
Chapter 36: ch36

-West. Kingdom of Asgard. Winterfell. 289 AC-

-Great hall-

Unlike a meeting of southern nobles and a meeting of magicians, the meeting of the lords of Asgard was like gathering a group of happy and cheerful people who only wanted to talk to each other. Hariric was happy with it and actually thought it was excellent. He could admit that the food was good.

That was something else. He had made sure to make a kitchen fit for a king and to teach the cooks to be able to make food correctly. He did this because if he was sincere he didn't want to live his life eating simple and simple food. In addition to a good washing and hygiene system, what mattered most to him was a good kitchen.

He was glad he did it because if he was honest things were really good at that moment for him. The situation of the kingdom improved day by day. Not just because the lords of his kingdom weren't wasteful idiots. But because the bandit attacks had almost vanished.

Once he deduced who the players behind the attacks could be, he didn't waste time launching attacks on everyone's money sources. He couldn't attack the slave cities but it was obvious once you saw the display that the slave cities thought twice before launching any more idiotic attacks.

Although Harry felt that this was mostly because they believed or rather trusted that the affairs of the kingdom of Asgard could end up coming to bite them in the worst possible way. As he had demonstrated, his attacks could be precise and the free cities knew that their power came from income so they retreated.

As for Varys. He noticed a small presence in pentos and it was as if the man had been bitten by a snake. He became mortally paranoid and since then he had been more careful and careful with what he did. It didn't take a genius to know that Varys feared the connection had been made.

Without Varys and without anyone else knowing, he had placed a spy within the ranks of Illyrio Mopatis' servants. He was curious about the man. Who was he? What was his agenda? Those kinds of things interested her to know if he was sincere. That was how he discovered several things although he had not yet discovered what Illyrio's interest was.

However, he did discover that the merchant had a constant connection with the Golden Company which meant that he was in an alliance with one of the most militaristic organizations that existed. The golden company was no fucking joke. So he deduced that he was a potential threat to the southern kingdom.

Could he have let Jon Arryn know about Varys' alliances? Oh yeah. She had heard a lot that Jon was worried about potential Targaryen collaborators and that he actually thought the chances were that the southern kingdom would put their plans in motion somehow or something like that.

Illyrio and Varys had a personal agenda in Westeros. Little did he know that although seeing them all he deduced that they could potentially have plans for the iron throne which meant an agenda with ideals in place to make things work their way. Or at least that's what it seemed to them.

Jon could have taken advantage of that. But although he had heard of young Steffon and that he was being properly raised in Tywin Lannister's power he did not agree to helping the man. He wanted Varys to make the move on him to cut off his head cleanly. It was the least they deserved seeing that they had attacked him.

The other person responsible for attacking the affairs of the kingdom of Asgard in the form of Petyr was more elusive. It seemed like his business was mostly whores. At least it seemed that way. The reality is that Petyr was a usurer. He had a tendency to provide services and then blackmail those who were requesting his services. The bastard had a lot of power.

According to his information, he made a real fortune from the houses in the valley. He was also responsible for diverting reparation funds for the reconstruction of Seagull Harbor. Once again he was tempted to let Jon Arryn know that he had been stabbed in the back but he thought twice.

He could have collaborated with his enemies to eliminate a leech. Or weaken the six kingdoms even further. He had no interest in the kingdom becoming stronger. Especially since he was sick and tired of receiving reports of religious movements attacking his kingdom in the name of the true gods.

Gods hated religion. There is no mistake. He didn't hate religion because of what the gods represented. No. I hated her because most members of one religion are incapable of leaving those of another religion alone. They were calling for a holy war against the pagans of the northern kingdom. They did not even recognize the name of their kingdom.

Among the most annoying voices there was a man who had a very pious image: the supreme sparrow. The man went through the kingdoms helping people. If that were the case he would have given her his support. If it weren't for the fact that he was a religious fanatic and that he believed that faith was above others and that those who defended it were even more important.

Hariric had heard that the man especially said that he was a heretic who was a pain and an evil on the land that the seven wanted to see dead. Apparently he was motivating people a lot. Which was why he was being more controlling of who crossed the channel to apply to be part of his kingdom.

He honestly had no interest in dealing with religious matters as something worthwhile in his mind. But he was more interested in seeing the recovery of his kingdom. Fortunately for him, most of his parents were happy with the changes because they were more efficient and there were fewer tasks to do.

''Aha there you are hariric. Here I was thinking you had gotten away somehow. You've always had a knack for avoiding celebrations like this.'' Jon umber appeared. The Giant of the North. The man had a jug full of mead in his hand. The guy was a true master of drinking.

''You look good Jon. And as for escaping. Not like escaping but I am terribly afraid of these meetings. Only the old gods know what to face if you are not careful.'' Harry scoffed. Of course it's not that he had a problem with parties. He was just a person who had to spend time with his children.

''ah, stop being a little less tense. You know we owe all this shit to you. The beer no longer tastes like piss and we can even sell it to the six kingdoms which has earned us a great victory if I have to say so.'' The Umbers sold not only potatoes but were the producers of the dark beer that was bought in almost all taverns.

''I did it as a big favor. I think you deserved much more than just the fact that you are going to produce potatoes and receive your share for the production of Vodka. The dark beer of the North. The giant who wakes up. I look great on you if I'm honest.'' Hariric scoffed a little but in good humor.

''hahaha oh yes, do you know what it's like to have your house brand printed on every barrel we sell? It's funny to me because everyone who buys it knows that it is thanks to a house that until not long ago was called a barbarian house. "Fuck everyone." That was a great pleasure in Jon's mind.

''Please, those who are most upset with you are those roses from the south. You have destroyed along with the entire beverage business we have completely their wine sales. "Now they call it golden pee while ours is a real drink." Oh yeah. She had heard about the losses received in the south which was funny.

''those pussies from the south deserve it. Those idiots got into our fight. Everything could have been solved with just a couple of well-given hosts, but what do those idiots do? We are going to get into the North's fights with the crown because we want to screw them. "They got what they deserved." For Jon n there was nothing less than worthy than what they received.

''You won't see me complaining about that shit. At least I got something good out of the south. My wife is a beast in bed and she is not afraid to invite help to, in her own words, tire me out because according to her I am a fucking energy wolf.' Hariric laughed hoping by the look his wife gave him that he wouldn't have to pay for it later.

''ahahaha oh yes. The winter rose. The North Star And my favorite: the spear that pierces your heart. She speaks of a woman more deserving of being part of our kingdom. "Fuck all those delicate flowers of southern pussies, that woman is pure steel that's worth it." Jon's opinion of his lord's wife was clear: she was a woman's woman.

''It's good that there are at least people who have a good opinion of my wife. I think if I ever hear some moron say she's a southerner and she doesn't deserve to be here again I'll make sure what I did to Bolton looks like a nice trick on my part.' Those who complained were imbeciles hoping to annul the legitimacy of their children and install their own queen.

''fuck them as far as I'm concerned. I'm going to see if I can piss off some idiot and see if he dares to raise his hand at me or something. Although since the war for some reason people give me the fuck up. "I didn't know it was so scary." Of course when people remembered the image of him they saw a giant in black plate armor and a sword in hand. He was unique and terrifying.

''Jon no offense but you are a fucking giant and I remember your appearance armed with a great sword and your armor that seemed to be battle armor made for giants. You were practically shouting, "I'm going to kill you all and cut you into little pieces, you fucking bastards." Oh yes the war only made the image of his vassal more dignified.

Jon laughed but walked away as he grabbed what was now a vodka drink that looked like it had lemon in it. Yeah. Jon thought vodka was a great drink. He also saw him pick up a pizza dough. Oh how lucky he was when he was able to do all these things. He laughed until a Manderly came up to him.

''My lord, I am Wendell. I just wanted to thank you. Thank you very much for all the gifts. "I have always known that being friendly with House Stark was good and you have more than rewarded us." Wendell was proud to follow House Stark. In addition to benefiting his family as he did, he brought many benefits.

''I like to think that I am a trustworthy man with my vassals Sir Wendell. And I like to know that you have made things go well for everyone. How are things going in Puerto Blanco? I hope the increase in trade hasn't driven your father crazy.'' Hariric laughed heartily while the man laughed.

''There is a lot of work. Father thanks the gods for the work of the ministries because he says they have gotten a lot out of the work which allows him to control what happens in his city much better. My brother is now taking more and more care of all the jobs he did and he is one step away from becoming a lord. Wendell was happy with the lot they had in life.

''I'm glad good fortune follows your family. I've never enjoyed seeing a family lose everything because of what happened to them. Has there been any news about those shitty flowers trying to get you in trouble again or something like that?'' You see, apparently the ruler of the Dominion came up with the brilliant idea of ​​harassing the Manderly house.

''as usual. Letter after letter tells us about being defenders of faith in the realm and that we should be more loyal to the Dominion and that there are great rewards for those who are loyal in times of greatest need.'' Wendell frowned. The very thought of betraying his lord infuriated him.

''Those roses have a good couple of eggs to think that they can get away with it without further ado. They should better mind her fucking business. "They should look for ways to get back up and running instead of harassing working people." Olenna thought they were possible to buy apparently.

''Apparently the southerners think that because we are followers of the faith, the seven of us are poorly received in the kingdom of Asgard and that she would do us a benefit by the mere fact of remembering us and offering beneficial exits for the kingdom that could be good. ''. Wendell had never despised a woman more than that conniving woman.

''Has Wendell been giving you problems? If someone is harassing you, tell me and I will make them stop. Frankly, I don't give a shit what religion anyone follows as long as they know not to force their opinions on others.'' It was annoying and you could even say that it pissed him off that someone would try to force a religion.

''You have nothing to worry about my lord. Problems solve themselves if you are smart and know how to do it. The truth is that I care very little about what they accuse me or say to me. I am a man of Asgard. "Fuck what other people think." Wendell smiled at his lord. It was incredible how his lord cared for those who were part of his kingdom.

''It's not something to be left alone. This is my kingdom. I have shaped it so that everyone in it can live lives where they can say they are happy and don't have to worry about other people's shit and demands. If anyone causes trouble I will punch their face in for just having such arrogance.'' It was simple and direct. His kingdom. No one else could do shit in it.

''Your ever present loyalty is inspiring my lord. But as I have already told you, we are more than used to it. "This is not the first nor will it be the last time that someone tries to mess with us thinking they can just get away with it." Yeah. It wouldn't even be the last because he knew that jealousy could make people idiots.

''All I can say, Wendell, is that I think we Asgardians have more shit to deal with than just annoying each other. Damn idiots and bags of fleas who think that because we are now free from the other kingdoms they will just leave us alone.'' You had to be very stupid to think about it.

Wendell thanked him and left. Obviously the man wanted to get closer to other people. Hariric didn't blame him and in fact he was happy with him knowing that things wouldn't be so bad for him if he was offered the chance. Taking a sip of his drink she approached his brothers who were having a chat at that moment. They didn't notice him approaching.

''What are you two doing away from everyone else? You'd think it's almost like you want to keep your distance from others.'' Hariric saw Ned and Ben tense a little and knew they had to have something very serious in mind. The two looked at him and breathed a little more calmly it seemed.

''Gods brother, you are great at scaring people. It's almost like you have a gift for scaring people somehow. Damn you are a total threat if I do say so myself.'' Ned became a little more serious but looked at his brother while he tried not to laugh. However, it was good that it was only his brother who heard him.

''I'm more than capable of being scary when necessary ned. And you are seen separated from others. These parties are to attract people and make us talk to each other in an entertaining way. What is happening that you two are so far apart?'' Hriric knew it had to be something really bad.

''it's no big deal. Well if anything we're just being paranoid. You see, we have been seeing and witnessing a lot of maritime traffic but the ships just disappear. We haven't found anything. "It makes us suspect that there is unauthorized maritime movement in the kingdom." Benjen was being paranoid but like a gentleman he was logical.

''That sounds like something that shouldn't be happening. Come on, explain to me your theories and what has led you to be so distrustful. The more you know the better. Maybe I could send the rangers in the area to observe and find out what happened." Hariric knew that if something happens, it is best not to ignore it.

''The fact is that we see the ships in the area but they do not reach the port or cross the channel. They come and go. "We have let them be but some of our agents have reported increased troop movement in the Iron Islands." The moment Ned mentioned squid, his brother's response was direct.

''those fucking bastards would dare. Oh yes sir. Damn if they would. They would think they could get away with it. Explain to me what you have in mind. I'll see if I can help you in any way. If they want war I will bring them to heel.'' She had never liked them and she thought of them as scum. It is best to deal with them now.

''we only know that. More troop movement. Normally I'd say they were probing our defenses for whatever they're planning but we heard about one of their members: Euron. The guy is crazy but he is smart and ruthless. "I think that more than probing our defenses they are introducing small groups for a tactical attack." That's what Ben thought.

''so that's it...and possibly I know when they will attack. The day after the party when you go to your respective places. They couldn't attack before but they could attack after. Those fucking bastards think about doing some shit. I guess then it would be terrible if something bad happened to them.'' They were going to take advantage of it, that was more than clear.

''possibly they were planning to use us as a shield thinking they could attack Asgard and get away with it. "They know that being our brother you would never think of doing something that would put us and the women we are married to in danger." It was a possibility, I wasn't going to deny it. And he especially didn't want to put his children in danger.

Hariric growled. Oh yeah. He was furious beyond a doubt. Using his family as human shields. They would rape the women in his family. His brothers were forced to see the worst possible way they treated his family. The ironborn had declared war on him. He would sow the islands of death from him and bring nothing but misery to them.

-With Ashara-

To say that Ashara found the people of Asgard funny is an understatement. In the south every party was a veiled way of talking to each other looking for ways to screw each other. Backstabbing in a veiled manner. That's what southerners were like first and foremost. It didn't matter which way it looked.

Yet here she was. Having fun drinking beer and enjoying making fun of some women who thought that manners were only a shield that served to make a few people laugh. These women respected only strength and power something she could totally agree with.

He honestly thought these people were much more exciting than the southerners. He had been to many parties in the south. Lady Melania liked to show her off like a hunting prize, wanting everyone to see the beautiful woman with violet eyes, making everyone think that things were the best for her.

Ashara didn't want to make fun of it too much. Seriously, she didn't want to but the truth is that those parties were boring. She was also amused by how some of the women looked at her with strong envy. They obviously wanted the position she was in. The position of being the woman who was married to the winter king.

I knew that these same women were planning ways to marry their daughters and sons to theirs. She was no longer just Cregan and Belladonna's mother. She was now Andromeda's mother, a beautiful girl with her husband's gray-green hair and eyes. Her daughter was beautiful and she already had her three year old father wrapped around her finger and her older brother was very protective of her.

The thought of any idiot trying to lay hands on her precious baby infuriated her. She had heard many meetings from her husband that he tried to protect her from knowing how far they could reach the southerners. To say that her husband was expecting an attack from the infamous Faceless Men Assassin Guild should say a lot.

It infuriated her to think that her family was in danger because of the sense of superiority of some. Her husband suspected that sooner or later someone would come after hers and that they would potentially do so to also weaken and lay a hand on her family. Those days she practiced her Rhoynar magic and there was nothing more she wanted than to exploit her bodies.

Yeah. He could do a lot with said magic and there was nothing he wanted more than to screw up the daily lives of those people who thought about coming to screw up his family. Her husband, like her, always wanted to prevent word of her from spreading so as not to worry her. He could remember that he did the same to prevent her from knowing that Britain had put an outrageous price on the lives of her family.

In essence she was worried. But at the same time she made a note of the names: varys, Cersei, Tywin, Petyr, the magisters of pentos, the lords of the iron bank, slavers. She made a note and marked all of them to become a target to be terminated if or if before they became a threat.

She and Shelia especially had met to talk about it. Shelia actually offered the help of her agents to set targets. She decided that if these people were going to use a faceless killer to take down her husband, then she would use the same resources to take them down and destroy everything they believed in in her world.

But she was snapped out of her thoughts when Maege Mormont addressed her. The bear lady was a direct and clear woman who made it clear what she thought, what she felt and what she wanted. Knowing that her eldest daughter married one of the Starks had made her happiest, although she was happier knowing that she was starting a family.

''You know that thing about being a grandmother, I don't know if it's my thing. "I'm so used to thinking like a mother that getting used to the idea that my daughter is now a mother is a little difficult for me." Maege was over the moon knowing that she had a grandchild and another on the way. But seeing how strange she seemed to him is saying something.

''You shouldn't find it such a bad thing. You might be surprised by the good things that come with being a grandmother. Privilege of pampering children. Privilege of opposing your daughter because of the way children are. If only you saw how the Starks treat their grandchildren.'' To say that Rickard spoiled his little ones is an understatement.

''Oh yeah. It's milk then. Telling my stubborn daughter, don't do that because it's wrong, it pisses her off. I look forward to the thought of seeing my daughter arguing with my son-in-law over what will become of the child. I hope he realizes how screwed up he was.' Oh yeah Benjen Stark was beyond screwed and he had no idea about it.

''He's a tougher guy. He is a Stark. I'm sure he wouldn't disagree so badly. They are parents. Both of them should make the effort to see the children grow and nurture them. At least it's better than the shit they did to me." Her father didn't have the best way to speak if she was sincere.

''girl now you're one of us. Ignore the jealous idiot bitches. Many girls had their eyes on hariric when he was just a child. He was a truly exemplary guy worthy of respect if I have to say and because of that alone he attracted the attention of too many girls." Oh yes he had seen it in more than one annoying woman.

''as if I gave a shit about anyone's opinion. "If they fuck with me, we'll see if my spear is able to pierce them one by one so they can see how wrong they are to think they can fuck with me." Hariric was her husband and if they thought they could screw him up somehow they would learn the hard way how wrong they were.

''Yeah. You are also different. From what I've heard in the south most take a bastard badly. And in fact even in the north some girls take it the wrong way. And yet here you are and you treat that child like one of your own. "You are a hundred times the woman that many idiots are." Yeah. He was worthy of respect in Maege's opinion.

''He's a child. Why the hell should I blame a child for something normal? My husband needed to relieve the tension. If it weren't for the fact that someone had to stay taking care of the children, I would have gone with him and attended to his wild wolf urges. Pity. "The woman he got was a lucky dog." She laughed. And even more so when she felt her husband's nausea because of her words.

''...you are a better woman than many of the little sluts that roam any kingdom. If anyone ever dares to say shit to you about what a bitch you are or whatever, do me a favor and bury them in the bottom of hell. Thanks for showing that not all southern women are arrogant shits.'' With that said she walked away from her but with clear ideas in mind.

Ashara could understand. Most people had a bit of an anti-bastard mindset. She could understand it and in fact she could understand it. But at the same time her conclusion is that those who thought that way did so to justify how weak and helpless they felt. At the end of the day, her concern was for those close to her, no more, no less, and that child could be included.

''god girl the conversation with maege seems to have set many people back. Many are giving you an even more evaluative look. Although of course that is the bear woman from the kingdom of Asgard. Many will look at her with a touch of fear." Shelia appeared with a glass containing a sweet liquor. Her favorite if she had to say so. Her husband called it nectar.

''It seems like he was testing me. I wanted to know if I'm like any other woman in the South and I'll feel scared by the possibility that someone will come and say anything to me when they feel threatened.'' He answered Shelia with sincerity. At least that's how she felt right now.

''I think I was testing you for more reasons. As the queen of the kingdom you are your husband's counterpart. Gods how much I thank the heavens for not having to put up with that shit and being able to be calm without having to worry about anyone's games.'' Elia (camouflaged thanks to a spell) said to her best friend as she savored her own cup of nectar.

''Yeah. I should have known that you of all people would be the one who would take the least amount of shit about politics and all. I guess it's right that you think that way if I have to say so. Testing the queen seems like a very logical but also stupid move." Testing a queen could be a mistake.

''This is Asgard. Where one's word should not be enough to make you feel insulted. The women of this land have to be as tough as steel. "It's different from the delicate flowers in the south in my opinion." Shelia had very little opinion of southern women. Most were too willing to backstab and pretended to be sweet and innocent or were simply puppets.

''I guess you could look at it that way. Women are constantly being tested and I guess showing that I am a tougher woman than the women of the kingdom can imagine is the best.'' The truth is I couldn't blame them. For three hundred years the South had screwed them. It is logical that they distrust her.

''I would have hoped that after the favors you did them by preventing your husband from being poisoned as my brother requested, they would think better of you. It seems that those women possibly needed a gentle lesson in how things should be treated.'' Elia frowned. Her friend had played it well, they could give her the benefit of the doubt.

''Don't worry so much Elia. I understand them and understand them quite a bit. I don't have to like it but if I have to be honest I don't give a shit about what they think of me. I live through my examples. If someone doesn't like it, they can fuck him in the ass." That was Ashara's way of seeing it as simple as that.

''say yes sister, what the fuck does it matter what they think of you if all that matters is that you're able to kick them in the ass in a thousand different ways? In my opinion, if they have something to tell you, they should say it to your face if they have the courage in some way.'' Honestly in Shelia's opinion if anyone thought they could fuck with her they deserved a good one.

''ha. I'm going to see my sisters-in-law. It seems that Lya, Tish and Dacey are having a nice conversation. I think it would be best to drop in a little with them to find out what they are talking about. Watch the children so they don't get into stupid trouble. It was best to trust his wife's sisters for the safety of her children if she was honest.

The two women nodded. Although they did not have a problem dealing with the adult women, they could rotate among the three of them to watch the children. Gods know what Belladonna and Cregan would do if they had their way and thought someone had dared to piss them off.

He reached where the three women were and was surprised. Trish was a woman from Norvos who was a business woman. She didn't know how she had ended up marrying her brother-in-law but her husband laughed a lot about it, stating that those two were made like sides of the same coin.

Seeing a merchant chatting friendly with Lya who had a little anger against all the so-called merchants because they made her feel like an asset as well as Dacey who was wild, stubborn and very violent told her that she had created a very strong female alliance between the three women.

''I have to admit that seeing the three of you together and apart is comfortable. Rialle, I'm glad to see that you get along well with the two women who are close to you. Eddard is a lucky man to have you around if I'm honest.'' Ashara smiled at the lady and noted that she seemed very comfortable dressed more in pants than a dress.

''oh that's because it's fun. Dacey is wild as fire and good to hear and see a warrior woman is good. Norvos has little tolerance for women other than as a resource unless they are extremely capable. I think that one of the most suitable in that sense is Lady Mellario. Yeah. Trish felt that way about Dacey.

''I wish there were more women like Lya and Dacey if I'm honest. They are women who prove that you don't need a fucking penis between your legs to prove that you can use a gun. I find it offensive that even in Dorne there are those with such damn shitty tendencies.'' Ashara did not hide her thoughts on the matter.

''tch southern pussies. Their gods say that there is no woman worth more than giving birth and little else. But he looks at Princess Nymeria. She should be an example of a woman who leads. "I think the Targaryen women could have been more if they didn't bend over and let themselves be fucked up as much as they did." Dacey took a sip of her vodka happily.

''Princess Nymeria was an example for all the women of Dorne. She said: ' Fuck you, you think because you're a man you can tell me how to live?' Go before I catch my spear and put it up your ass and take it out of your mouth . ' Yeah. She was a woman's woman.' Yeah. Princess Nymeria was a great example in her mind.

''I wish other southerners would accept that. But look at those beasts who hide behind their so-called high and noble education the shit they are. If it had been up to me, at least half of the captured men would have been capped." Lyanna had her own glass of vodka and was drinking it with orange.

''oh believe me. Hariric was very tempted to send the pieces of him so that everyone and his mother would know that he was the fucking master. It's a shame that, as you already know, the best plans don't work and his parents convinced him that it wouldn't be right to return people without balls.' Gods it was a worthy discussion. And from what he knew, his own parents wanted to do it.

''Lord Hariric is an example of more of a man than most of you in Westeros. He just looks at every fucking kingdom. They convince themselves to do only one thing to function. He goes and builds an entire business empire that has given him fucking control over the incredible world. I must admit that he is impressive." Riaelle was actually more than impressed.

''If you are family you can call him Harry or if you don't want to be so informal hariric. The poor guy says that he is fed up with people who come and try to lick his ass with the intention of getting something.' Yeah. Her husband could be incredibly pissed when that shit happened if she was honest.

''maybe. Although it is the milk of intimidation. I think he's the scariest guy in the entire reno. A single glance from him is enough to freeze everyone in place. "I think people should be smarter so as not to upset him." Dacey thought those who offended Hariric Stark were idiots.

''You would be surprised at how much idiocy there is in the world and how bad things would get if you didn't control it. "Harry is nicer than he seems and tries to keep himself more under control instead of pressing people to the ground and subjugating them to his mission." Although she knew that he was very tempted more than once.

''I met him before the wedding. It's frightening. His mere presence screams power and strength. He is a man who commands respect. Only an idiot would try to cause him trouble of any kind which surprises me. "You would think there are smarter people." Trish didn't think too highly of all the idiots who offended him if she had to be honest.

''It will surprise you. But honestly things are the way they are. And my husband tries to do everything he does for the good of his family. "I think the best way to say it is that every move he makes is and always will be for the benefit of those he loves." No less true and the reality of how things were.

''My brother can be scary when he commits to it. The truth is that what he did to the south I think he did it as a way to release his anger for the audacity that they thought they could put their hands on me.' Lyanna didn't exactly feel sorry for the people of the south.

''If they hadn't been idiots this wouldn't have happened. They should have known better. Instead they thought they could just take his sister and then when he went after you they thought they could stand in his way. This was a message. I hope people are intelligent and learn from it." Although she honestly doubted it.

The other three women nodded in agreement. You don't pinch a wolf's nose and expect it to just back off. Harry was ruthless towards his enemies because he had to be and he had no choice but to be. If people were intelligent they would catch on to his mistakes. But the four women agreed in their minds that it would be a miracle.

-Con Cregan-

Cregan lamented the party he was at. The truth is that his father had given him and many kids an area just for them to enjoy. They didn't have alcohol but they did have butterbeer which was just as good a drink if he had to be honest. But if Cregan had to be honest he was with his sister looking around the room.

Attendance at Isengard was mandatory. His father did it so that the children of the lords would be taught and educated in various capacities. An heir has to be much more than a rat that is good for nothing more or less than fighting. They are administrators. But if one wants to be something else, they could become it.

For example, Belladonna wanted to be a warrior and be part of the rangers. From what she knew in the south she would have been told that she had to be a lady and swallow her wild streak. Hell there were people in the kingdom of Asgard who thought they had the right to tell her sister's future. The very idea infuriated him.

She had the right to choose the path she wanted. Nothing and no one could tell her what she couldn't or couldn't do. And frankly it pissed him off at people who thought they had some kind of rule telling him she should be a certain way. So he had to swallow her anger at his sexist comments and her telling him what a good match they would be for her sister. She wanted to vomit.

However this also brought a smile to his face. Just imagining the annoyed look on her father's face if someone told him what her girls should be like. He could imagine some poor idiot telling him that he had to marry his daughter to someone. Knowing his father as he did he would beat him on his mission or destroy him just for sending a message.

He couldn't say his father was wrong about that. Her sister was her own person who had the right to be herself. Hell in her classes she had proven to be better to many guys who looked at her but at the moment none of them were idiotic enough to do or try to do anything with her.

Of course he knew it was the image of his father. His father was a man known for his harshness and harsh punishments. A rapist who was caught was sentenced not to castration but to be crucified. The worst thing? He lived a whole month before he died. People knew it had to do with magic and they feared that very thing.

He condemned the murderers with similar cruelty. And he made the thieves work in the mines until they died. His father had a reputation throughout the kingdom and if he was honest he was okay with that reputation because it was what kept people from doing something incredibly idiotic.

However, people seemed to think they could do something stupid with their sister. That he felt sorry for the poor idiot who thought that. Bella was as skilled in magic as he was and she had a cruel edge. Her mother said she was family. She had no idea what she was referring to but she knew she had to be something really scary.

''You should stop looking at everyone present as if they were a potential threat. No one will ever have the balls to do shit against me. I'll have my spear through them before they think they can do shit.'' Belladonna was next to her brother and he could see her mind racing a mile an hour.

''I've seen enough idiots who seem to think they have airs of superiority that they think for some reason that they are special just because they are of First Men blood. Father would possibly be upset if these people continue with their idiotic belief.'' His opinion was sincere. And nothing would get him out of his way of thinking.

''please. These are idiots. Although there are those who stand out, I wait for the moments of discipline to arrive. "Mother told me that Father has been incredibly hard at upbringing and teaching discipline at Isengard." Discipline was everything in the Stark family.

''Father would eat them with potatoes if he had his way with discipline. He would possibly laugh a lot while he watches them run around like headless chickens. Not that I care too much about that since people can be the ones who deserve that shit very often.'' Truth be told in Cregan's opinion if people can't survive his annoying father they were pretty screwed.

''The arrogance of many gentlemen is a headache that I don't even want to deal with. They should know better. Very few today still think with that and those who do are our age. Dad says that once they understand their positions in our world their airs will disappear. If they didn't do well, his father could take them away.

''tch they should see what dad did to his enemies. They thought they were entitled only because of an ideal or a way of thinking. "If they were half as intelligent as they are supposed to be, they would not go down the same path and they would be the ones who would teach their children." Cregan learned his father's lesson well. Family first. Enemies must be taken down hard. And strength is earned, not inherited.

''I think that if people took Dad more seriously than what we have seen, more than one person would be blinded by what he is capable of. "Only idiots are so fucking retarded to think that they would get away with their shit just because they think they are gentlemen." It was that attitude that his father wanted to stop above all.

"If people are incapable of understanding that a minimum of polite attitude is expected of them and they think that just because they have a last name it makes them special, what they deserve is to be removed from power and put in people with more intelligence." That was Cregan's opinion of what the nobility should be learning.

''I think so. I better go see the others. And I made sure that no idiot does anything that doesn't deserve to be punished. Most of them know better than to fuck with me but there are still those who lack advanced thinking skills.'' She made fun of the big idiots of the kingdom.

''well you know what I'm saying. Don't leave a puppet with a head. If anyone somehow drops some shit please beat their asses in true Stark style. You know what dad would say about that.'' Cregan just laughed, amused, imagining what would happen if someone offended his sister and his father found out.

Belladonna nodded. The truth is that she would prefer to meet with her friends, the strong women of the kingdom: Alys Karstark, Joelle Mormont, Cerya Dustin and Lysenia Tallhart. All of them formed the great group. She also included Rhaenys in it since she was as tough as any woman in the kingdom. She obviously didn't come from dragon blood of hers.

Cregan smiled as he watched his sister mingle when he found a lone one: Rhaenys. He couldn't say that he blamed her. Rhaenys was a lively girl. Proof of this is that she was with her friends, the wild girls of the north. But at the same time there were days when she was left alone showing that she was still a little shy.

''You shouldn't feel so bad Rhae. You are an amazing girl and things are working out really well. The truth be told is that your affairs are well taken care of and I don't think there is anyone here to tell you two inappropriate shits.'' Cregan approached her friend who gave him just a smile about it.

''The fact is that I just want to spend some time alone. I just want to be calm and enjoy the peace and quiet. It may be hard to believe but the truth is that I would rather be calm reading a book than watching Little Jon put everyone on the ground until your sister brutally knocks him down.'' Although he didn't deny that seeing a little girl like nightshade do that to a giant was fun.

''Oh yeah. Little Jon's love for my sister is the stuff of legends. Damn I have to say this is one of the most fun things to watch. At least my sister doesn't find that offensive so it's at least for a person to look at her so intensely.'' Oh yeah. The little boy's infatuation was more than known to his sister of all things.

''You know, I think I have to say that it seems too much like one of those loves where the person is hit safely and at the same time it only makes him look even more ridiculous. I think he should know that your sister likes tough, strong guys capable of breaking a pair of legs if given the chance." Belladonna was not the type of noble lady.

''oh let him have some fun. It's at least fun to hear all the people calling him sweet. He is better than the youngest Karstark. He has a conceited air that I don't find very funny and it bothers me how he looks at my sister.' He had met the three Karstark brothers and of the three he only disliked Eddard.

''as long as it doesn't explode in my face in a sudden and sure way and frankly I think your sister is capable of doing a lot. You've seen her with the magic of her. She is able to do a lot with it and your father thinks that she could become incredibly powerful." Young Belladonna could easily do so much with her magic that it was brilliant.

''don't sound envious. I've seen you being more than capable of doing some amazing things Rhae. And you are much better than her with your whip. I honestly feel sorry for any man who is attracted to any of you because it will be a pain.'' Cregan just laughed for a moment before taking a hit.

Life was good… but there were storms on the horizon.

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