Chapter 3: There is no such thing as a lot of luck
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I managed to make the Luck Extractor, but I couldn't think of a place to put it. Unless I carry it around in my briefcase. My school is not a small one, so if I took a little luck from everyone, I would have a decent amount of it, and no one would get hurt. The device wasn't very big, and the efficiency was quite low. But that's for now. We'd have to make consumer goods for the first while, until we could start our own company.
For the next few days I lugged around a box of good luck (as I decided to call it) charging it. Finally, filled to the brim, the device, after pressing the button, released a rectangular piece of paper with a line drawing. Now you have to put it on your body and wait a couple of seconds until the drawing is on your skin. Very similar to the transfer tattoos that I used to put on my body as a child in my first life. Ah, those were carefree times! But I digress.
I didn't use all the luck I had accumulated, because it didn't make sense at the moment. I just had to see if the drawing worked or not. After attaching the paper to myself and waiting for a slight tingling sensation, I took it off and threw it in the trash. Before checking, I decided to try to feel the change in myself. How would I understand what was changing and be able to control my luck? I remember Rodia in Limbus said that this technology is just a crutch and a confident person doesn't need such nonsense to win. Most likely, it has to do with emotions and concentration of desire on achieving the goal.
And indeed, I could feel the change literally with the edge of my perception. But I couldn't control it in any way. Well, that's okay. As they say, the journey of a thousand leagues begins with the first step. I can't do it today, I'll try it tomorrow.
But it's time to see if my labours are working. Sure, I could hit the jackpot or something, but right now it's safer to keep a low profile. I want to be like that elusive Joe. I'd rather be useless until I have incredible cosmic power. So I think a simple coin will do the trick. I found one cent in the house and started tossing it and catching it, making eagle or tails. And each time I got exactly what I wished for. At the same time, I felt the unusual sensation that appeared during the drawing weakening with each time.
Well, the experience can be recognised as successful. Now I should make some good luck in case of important negotiations, heh. And in general, for any strange situation. Yeah, what's the matter, I'm talking memes. Although they do fit the situation. In any confusing situation, use Kyle Smith's good luck charm! Huh? Sounds good!
But jokes are jokes, and you have to think about what to do next. Since such an important thing as the luck box works, we should, for now, improve it and slowly make prosthetics. I'd like to get more money for the first time. I could try and win some lottery or something with my mum, but I've got a better idea. I'll start my own social network and make my first decent money that way.
Besides, prosthetic limbs are a niche product, but they're also very useful. It will make life easier for the disabled. And in the future, they can be fitted to healthy people to modify them for specific needs. For example, a surgeon could be fitted with such hands-hooks, with which he could scan, cut, sew, disinfect and whatever else they do. Not hands, but a multitool. And not only bazooka hands, but let's say eyes, hearts, kidneys and other liver. And of course you can do it all in different price categories. From the simplest to the most gold and jewelled. I remember once reading that they made an application for a bunch of evergreen presidents, which sent information to all your friends about the presence of this application. Ponts are sacred and you can make a lot of money on them.
- What's on Kyle's mind? - Mum's voice came from behind me.
- About starting my own company and then dominating the world," I answered her, going over the augmentation options in my head.
- Hey, kid, what about democracy? - The woman exclaimed cheerfully.
- I'm not a baby! I'm about to have a girlfriend, and maybe even more than one, and you call me a baby and fuss over me! Woman, what's wrong with you?! - I exclaimed indignantly, turning to her.My mum was looking at me with adoration at this point, and I knew from experience that it was time to get out, so as not to be squeezed. Except, as always, she was getting really fast and strong at that moment. Is it magic, or is it the superpower of all mums?!
- Ufu-fuu, is my boy already thinking about girls?! - In a cheerful tone, my mum inquired, tickling me.
- Aha-ha-ha-ha! Stop ha-ha-ha! She's a Japanese townie! - What's wrong with her?!
- Hm? What's a Japanese policeman got to do with it? - She surprised me by releasing me from her embrace and stopping this humiliating torture. I'm an adult, and tickling isn't something I like! Not at all!
- Never mind! Oh, Mum stop treating me like a child! - I said, putting my arms at my sides and staring at her with the most serious look I could muster. But just watching her hold back from laughing, he deflated and sat down next to her on the sofa. - Well, never mind. And as for democracy, it doesn't exist anywhere. It was invented by Greek aunts and uncles for the wealthy strata of the population who own slaves. And most of the world's population in these very "democracies" are not the source of power.
- Huh, not bad Kyle. And in a world where you dominate, would I be able to hug you? - Mum asked with a smile, tilting her head.
- N-nothing you can do about it, that's just the way it is! - I answered her and turned away, feeling my cheeks blush.
- You're so cute! - Waving her fists from the excess of emotion, exclaimed Mum.
- When will it end? - I asked a rhetorical question into the void.
- No-no-ever!
- Somehow I thought so," I said, sighing tiredly.
- By the way, about the Japanese townsman. How are you without Aki? - The woman asked with a sly smile.
- I didn't think it would be so boring without that nuclear reactor on legs. He may have been a pain in the arse, but I had no time for despondency," I said sadly. Yeah, well, really, if you add it up, I'm over 30, but that little guy managed to get into my soul. And it wasn't because of the constant victories!
- Ufu-fuu, so that means my grown-up son stuck to such a daredevil, huh?! - Mum asked cheerfully.
- No way! He was just to brighten up my boredom! - When will she get bored?!
In the Japanese-style room sat two red-haired people, a mum and a child.
- Ahchoo!
- Hmm, apparently someone is remembering you," said the red-haired woman. After which she playfully continued. - Maybe it's Kyle?
- Eh, maybe..." the child said sadly. - Why did you have to leave?! We were having such a good time! I finally had a friend!
- Clan business, Aki," the woman replied seriously. - 'Well, maybe Kyle won't forget you and find new friends. Or girlfriends. We just have to wait seven or eight years.
- Rrrrrr! Mum, your words aren't helping! - The child turned away.
- Aha-ha-ha-ha! Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Of course he'll wait for you! - Naomi gave an exaggeratedly serious nod. But at that moment, a woman in traditional Japanese clothes entered the room.
- 'Naomi-sama, the whole family is here,' Naomi addressed the woman, who came in bowing low.
- Good, we'll be right there," Naomi replied, after which the servant bowed once more and left the room.
- Well, Aki-chan? It's time to introduce you to our relatives in person.
- Uh-huh," the child replied excitedly, and they followed the servant out together.
End of retreat.
- So this is what those tsundere Naomi was talking about? It's very nice indeed! - Another cuddle session from that radish.
- Mum, at this rate, I'll get a fear of girls and start playing for the other team! - Maybe that'll stop her!
Except my words had an unexpected result. Mum pulled back, holding onto me with outstretched arms and looking earnestly straight into my eyes. There was no trace of her former cheerfulness. I was even taken aback by this change of mood. After looking at me for a few seconds without blinking, she moved closer and spoke in my ear.
- Son, you don't say such things," Mum whispered heartily. Then she moved away again and said in a normal tone, blushing slightly. - N-not that I'm against it at all, but certainly not with my son in the lead! I still want to see more grandchildren!
- A-ha-ha, - I agreed. Then I remembered one interesting detail and continued with a wry smile. - I have long ago realised that you like this kind of thing.
- What are you talking about? - The woman asked apprehensively.
- I went into the history of your browser and saw a lot of interesting things there," he answered her with a smirk.
- Browser history... It's not like that!!! - My mum shouted and started shaking me. - Forget it! Forget what you saw!
- I'm afraid it's n-impossible! - I answered her.
- What a shame. Ooh! - When Mum finally let go of me, she put her hands over her face and started wailing. But after a couple of seconds, she looked up at me and continued. - That's right! I was watching it for a friend! She asked me to!
- Yeah, that's what I thought," I said sceptically. What a familiar excuse.
- Oh, what a shame... What to do now?! - Mum asked longingly, not knowing where to avert her eyes in shame.
- Calm down. I understand that from time to time you have to relieve the tension, - said patronisingly patting mum on the shoulder.
- M-yes, well, apparently I have a really smart and mature child, - said the woman calmed down and looked seriously into my eyes.
- Well, you've finally got it! - Have I finally won?!
- Only, it does not affect my desire to touch you! - And Mum went predatory on me.
- Oh, maaaam!
- Aha-ha-ha-ha!
When will I grow up and be able to fight off this hugging maniac? Probably never. I don't think even with the Infinity Gauntlet I can beat her at this point. Mum's understandable, though. She couldn't have a baby for a long time, and then suddenly a boy's her first. And I'm her only family. My grandmother also brought up my mum alone and died before I was born of a heart attack. It was naturally a serious blow for a woman. Mum didn't know my father, so it turns out I'm her only family, that's why she's trying so hard to express her love. I don't want to offend her, so I let her pet me. I just grumble like an old man, that's all.
Eventually, after cuddling for a while, Mum finally let me go. I naturally took advantage of this situation and retreated to my laboratory and workshop, located in our garage. The energy has not recovered yet, so I will have to cram the information available on the Internet. Alas, it was nowhere near as advanced as it was when I died in the last world. Well, except for porn. That stuff was extremely popular and developed accordingly. Plus, I had to be careful about my requests, as they could be viewed by Big Brother, and with him guys like Hydra. Well, he's out of the woods.
Although, it did give me an idea to build my own computer and try to disguise my internet surfing with some suitable device. Hmm, that's not a bad idea, though I don't have the knowledge to fully construct a bakery at the moment. But that's not a problem, I'll wait until the energy is restored and build it. I just need to do what I can do, so as not to waste time.
That's what I did until the next restoration of energy. By this point I've managed to create about a third of the PC and prepare some materials. I think I can get it done pretty quickly. Oh for good reason, I was the first to create a universal builder! It allows you to create incredible things from the simplest of materials and omit a lot of technological issues. But it's time to get the knowledge I need. Looking around, making sure my mum wasn't in the vicinity, I turned to the AI:
- "Yohee, Status!"
First and last name: Kyle Smith.
Age: 8 years old.
Race: Human?
Physical Condition: Healthy.
Psychological Condition: Healthy.
Energy: 100%.
World of choice: Project Moon.
Knowledge gained: J Corp Singularity, several packets of information.
Special abilities: ???
- "Ooh! I see the System is evolving!" - I thought with surprise. Even if it's nothing radically new yet, but still.
- "Yes. As you evolve your essence, the System will become more complex and functional. In the future, the system's capabilities will increase even more," the AI replied, for once without sarcasm.
- "By the way, what is this question about abilities?"
- "That information is not available at this level of development of the individual."
- "Well what are you going to do! Are you sure you're an AI assistant and not an agent of Shield or some other such organisation? They're the only ones with such bullshit security clearances! - But the AI was contemptuously silent. What an arsehole. - All right, it can't be helped. I'll try to deal with it later. Yohee, give me information on building computers. And not just some mass-produced stuff! Only the best!"
- "Got it. Uploading data."
Once again the feeling of information being written directly into my brain and I realise that I now know how to make super-duper bakeries. Man, I wish I had that kind of knowledge in the last world! Oh, I'd be all over that! Oh, well. Time to get to work.
I finished the computer for another three weeks with breaks for homework, school, food and sleep. Mum was no longer surprised by my handicrafts, except that from time to time she came and watched me create certain objects. She often praised me, which I was ashamed of, because it was cheating, not my personal mental capabilities. I even thought about telling her about the system and my rebirth, since the whole situation felt like cheating, but I never did.
But whatever. I built a computer in the end, installed Windows on it (in this world it was also there). But I modified it a little, so that the operating system could not spy on me. It wasn't long before I had to wait until my energy was restored to get advanced programming knowledge. Before that, I'd learnt the basics, to write simple programs needed in other devices. I planned to create programs for myself. Yes, and to create their own sites and social networks, as it is a gold mine. I remember reading that Facebook does not produce anything, but gets huge money, counted in billions. I with my knowledge and capabilities can make such a candy that the whole world will rock. That's what I'm doing on my new computer, while making a server for this business. I will not rush, I will do it at a relaxed pace.
So I slowly and lived, lived and gained good things. In between school and work on the creation of the site, I did physical training. When this little Oni comes, I'll finally win and wash away my shame! Hehehe, hang in there Aki, I'll definitely beat you! Moo-ha-ha!
But a tale is quickly told, but not soon enough done. School took up a lot of time. At least the kids didn't mess with me after the nerd had done a good job with their fists. Because of this I was feared in the class and organised a sort of boycott. I was fine with that, because I didn't want to discuss children's problems, play with toys and so on. I became friends with Aki because of adrenaline, not because of children's hobbies. He and I sparred, ran, jumped, and everything in the same vein. From this, in addition to my knowledge in lessons, I also performed well in physical education.
So I was sitting on my gallery, looking out of the window and enjoying the silence. But not everyone ignored me and some girls tried to make friends with me. I did not refuse, because I would tell them something wrong and they would be afraid to approach guys in the future. They'll grow up to be some lady who organises an aggressive movement against guys and that's it. And they'll sing the song "not all men are like that, some are worse." I don't want to take that kind of sin on my soul. And in return, I'll be cursed by my gender brothers. So I made friends with them and periodically explained unclear points after the lesson. Still, some variety.
And so today, coming home after school, I decided to take a little break from working on the social network. Turned on the zombie TV with some apprehension (after I got to the news about Rogers' birthday 4 years ago, I'm afraid to watch it) and got to some show like "Let them talk".
- ...This is why I say the Return to Roots project is extremely important! - A sultry brunette, ready to pounce on the redhead sitting next to her. - Men's fertility is dropping more and more every year! If we don't start now, the birth rate will drop even more in 100 years!
- But this project is pure barbarism! We should not be like our ancestors, but turn to science! - Parried the redhead, adjusting her glasses.
- Digging into human genes to breed soulless creatures?! - The brunette asked with disgust in her voice.
- Actually Madre Roman Dominica VI announced that the work on increasing fertility is not sinful! - The woman exclaimed triumphantly. - Therefore, your words are groundless! And now there is active research in this field. In another 10 years we will be able to achieve an increase in fertility of at least 8 per cent every year!
- Please explain, Miss Still, is that a lot? - The leading man turned to her.
- It's a great result! Compared to the 13% drop in birth rate in this country in eight years, it's very remarkable!
There was an admiring hum from the audience in the studio. Hmm, I think I know what they mean. Meanwhile, the redhead continued:
- Yes indeed, testosterone in men is falling from year to year and it is possible, I emphasise - possible! Going back to the roots would help. But for this to happen, at least several generations of boys must live in a highly competitive and barbaric environment!
As is usually the case in such programmes, everyone shouted at everyone and in the end achieved nothing. I switched off the telly and began to think about what I had heard. In addition to simply reduced fertility of both men and women of this world, compared to my previous world, there was another problem that had been plaguing it for the last 150 years.
Men, without fierce competition between each other for women and in military conflicts (a limited number of people who were not to be pitied served in the army in recent years), began to lose testosterone. In addition to aggressiveness, sex drive, muscle and bone mass, this hormone affects fertility (the ability to have children) in men. In this world men live more freely, which makes testosterone not so necessary, according to our lazy organism. But because of this, men are not what they used to be. They're softer, more passive and, most importantly, less fertile. The case when the neighbour's granny says that before "the grass was greener, and the sky is bluer, and men are cooler" without exaggerating. Well, as far as men are concerned. Of course, not everyone became like that. There were guys with testosterone coming out of their ears. But there were fewer and fewer of them. There was a problem like that in my old world, but it started about 70-50 years ago, I think. In about 200 years there will be a complete matriarchy here, simply because of the fact that men in the figurative sense of the word will be born.And if we take into account that the first point of man's value in this world was his fertility, it becomes clear that for the locals it is a very serious problem. By the way, the following points in descending order were: health, beauty, intelligence, family tree (here, by the way, the family tree was almost an obligatory thing, because it is a proof that you were born in a complete family and know your family five generations back, unlike the niggers under the fence) and financial status. If a man had all of these things at the highest level, he became an extremely valuable producer. But the first three points were the most important and stood apart. Even for very wealthy ladies, this was enough for them to want to formalise a relationship.
So, Return to Roots was an attempt to recreate the conditions of life in the formative period of civilisation. In terms of competition for food, females and so on. With fights for every comfort, rigid hierarchy and all the other niceties of the primitive communal system. Unless the test subjects have good medical treatment and modern technology. And some other luxuries. Naturally not for nothing, but for dominating their rivals. Over the Wardens, too, it seems to me. I'm sure if they can organise such a thing, there'll be a real catfight for the overseers' places.
Naturally, such a project had many ardent opponents, who gave cute epithets like reservations, concentration camps and so on. Supporters were less, but they also defended this event in every possible way, promoting the thesis that after such a thing, men, once free, will throw themselves at any woman they meet and will take a dozen ladies as wives, at least. By the way, they tried not to mention the word harem, as we have a democracy here. We are not these barbaric desert sheikhs and sheikinis.
I'd say it was a local "word of honour". And knowing from experience that any game can be promoted with great desire, I had no illusions about the impossibility of such an outcome. That's why my hope was in the scientists, who are working diligently on this problem. Redhead correctly noted that research aimed at increasing the birth rate is allowed almost all over the world. Though the church was against it at first, believing that humans should not interfere with God's plan, when it saw where the wind was blowing, it quickly changed its decision, and was able to get a lot of ratings in the eyes of believers. It is true that other research on human alteration was banned. Although I doubt that this ban was enforced. The whole world knew it was possible to create a super soldier. And every ambitious country wanted an army of them.
Anyway, everything that had to do with children was taken very seriously. And the propaganda of childbirth worked all over the world. It didn't seem to have got to the point where there were too many people living here, like on my first Earth. It was almost an obligation for women to have at least one child. Naturally, conditions were created for that. Maternity leave, earlier retirement, tax cuts, that sort of thing. If you don't have a baby, it's the opposite.
Abortion was also a very dangerous thing under the law. In some states, they were allowed with great fuss and controversy, up to and including serious rallies, but with one restriction: boys had to be born. If you don't want to raise them (which was very rare), the state will take custody. True, there were some isolated cases of abortion of boys, and then such ladies were imprisoned for a long time, and in some places the death penalty was organised, so that they would not be punished. But in general, abortions were extremely rare.
Since ancient times, because of the difficulty of both getting pregnant and simply giving birth to a child, they were treated with care. Well, as much as possible at the time. Not to forget the infant mortality rate, when half of 10 out of 10 would die. True, in my world sometimes three to nine out of ten children died before reaching adulthood, as I read. And let's not forget that most of the people in this world are women, who have a special attitude towards children. So that's the situation.
I thought about all this and rejoiced that so far I have caused in girls and women only a pleasing. Well, and some sadness, because I'm not ready to reproduce yet. In general, the abundance of ladies around, multiplied by the lack of men, can be very exhausting. Even the most beautiful dish can get boring. I'm already trying to prepare myself for the future.
Oh, well. I've watched the telly, relaxed a bit, now I need to go and do some social media. But first I've got to get some lemon tea. It'll make your cheekbones water. Having made tea, I went with a mug to my workshop, where I started to work. It seemed to work well, so that in a year it will be possible to launch. By that time I will create a neural network to help me in my work.
I have to say, a social network is a good start, I think. Especially if you take into account a study I saw that said women use them more often. And this is a woman's world. Yes, they're a little different from the women of my past world, but not critically so. And what happens when I make Instagram so men can post their press and whatnot, hmm?! I'll be swimming in money like Scrooge McDuck. But for now, these are just dreams and we have to work hard to realise them. Like the song says, we were born to make a fairy tale come true. Wait for it, world, Kyle Smith will soon make himself known! Moo-ha-ha, heh!
Commentary on Chapter #3. You can never have too much luck.
* As one reader correctly pointed out, if the gg talked to himself it would look weird, so now, with few exceptions, he communicates with the AI mentally.
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