Marvel: I'm An Odinson

Chapter 3: Perception is everything

Today is the day...

I'm finally 18...

8 long years of training later and I've become a warrior I can be proud of. That Odin can be proud of. That my old family can be proud of. That my new family can be proud of.

The training was insane...

I would wake up at 0400, be ready by 0430, and be at the training grounds by 0500. Then the training with mother would begin, a warm up, followed by sparring. I very quickly learned that my mother is a true baddass, in every meaning of the word.

Even as she kicked my ass she would be finding flaws in my technique, training me whilst improving my ability to take hits. Everything hurt, all day, every day.

If I weren't asgardian I would've died long ago, that's just how brutal the training is. When I hit 12, I graduated from martial arts training to weapons training, learning every single weapon that asgard makes, and mastering them all within 5 year, a little fast for most people actually.

Thor didn't finish weapons training until he was 19, a full year after he became an adult. Loki never mastered every weapon, choosing instead to focus on knives and magic.

Nearly a year ago, I finally passed my mother's tests, earning the right to choose a fighting style and have a weapon made just for me using enchanted asgardian steel, much more durable and powerful than what I was using before.

I chose a long sword, mostly because it felt right, but also because there are a multitude of swords in Marvel that I could come across.

After that, I began dueling my mother freestyle, using my long sword and adapting my style over the course of the year, even using magic mid fight to try and win battles easier.

Nothing worked, of course, because my mother's ridiculously strong, but I came close to hitting her a few times.

I'm still not satisfied with my strength, and I'm nowhere near Thor's level of power, especially since he earned mjolnir a few years ago, but I am determined to catch up.

And something tells me that I'll awaken my true power eventually...


Today is my 18th birthday, also known as my coming of age ceremony, and is the day I will be assigned a team and my first mission. I was allowed to request teammates, as is my right as the son of Odin, and I chose some of my best friends.

First was Axl, of course. He's become rather good at using his eyes to fight, and he's actually stronger than me. His eyes are super good at tracking objects and people, and he is super smart too. He uses duel short swords, and is an extremely aggressive fighter, using his ability to basically see any attack to avoid hits and hit from angles people don't expect.

Next is Axl's girlfriend, Avaria, a beautiful girl with long golden locks and green eyes. She uses a long bow, and has the best accuracy in the kingdom. Apparently, she had a lucky outing on the school field trip to Omnipotent city, and met Artemis, the goddess of the hunt from Greek mythology, who taught her some tricks as well as gave her a bow, which is ridiculously powerful.

She's a bit mean, but I in a playful sort of way. I can definitely see why Axl loves her, but she's not for me. I have my eyes set on someone else, but I have to wait 1500 years before I see her.

Lastly is Voltair, a guy who dwarfs me in height and weight, which is impressive since I'm 6'2" 200 lbs. He's almost 7 foot tall, and built like a tank, easily over 300lbs. He uses a giant mace and shield, and although I'm friends with him, I mainly picked him because he listens well and doesn't really question authority. I'll rely on the other two members to question my authority, cause they are really smart and know what they're talking about.


Mother says mirrors are the reflection ones soul, not just your physical appearance. It takes skill and mastery to see the soul, but once you can you can unlock your own potential.

That's why, currently, I am staring at myself in the mirror, my deep blue eyes reflecting back at me, my dark blonde hair short, with a temple fade and lightly styled to stay up and out of my eyes. I can't for the life of me think of why Thor keeps his hair long, despite constantly fighting.

I only have one scar, the one above my eye, barely visible and faded with time. I got it while playing with Thor as a kid, running too fast after him and then tripping and slamming my head into the steps. I was unconscious for three days, and when I woke Frigga instantly hugged me, tears streaming down her face from pure relief as she cried silently.

I had felt the love then, as I always have, even from Odin as cold as he is. I can tell he has a certain was of loving that can feel cold and distant, but it's just his thing.

"Mother, I feel a little strange... I don't think I'm ready for this..." I say, standing in my formal attire with frigga by my side, several in he's shorter than me. She reaches over and hugs my arm, bringing up her hand to carress my face with a mother's love.

"Verdandi, my son, you are brave and smart, and I'm sure you know there nothing to worry about." She says, quelling my worries. Although, something still doesn't feel right, I decided to trust her and push through the feeling.

"Thanks mom, I love you." I say, and I'm not lying. Despite being reborn into this world and having a whole extra set of memories, I have grown to love my new family. They have their problems, don't get me wrong, but it's a loving family nonetheless.

"I love you too, now come, we're keeping everyone waiting." She says, escorting me to the throne room door, the guards posted at it opening it for us as she leads me down the center aisle.

We stop in front of the throne, my father sitting down and looking at me with his usual look, but I can see pride in his eyes, which brings a smile to my face. I kneel down, my armor clacking against the floor, and bow my head. "Allfather, I await your blessing to go forth into the realms on behalf of Asgard." I say, as is tradition.

"Verdandi Urd Odinson, you have come of age, you are now 18, and by asgardian tradition you now have to opportunity to go on missions to quell any threats the ten realms face.

You have made your people proud, especially during your training. Second in your combat classes, only losing out to your best friend and now comrade, Axl Heimdallson, you have shown prowess in magic and weapons combat.

You were leagues ahead of your classmates when it came to magic, becoming a prodigious Physical Manifester, even better than my Queen in that regard.

And last but not least, you have shown considerable character. You portray what a prince is meant to be, and for that I couldn't be prouder.

My son, I give you my blessing.

Go to Heimdall for your first mission, he will give you the details. You are dismissed."

He finishes his speech with a slam of Gungnir on the floor, causing an echoing clank to sound out.

But, just then, as I stand to leave ceremoniously, something starts to happen to my vision.

I start seeing double, like there's two of everyone. The sight is nauseating, and I quickly begin losing control of the contents of my stomach, but I clench every muscle I have in order to leave the hall without disturbing the public.

Each step is torture, and my head is pounding as if I'm being struck with mjolnir, but I keep pushing forwards, and the second I exit the hall I collapse, puking everywhere and clutching my head in pain.


"Prince Verdandi!" The guards by the hall doors yell out, rushing forwards to help me. They immediately call for the allfather, who arrives with my family in tow as the guards begin to drag me to the sickbay.

"Verdan! What's wrong, what's happening!" Thor yells out as I clutch my head, groaning in pain as I try not to yell.

"My head! Head splitting! Agghhh!!!" I yelled once more as my eyes snap open, now glowing with a polychromal light, and shining brightly...

"Father, what's happening!" Loki asks, worriedly.

"I believe... he's awakened his dominion... but I've never seen such a violent reaction." Odin replies, causing Thor and Loki to tilt their heads in confusion.

"Dominion? What's a dominion?" Thor asks questioningly, scratching his head, to which Loki nods in confirmation.

"A dominion is whatever aspect a God president over. For example, Thor, your dominion is over lightning. Upon earning Mjolnir, you awakened your dominion, hence the lightning, but you never had this violent of a reaction." By this point I've stopped screaming and am just clutching my head in pain as my father explains what's happening. I'm not surprised I have a dominion, I am technically a God after all, but to think it'd be this painful...

"What's my Dominion over father?" Loki asks, excited over knowing more about his powers.

"It hasn't...uh... awakened yet." Odin lies. Loki, as a frost giant, doesn't have a dominion.

"Tell the truth, father!" I say, my head still splitting, but I will not allow him to continue lying.

"Ah- wha-? How?" Odin looks at me baffled, his mouth open Ling and closing like a stunned deer.

"He's right, Dear. You can't hide it from him forever, although I'm not sure how Verdan knows..." Frigga says, placing a hand on Odins arm. He begins to internally debate with himself, mulling over whether or not it's the right thing, all the while holding eye contact with me.

"If you dont... I will." I say, an act of defiance I wouldn't normally voice, but the pain is clouding my head.

Odin, however, doesn't violently react like one would expect. Even Frigga is surprised he doesn't put me in my place. But it's something about the way I stare into him that convinces him not to lash out, and instead consider his options more carefully.

"Haah..." Odin sighs the biggest sigh I've ever seen him sigh, and then looks away from me, and into Loki's eyes. "I've been lying to you, son. You were not born of Frigga... or me. I adopted you... after signing the peace treaty with the frost giants. After the battle, I found you, lying there in the snow, cold, helpless, left to die. I couldn't just leave you there, so I did what I thought to be the right thing, and I took you home."

As the words leave his mouth, I can see a multitude of emotions flash across Loki's face, too many to list off, but the most overwhelming one is anger.

"So you just... took me?!" He says, but right then I reach out and grab his wrist, causing him to snap out of his anger.

I dont say a word, just staring at him with an almost pleading gaze, as If silently begging him not to be angry. I know that I'm the reason Thor and Loki don't fight anymore, they made a silent promise that day to never be bad role models, and I'm hoping I can use that here.

With one deep breath in and out, loki closes his eyes, rubs his forehead, and asks a simple question.

"Who am I?"

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