Percy Jackson and the Art of Gacha

Chapter 32: Who needs followers if you have family.

I woke up three days later. The deep scales had never left their guard duty unattended during my evolution.

Teeth, the Hellfin Titan, had told be of some of the things that had happend during my evolution.

The Rescued had all taken a bath in the lake, some of which had gone diving. He told me how they had thrown some round bounce things around.

The system meanwhile had given me an update on the mission. It appeared to have been completed during my evolution.

The Mission Rewards for Children of Fall, were:

1. Power Upgrade Card x1

2. Title: Breaker of Chains

3. Class: Guardian

I did not use the Upgrade Card immediately, as I had to think carefully about it. The Title was a bit more interesting.

Breaker of Chains would, like the name implied, allow me to break passt any limit I could have, which wasn't as useful as I had thought it was, as I already had several powers with the same ability while the Title Shackelborn took care of some of the other abilities of it. The only other abilities the title had, was to break restrictions placed on the mind and body, mostly magical in nature, and release slaves or break magical contracts, since they also counted as "Chains".

The Class: Guardian was currently of no use to me, as I wanted to first max out the Class: Alchemist.

This meant however, that I had only one mission left to do, which was to help the people recover, which I had already done, train them for their future, which was done as well, since the places they were going to go to would also train them and I just had to prepare them to survive their fate. And of course there was the last part, which was to guide them to their fated destination. I would soon begin guiding them but I had to do some things first.

First, I pulled the Gacha for November, which had already begun.

[Here are your winnings, host]

1. Book on Survival x1

It's a book on how to survive and what to prepare for such scenarios.

2. 6 Million Dollars x1

It's 6 Million Dollars. What is there to explain?

3. Black Ring x1

Literally just a ring made out of Tungsten.

4. Black Suit x5

They are normal suits. Nothing else.

5. Flag of Super Earth (Helldivers 2)

This is the flag of Super Earth from the game of Helldivers 2. Remember, lift your self up with the liberty flag, because liberty is not something that can be dragged.

6. A Manor in the Forests (Norway)

It a manor in Norway. Literally. Do you know how expansive those are?!

7. Nemean Lioness x3

Three Nemean Lionesses, they will be loyal to the host. If killed they will not drop any pelts and they will recover inside the hosts shadow.

8. Different Seeds for Trees

Let it grow, let it grow. Literally a set of seeds to plant trees. Might have some extinct and rare tree species, but is otherwise normal.

9. Medical Knowledge

You will learn everything you need to be a successful doctor of any medical field. Carful though, Apollo might try to flirt with you if you do become a doctor.

10. Skill: Forge

This particular skill allows host to forge even without the presence of an oven, fireplace or whatever. It grants the user control over flames but, unlike the Workshop, it can also allow host to create powers, or more specifically forge them. Anything made with this skill will automatically be bound to the host.]

[These are the rewards.]

The system had given me another meesage after that, which had said that from now on every Gacha had lowered odds and blocks.

This meant that, unless I bring my current skills and domains to their max, I would not get any more of them from the Gacha. Different objects, books of knowledge and some Add ons for the system might be introduced, too. But the odds of this happening was incredibly low.

This of course excluded Mission Rewards.

Now that I had those out of the way, I began swimming upwards, to the surface of the lake.

I had a group of people to guide to their destinations.

The first group would be going to Camp Halfblood, in this group were Charles Beckendorf, Silena Beauregard, Micheal Yew and Ethan Black.

The second group would go to Camp Jupiter and consisted of Gwendolyn Mercer, Jessica Rowl and Maxwell Jones, one of the few male children I had Rescued from that Incubus.

The third group would go to Circes Isle, this one and the groups after had only woman inside. All of which I had Rescued from hell.

The woman in this group were called Jane Marx, Lania Crux and Luca Smith. Respectively children of Aphrodite, Ares and Hermes.

Group four would go to the Hunters of Artemis. This group of three consisted of girls with the name of Nadia, Carol and Hudson. Nadia was a child of Apollo, Carol a child of Nemesis and Carol a daughter of Athena.

And then there was group five. This group would go to the amazons. They were called Karin, Edith and Sara. Neither of them were halfbloods but rather legacies and some of them seemed to have had monsters somewhere in their bloodlines.

I had talked with every single one of them and all of them wanted to stay here, but I had to send them out.

So, after discussing this with them, it was agreed on that I would use my title: Father of Monsters on them. While it was rejected at first, I added the idea, that I could use a ritual to give them the ability to take on a human form. This, after some time, was accepted by all of them. I started creating the ritual, with the specification that the ones subjected to it would gain the ability to change into a human form, thanks to the skill I had harvested from my slaughter in hell. This skill would essentially be shared with them.

The ritual had been accepted, the title had been used and now there stood a bunch of teenagers and younger children before me, with slightly glowing eyes that reflected light if it was dark enough. Their Monster version wasn't really that pronounced either. Some had longer than normal hair or ears, but they would still be either mistaken with elves or satyrs.

Everyone else, and with that I mean the demons from hell, had gotten wind of this and all of them, even the animals and fish in the lake, had demanded to have the title used on themselves as well. I asked them to reconsider but they decided to ignore me everytime I tried to reason with them.

And this was how I became the father of 16 Demigods/Humans and 44 Demons.

Once this was done, I began to pack everyone of them a backpack containing atleast two weapons made to kill immortal or divine beings, mostly celestial Bronze but for the Romans I had managed to acquire imperial gold, a lot of rations, a medal that would make a direct connection to me if they needed it, several sets of clothing and of course armors.Tgese armors were additional ones as I was very aware that they had decided to keep the ones I had prepared for their rescue.

Meanwhile the demons had decided to hang around for a bit longer and give me time to figure out where I could place them to be the most useful.

I had also decided to utilize my Shadow Puppet skill more. This time, since I didn't have to teach or help someone recover from something, I decided to send them away. They were instructed to train one skill to its absulute maximum while the others did the same. This meant that, once i had brought every child to their destination, I would either rejoin the school or grind in the dungeon for materials.

Tomorrow, I would start the journey.

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