HP: Supreme Potion Collector [Original Female Protagonist]

Chapter 62: Chapter 62 Ginny (Part 1)

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As the dishes tap-danced their way back to the sink, Orli made a mental note to ask Mrs. Weasley about household magic when she had the chance.

Just then, the front door banged open.

"He's back! Dad's back!" George announced. They all rushed to the living room, where they found Mr. Weasley slumped in a chair, removing his glasses.

He was slightly balding, but his remaining hair was as red as any other Weasley's. He wore an ill-fitting old suit and looked travel-worn, apparently having worked through the night.

"What a night!" he mumbled, reaching for the teapot.

"Nine raids... And Mundungus Fletcher tried to hex me when I had my back turned..."

"Did you find anything good, Dad?" Fred asked eagerly.

"Just a few shrinking door keys and a biting kettle," Mr. Weasley said with a yawn.

"Any news about Harry?"

"Um... hello, Mr. Weasley." Harry stood up awkwardly, and Orli set down her cup.

"Harry?!" Mr. Weasley nearly jumped out of his chair. "How wonderful to see you! When did you arrive?"

"The children and I went to the Waters' house this morning to fetch them," Mrs. Weasley said disapprovingly as she walked over to take her husband's coat. "You haven't been home for twenty-four hours! Orli sent word last night - she brought Harry away from his uncle's."

"Orli's here too?! Excellent!" Mr. Weasley came over to shake hands with everyone.

"Sorry, Molly dear, it's been terribly busy at the Ministry, and there were some problems..."

"Enough! Now go take a bath, your clothes smell like ferret," Mrs. Weasley pushed him towards the stairs, then turned to direct the children:

"Orli! Harry! Go put your things away. Harry, you're with Ron, and Orli, you're with Ginny!"

They carried their luggage along a narrow corridor to the crooked staircase. The uneven stairs wound their way up through the house.

At the third landing, Fred and George set down Orli's trunk.

"Here we are - Ginny's room. We're just up there around the corner," they pointed to another door not far up the stairs, marked with a small plaque bearing the twins' names.

Harry and Ron continued upstairs while Orli gently knocked on Ginny's door, which was slightly ajar with no answer.

She pushed it open carefully.

"Ginny! Orli's here - where are you?" Fred peered inside.

"Stop hiding, Harry's gone upstairs," George said teasingly.

"I don't want her in my room!" Ginny's muffled voice came from inside her wardrobe. Only then did Orli belatedly realize that the younger girl seemed to harbor some hostility towards her.

"Ginny, what's wrong?" Fred asked, puzzled.

"Alright, alright, you two out," Orli shooed the twins away. "This is girl stuff - let girls handle it."

Ginny's room was on the western side of the Burrow, with a large window and a narrow balcony overlooking the orchard. The walls were covered in faded orange floral wallpaper, with posters of the Weird Sisters and one of the Holyhead Harpies - an all-female Quidditch team in dark green robes, each with a golden eagle across their chest.

A three-inch-tall clown ornament stood on the windowsill, repeatedly throwing colored eggs at its own head. Below the window sat a glass tank full of pondweed, home to nothing but a cluster of tadpoles.

A broomstick leaned against the wall - Orli recognized it as George's old one from before the holidays. Like Fred, he now had a new Nimbus 2000.

But Orli had more pressing matters to address. She knocked on Ginny's wardrobe door and sat cross-legged in front of it, getting straight to the point:

"Ginny, don't hate me. I don't like Harry."


[Note: In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Ginny's exact floor location is not specified - it only mentions that Harry saw Ginny's eyes at the third landing. According to some online discussions, there's a theory that Ginny's room was on the second floor while Fred and George's was on the third floor. The author has intentionally kept this detail ambiguous in this adaptation.]

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