that it sounds more like the action of a person who is trying to get by his own personal plans and takes advantage of every advantage.' Ragnar offered his personal opinion.

''mmmm, how could this character take advantage of attacking us? Last I heard he was a businessman in Westeros who was focused on his whore affairs thinking about the better profits he could make from the sale of human flesh.' And here he thought that he was not an idiot.

''that my lord is simple. Petyr Belish is a man who thrives in chaos. "He took advantage of the moment of uncertainty and damage to Puerto Gaviota to emerge as an important man in the valley to the point that the Lord Hand trusted him for this job." Ragnar wondered what his lord would say about that.

''a fucking opportunist. He may be aiming and waiting for his own opportunities to do his best. Harming Asgard does him good thinking that he can attack our businesses indirectly." Yeah. An opportunist would do such a thing thinking that he was possibly protected too.

''Another thing that might interest you my lord is that Petyr Baelish has a strong relationship with Lyssa Arryn. Apparently he has been very close to her and it is known that she has also been in love with him since she was a child. "Possibly they are having a relationship of some kind." Ragnar almost died when he saw the cruelty-filled gaze of his master and lord.

''Now isn't that interesting? A relationship outside of marriage? Take advantage of that. Gather information. When this man moves to make his own move we will destroy his reputation by making known his intentions and actions of him to become the lover of the lady of a great house.' Oh yeah. He could exploit it to his advantage and thus ruin a potential threat.

''I will do as my lord commands. I also thought it would be a good idea to let you know that Petyr Baelish has been gathering agents to learn about Princess Belladonna's interests. "I just wanted to let you know." And as soon as she said that she was gone. He didn't want to be in the eye of his lord's gaze when he wasn't in the best of moods.

Hariric felt fury gathering in his being, so the rat thought he could get his hands on his daughter huh? It seemed like southerners still didn't know the word fear well enough if this moron thought he could get away with fucking shit out of it. He would have to teach them a lesson in what was essentially the error of his ways.

-Essos. Norvos-

It had taken him a while. But someone was hiding them. Although he also had help. Someone was helping him find his daughter. And although Lewyn was very suspicious of someone helping him meet his daughter, he was happy with it and in fact he decided to take advantage of that advantage.

I could still remember it. The look of those gray-green eyes. The withering look that she was analyzing him at all times. The look of a person who was not afraid to tell him in a few words that he was up to his neck in shit, his only escape from him? That he was found innocent of what the rest of his brothers did.

Royal Guard. When she joined the royal guard it was to protect her niece because according to her sister's words she would not trust in any way the safety of her family any less than her own family. The young Elia. She was in danger in the capital surrounded by people who despised her above all else because they thought they were superior to her.

He scoffed, "Superiors?" superior in what? They were the ones who were enslaved by the dragons while Dorne fought and a marriage agreement was needed to unite them with the seven kingdoms. What a group of idiots. The arrogance of those fucking flowers who only had luck in damn life to rise and climb positions of power.

And then he arrived. Hariric Stark. He was honest in what he thought and could only remember the day he offered to swear for the crown. He could remember the young lord and he thought that he was a unique young man. That he was not surprised that he was the best choice of husband for one of his sister's protégés. And then the war broke out.

He thought and in fact believed that it was stupid: a single kingdom against the strength of the remaining kingdoms? What kind of idiot was he who thought that this thing could work? Of course he could understand, what was he thinking about Rhaegar of all things? Why did he kidnap said man's sister to do what he did with her?

It didn't help that lately he had seen the red priests around that idiot. He thought he was delusional. What the hell was the boy thinking? The red priests were a nuisance. Their religion said that everyone was a slave and lived to serve their god, really? Who the fuck decides that huh?

Rhaegar was motivated by those pieces of trash and thought he could just get away with it. Without waiting for the consequences. Although of course he could not have expected the consequences of waging war against Hariric Stark who seemed a more dangerous, more deadly and more terrifying man than he could have ever imagined.

Hariric brought war to the kingdoms and acted as a violent plague that brought nothing but death and suffering to the six remaining kingdoms. He destroyed the Redwyne fleet. He destroyed Gabiota port. He destroyed Tywin's brother. And finally he killed the prince. And in the process he left no stone unturned. He devastated everything without a single drop of mercy.

He knew that if his sister were alive she would have spanked Doran. Doran acted like every Southerner: with an air of superiority. And when he felt threatened he went straight to the claim thinking that he had the right for some reason to take from others what they had. That backfired and now his beloved land suffered.

But that was not his goal. No. His goal was here. Hidden in Norvos: his daughter Danearys. She was his daughter. Not that fucking bastard of a king. It was his. And he was coming for her to save her from living a life on the road and being chased and hunted as a mere criminal. She was just a fucking girl.

I didn't know who had done it. He didn't know who could be helping him. But what he did know is that someone was backing him to find her daughter and save her. Normally he would have done the same for Viserys but word had spread about the boy's way of being and thinking and he was not going to allow that boy to put his hands on his daughter in any way.

So here he was in the city when he noticed a girl looking at a store. She wasted no time before moving. He could have been suspicious. He might have thought it wasn't her. But he would recognize the face of his beloved at any time. So he approached the girl and saw what she was looking at so intensely.

''Hello sweetheart how are you?''. Yeah. Being nice was the best. According to her ally, the fact is that the young woman had had a shitty life with her brother, tormenting her at every moment and making her tremble with fear in any case.

''I...good morning sir. It's no big deal. "She was only impressed by the beauty of the artifacts displayed here." Danearys looked at the man. She didn't know him at all. But he had a firm look but at the same time an air of tranquility. He didn't seem like a bad man.

''ah I see what has caught your vision. What you see is one of the greatest beauties there has ever been: the crown of the queen of the west. A crown made of Valyrian steel with rubies along it. A true beauty.'' And she was wondering what the hell the damn crown was doing there.

''Yeah. She is beautiful…she is so beautiful. "I once dreamed that I could even hold it but now I don't think I can even think about holding it in my hands." Danearys looked carefully at her mother's crown. What was she supposed to feel about it other than longing for what her brother had lost?

''I see...that is the crown of one of the most beautiful women I have ever met. I don't have enough words to talk about her. In fact, I don't think there are enough words to talk about said woman.'' The sadness in her voice. He even remembered not being able to get there in time to see her one last time.

''You...did you know my mother?'' Danearys couldn't believe it, a person from Westeros? She should be afraid. What if she was one of the usurper's men? But this man had not tried to do anything to him just yet.

''Oh yeah. He knew her very well. She was my sister's best friend. My sister came to treasure her a lot and think of her as an example of what every woman should be... and then she left her. Destroyed by that crazy and evil man. The memory of what Aerys did to Rhaella did not make him happy at all.

''Do you mean King Stark? I've heard from everyone that he is a scary man. My brother says that he is a dirty traitor dog who dared to stand up against his master.' His brother only disliked this Lord Stark and the people he had met had more negative opinions of him.

''No. Hariric Stark was not the man who hurt him. Oh I still remember that day. That man was hitting her and hurting her. I decided I would kill him for what he was doing to your mother. But she stopped me. "She didn't want him to be chased by the whole world." Lewyn could still remember the pleading look of the woman who would be his lover.

''But...wasn't King Stark actually the man who wanted to take control of the crown? That is to say, he wanted to do it. Why else would he rise up to rebel against the lords? Danearys was having a bad feeling. Why was this man saying that it wasn't the Stark who was bad? Was his brother wrong?

''Hariric Stark is an older brother, do you know what being an older brother meant to him? That the younger brothers are under his protection. That he had to make sure they were safe and happy. But he had a special love for his family. He could still remember it. That man looked at his family with more affection than he had seen many gentlemen.

''Prince Rhaegar did something bad. Something very bad that made Hariric Stark angry: kidnapping Hariric Stark's little sister. To say that hariric was far from happy is an understatement. But before loading, his father went to speak to the king about the condition of his sister.' He could feel the little girl enthralled by her story.

''But the king was a bad man. He arrested Hariric Stark's father and ordered that the heads of each Stark be brought to him for daring to demand things. The logical thing would have been for them to leave matters between the Stark and Targaryen houses. But Hariric Stark had made many enemies among the people of the south.'' His nephew was a complete idiot.

''You see, Hariric Stark is far from being an ordinary man. He brought hope and life to his kingdom. He brought something that was very important to his people and that's why people wanted him dead. So with no other option but to take the path of arms, Hariric Stark launched a war against the south and devastated everything in his path. He could still remember Ashara's words: what you see is the sadness of what he was forced to do.

''Then why? Why were we forced to leave our home? Why is my mother dead? If it's not Harirc Stark's fault why are we away and did I have to watch my mother's crown be sold so we can live in peace?'' Danearys was torn, was everything she knew a lie?

''To answer that little one I have to tell you what I know. The trouble caused by your father had led to many dissatisfied people. Your brother's actions angered many others. Tired and upset by the actions of all those men, the fact is that the kingdoms that did not participate in the fight demanded the iron throne. He could remember the hariric words of those men and they were not pleasant.

''It is because of those men and no one else that you are living in this situation. It is because of those men that you are having such a really bad time right now. And I can assure you one thing princess…Hariric Stark doesn't mind you. Now if you were with the intention of making him kneel we would have another one.'' She couldn't see Stark letting him off easy.

''But weren't the Starks vassals of my father and mother? Why shouldn't they be taking an oath that they are subordinate to us?'' She didn't understand. According to her brother, if a person is subordinate all their life, they should remain that way. The man grimaced.

''Hariric wouldn't see it the same way. In fact he might get seriously upset if he thought that someone believed he had any right to tell him what his life of all things should be like. Believe me you don't want Hariric Stark as your enemy. I saw him on the battlefield. "He is the deadliest enemy you will ever see in your life." The memory of what he did to the fire dragon was fresh in his memory.

''They say he is a powerful sorcerer, is that why he has been able to do everything he is capable of? They say that if he weren't for the same magic then he wouldn't be able to do anything he's capable of.' Danearys had heard enough complaints from the people. From his brother to merchants talking that he was a sorcerer and that was cheating.

''I highly doubt it princess. Hariric Stark is a once-in-a-lifetime mind. The way of thinking and doing things is unprecedented, can magic be a probable cause of him being able to do many things? Oh yeah. It's a possibility but putting everything at the feet of magic is not smart." He himself had had that doubt.

''I wish I could see magic, would I be able to give life to dragons? I...if he's not a bad man, could he ask him for help? "I don't want to live my whole life being persecuted." She was a little anxious, could she ask for help from the same man she had taken away from her brother?

''I wouldn't know, princess. Hariric is a man with his own agenda. Don't think that just because he has a good intention doesn't mean he doesn't have a personal plan. If you went up to him possibly he would look for a way to benefit in the long term." It was the logical thing to think in these cases.

''I...I just want to live in peace. I want to stop being persecuted. I fear that one day the king's men will find me and harm me. "My brother hasn't stopped telling me the horrible things they could do to me if they laid their hands on me." Yeah. She preferred to be safe if possible.

''I can't tell what that man can do. But Pincesa Danearys, I promise you that I will make every effort to keep you safe if you give me the chance.'' He was fucking serious, who thought he was still beyond his capabilities? but well he had to do it. This was his daughter.

''Wait, you can't do it. They will chase you too. You will be alone in the world as I myself am. The situation would be as bad for you as it would be for me. Please consider it." The girl couldn't believe it. There was a man here who was willing to put her life in danger for her? She didn't know what exactly to feel.

''I can do what I want with my life, princess. I will save you even if it costs me my life. Take your things. I'll take you with me. This is a promise from a gentleman. I may no longer be a royal guard but I am still a knight. And for a knight his oath is his existence.' Levin's voice was serious and absolute in this case.

Danearys didn't know what to feel. She was just a girl. Her entire life had been remembered by the possibilities of being murdered. Because the man who sat on the iron throne wanted nothing more than to kill them. But now there was a man who was here to keep her safe.

He didn't think about his brother who sold his mother's crown. He didn't think about her brother who had kept saying that she was a burden and that he would be better off without her. She just thought that for once in her life she had a chance to survive. So without thinking twice she took the man's hand ready to face the future.

-Beyond the Wall. Big tree-

The crow was upset. Very, very annoying. Since the war ended things had gotten worse. Yeah. Jon Snow had been born or rather Jon Snow, son of Hariric Stark, had been born. The boy was supposed to be raised in poor conditions and manipulable and even easy to use.

It wasn't the only thing that had gone wrong. It turns out that Eddard Stark had not married Catlyn Tully but a woman from Norvos. This woman was less pious and more business oriented. And even less with a chip about how things must work in her woman's mind. She was an attentive mother, yes, but not to the point of suffocation.

Benjen Stark had not gone to the wall but had married Dacey Mormont and was on the path to becoming a father. That wasn't so annoying. Benjen had little influence even on the northern situation except as lord and protector of the western sea but it was still a nuisance that he did not toe the line.

And Lyanna Stark had survived because not only had her brother fought the war much more effectively, but it also turned out that he was able to learn where he was almost from the beginning and had a unit trained for those types of missions. The girl's survival was upsetting.

He was trying to get his hands on the matter at hand: the world tree. Life. All. But she couldn't. Hariric Stark was a nuisance. In his place, Brandon Stark should have been born, a boy less than fit to be a lord who had an unprecedented level of arrogance and an inability to think very long.

Instead of that being the case he had a man who had made the Northern Kingdom become what it was and who used magic in a way he couldn't even imagine. It was unprecedented. So I had thought of ways to treat it. Killing him directly seemed the best but he didn't think it would work.

I just couldn't see it. Neither to him nor to his family. He had done everything possible. He had even tried to possess a servant so he would be able to kill him with poison. But he didn't come out. So he decided to change to a plan that would take longer. That plan consisted of elevating his figure to a level where they would see him as something higher than a mere mortal.

Making the masses believe that he was some kind of messenger from the gods. People could be incredibly stupid and act thinking that was true. What did they hope to get out of it? Simple. By continuing and failing he hoped the masses would turn against him. Forcing him to have to go out to a place where it would be possible to kill him.

But all the toys he used ended up failing. They were found and discovered. No matter what he tried or how he planned it she knew they were after them. They were found and silenced before they could do more of their work and thus the movement was doomed to failure.

It also didn't help that more people with the ability to apply magic slowly appeared. Healers. Warriors and much more. People who were able to use magic in a way that was beneficial and made the time of the arrival of new days better for all people and that they had a new wave of faith in the old gods.

So here he was trying to come up with a plan when he felt it. A presence. She had felt the presence of the white walkers. And they paled with the power he felt at that moment. The children looked at the entrance of the cave and heard footsteps. Soon there she was. His headache: Hariric Stark. There he was as if nothing had happened.

As he approached, he thought, could he take her body? It was a possibility. In fact he believed he could do it. He had to wait a moment and attach herself to his being like a limpet and take control. From there everything else would be. Simple. But a part of him trembled. This man scared him. This man…did not feel like a mere mortal. There was more to him than he let on.

''You know I assumed you had to be someone stupid to think you could come to my kingdom and think you could get away with trying to create a cult with the intention of taking me down but I'll be damned if I think you were really just the old man. who does not understand death. Hariric mocked the man before him.

''make fun of an old man? Is this where the great men of the North have reached? Ha. I may be crippled. But I am more. Thanks to me many things have worked. And thanks to me, more things will work." Brynden looked at the man. There was something about him that inspired her less than confidence.

''I learned of your existence the first time I caught Rhaegar. Discovering that that man had gone crazy for you. Just like you did the same with his father. You drove them crazy. You manipulated them and turned them against themselves with the intention of possibly directing them down a path.'' To say he was upset was an understatement. He hated manipulators.

''oh I see that you have been able to see my movements. Good for you. But you should be more worried about yourself. You don't know the dangers that lie north of the wall. Dangers that I have faced and I am trying to prevent them from advancing.'' Brynden wondered what his reaction would be to this threat.

''You mean the white walkers right? A curious existence. A necromantic animation that was possessed by a demon. Frankly, what were the children of the forest thinking when creating such an abomination? "You have to be very stupid to think that such a plan would work out." Only an idiot believed things could work that way.

''so you know about the walkers. Then you know that everything I have done...is for the good of the world. All he was looking for was the birth of a specific person. The one who has the power of ice and fire. "I guess you know about the potential of him right?" Bryden wondered how much the man before him knew.

''Yeah. Be your total power. The strength of him. It is incredibly powerful. Two lineages completely united. It's very weird. Almost impossible for it to happen. But in the past it has happened. His potential is through the roof. "Possibly he will be as strong as my children." From what he had verified, his children were more powerful but this man did not have to know it.

''you're mocking. This child is born from the lineage of ancientness and power. His strength is such that he would be able to dominate all the magical lineages that exist in this world. He was the most important thing for him to be born and that is why he makes the decisions he makes. Bryden only hoped the man would trust him just enough.

''I do not like lies. And even less do I like it when a person thinks that he can say shit like that to my face and get away with it. Do you really expect me to believe that what you did was for the good of the world? I am able to read you like a book. You are anything but benevolent.'' Yeah. I could read it. She could even feel her attack coming.

''It's audacious that you dare to say that. Is it because you feel threatened? You must know that while that child lives it is very possible that your lineage will not be safe. His strength and power is such that he can ensure that the power held by your family members becomes nothing. Isn't that what you fear?'' Bryden thought he had found a place where the man would hurt.

''If you knew a single shit about me you would know that I am capable of taking forms to ensure that there is no chance of rebellion. Please get to the point. I have come with the intention of killing you. You won't get out alive. You are a threat to my family and you will be dealt with no matter what." If the man thought he could escape somehow he was wrong.

''How do you plan to stop me, Stark? I have mastered more skills than you think. Your minuscule magical abilities pale in comparison to mine. I'll be able to escape before you know it.'' Bryden scoffed. The very idea of ​​this man thinking that he can somehow get over it.

''skinchanger. The ability to send your soul and connect to another body and even usurp if you have enough power to do so. But for that to work, the ship must trust you and open its doors to you. That was what you planned, wasn't it? You were planning to become something of a mentor to my nephew and usurp his being. "You fucking bastard." Yeah. It was easy to deduce his plan.

''don't look at me like that...because now it will be you''. And with that I attack. He deposits all his power. All its essence. The attack had to be successful...it just wasn't successful.

''ohhh how bold of you. How arrogant. But it is to be expected. You are not the first old man who thinks that he is above others and believes that he is the key to everyone's salvation. Allow me to correct your mere notion of reality.'' I grab my soul. Although soul magic wasn't his thing he was still proficient in it.

Brynden couldn't understand it. She had attacked him by overloading him with the essence of the very children of the forest. They agreed to help him because it was his best option. He now he could feel the fear in the children. His own fear was no joke either. He had never felt such a thing in his life.

''How extremely arrogant. And children. Siding with a Targaryen over a member of the First Men. It's not like you're useful either. "You have been severely weakened since the days when you were powerful." Hariric could feel the power of the children, he would not deny that they were strong but they were weakened.

''Let's be honest Brynden Rivers...you are of no use to me. Neither you nor the children. But in the last moment of your lives you will be useful to me. Because through you I will attack and harm others in an imaginable way.'' Oh yes he could feel their fear and it was extremely delightful to know that they were so terrified of him.

''Oh come on, don't take it so badly. On top of that, I am allowing you so much, Brynden, that I am allowing your last action to serve to destroy and harm an enemy that could have been the cause of the demolition of human society. Think that you are doing a great act for the good of humanity. Hariric could feel the Targaryen's rage and it amused him greatly.

Bryden tried to free himself from whatever he was wearing. He had never in his entire life heard of such magic that he could be able to attack souls. He had looked into the past. And search for the secrets of magic. And he had never seen anything like it. What was this being? He should have known by now that it was something more.

''As for you...you screwed up, children of the forest. You screwed up badly by allowing what you did to win the war. You brought a threat to this world that could have doomed us all. You are the door. And I intend to close it." First rule of all necromantic type magic: attack the caster. It doesn't matter if the one holding her is the devil now.

The children of the forest were paralyzed. They had sided with Brynden because the man convinced them it was for the best. It didn't help that the man in front of them didn't have a clue. They couldn't see anything or learn anything from him. So logically they wanted to hedge his bets. They never thought he would resist their attack to help the crow and now they were going to pay for it.

''don't look at me like that. Do not look at me as if I were a terrible monster who wants to harm you beyond any doubt. Because what I am is worse. I was here planning how to defeat my enemies and I didn't know that as long as you exist that is impossible. And unlike Brandon the builder...I don't believe in leaving a job undone.'' With that said he began manipulating magic to write runes.

Runes were the written language of magic. You could write a spell on paper and it would do no good. But writing it using runes resulted in something completely new. And thanks to the multitude of cultures there were many rune fields. It had been a real pleasure to decipher each runic field. It was a lifelong task.

If you were looking for runes of life, the best were the Celts. If you were looking for protection runes, the best ones were the Nordic ones. If you were looking for elemental and possession runes, the best were the Japanese. But if what you were looking for was magic that affected death, the best ones will undoubtedly be the Egyptians.

So on the floor of the entire cavern, hieroglyphs from the ancient era of Egypt began to appear, concentrating in a pattern seeking to break the ties between life and death and break the entrance door to the upper plane. Seeing that he was busy holding the idiots it took him a while to prepare everything.

But in the end he was successful. And before him he had the fact. Furthermore he was in a ley line position. Very strong. Oh yeah. The energy bomb would be enough to do severe damage to his enemies, he had no doubt about it. And judging from the look the children were giving him, they knew that this was not going to end well for them.

''don't blame me. This is your fault. You did it yourselves. If instead of allowing those things to enter this world you had tried to resolve things with diplomacy, things would not be like this now. "You have no one to blame but yourselves." He might have felt sympathy for the children a while ago… but he wasn't in the mood.

The children felt it. The ritual began to activate and they squirmed trying to defend themselves. The door to the other world began to close no matter what the ice specter tried. Their power limit being reduced and thus severely weakening the power of the white walkers which was bad.

''Now Brynden I want you to think you're a hero. That it is thanks to you that the fight between humanity and the demons that are the others has been concluded. Say thanks Brynden. Because thanks to you the world is safe. And with that I channel the power of Brynden's soul, destroying it and reducing it to nothing to give the last push that ends up completely closing the door.

On the upper plane the ice spectrum roared when it felt its power that was feeding and at the same time nourishing the others was cut off. He was about to do something when a black scythe pierced him. All the souls of the last eight thousand years left him when the original Potter finished his work.

On the mortal plane the Great King of the others felt it. His powers had weakened. Severely. Something had destroyed his connection to the Great Other. However, he played it down. Without having to answer to the big other he could now work for himself. If he had known what this meant to him he wouldn't have been so happy.

The war for humanity had changed direction and they had no idea how much had happened.

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