Wang An Leiji (Yang Leiji) (What If I Was In Martial Peak)

Chapter 575: Changes (7)

Flower Shadow looked over to where her eldest and one of my brothers were. The two playing games , completely unbothered by the other events going on. "I see, I'd be shocked if those two ever grew apart. But, I'd like to wait before making that level of commitment. It is a choice for life after all." She said with a warm smile. "I do appreciate the thought. But I'll ask my questions of Temporal Thunder another time." She explained. 

"It seems like you're really curious. If it's something easy to answer, ask away." I said, with a smile. 

"Well, it's more embarrassing if anything. But, I was curious how well you're accustomed to that form?" Flower Shadow asked. 

"Hmm? Oh? You mean the whole package deal, right?" I asked, receiving a flushed nod in return. "Pfft, I'm extremely well accustomed to this body. I haven't lost a single sliver of my strength either. Plus, it makes it easier to perform some motions. Like this…" I giggled, and then began a dance that made it all too clear I knew just about everything was to know. 

"Leiji! You've…" Shang Qing Luo stammered in response, her eyes sparkled. "So, how was that experience as a woman?" She asked, leaving the details blind to those who couldn't understand right away. 

"Heh, I know exactly why it gets you so riled up, Mother Shang. It was quite enjoyable." I giggled, with a smirk. 

"Well come on then! It's women and child bath time. I want to hear all about that. Don't leave out any juicy details." Shang Qing Luo said, attempting to pull me away to the family bath. 

"Well then, I guess there's no need to worry anymore. Sister Flower Shadow, you can go with them." Yang Kai sighed, knowing he wasn't going to change the situation with anything less than a month of seclusion with all of his wives at once. 

~ In the Bath ~

"Big Sister, you're so pretty!" Yang Luan cheered, pumping her tiny fists. 

"Big Sister, Will I look as beautiful as you when I grow up?" Yang Xingjuan asked, walking around me in circles. 

Most of my other sisters did similar walk-arounds with a deep curiosity. The others were simply stunned in disbelief. Meanwhile my little brothers were all doing their level best not to stare. Knowing it was really their big brother made it a rather difficult subject to approach. 

"Don't worry, with the right mindset and the proper training you'll all end up being absolutely gorgeous beauties. Father will have a hard time fending off all the suitors." I giggled slowly getting into the water. 

"Leiji, you still have the thundering tattoo… Were you able to find a way to hide that?" Zhu Qing asked, placing her hand upon my back, gently touching the outer edges of the lightning. "Oddly enough, it doesn't seem to detract from the beauty you display… It almost… No, it does enhance it." She added, with a wary look in her eyes. 

"I could hide if I wanted to… But I feel like that would be wrong. After all, this is a part of what makes me, well… Me." I said, turning my head to the side and lifting my shoulders. "Besides, I can manipulate it fully now. To do stuff like this…" I added. 

What they saw next was the thundering tattoo arc and stretch along my veins, branching out in seemingly random yet purposeful mannerisms. It looked as if the lightning wanted to continue enhancing my figure. 

"Oh my, that looks so… Enticing." Yu Ru Meng commented, with a grin. 

"Thank you Mother Yu. This ability came along as a side project from my transformation into this beautiful figure." I explained, flexing my hips and arching my back placing a hand on my belly while my other hand rested upon my chin supported by my index finger. 

"Pfft, you really have learned quite a bit. It's almost like you've lived like that your whole life." Flower Shadow giggled with a spit take as she got into the warm bath water. 

"Please, this is just a side effect from having such a large population living in my small universes. It's only natural I'd comprehend every way a woman can move." I giggled, and then grabbed my two little sisters. "Now then, let's have a relaxing time while we tell stories. Before I explain how I pulled this transformation off, I want to hear all about my brothers and sisters." I continued. 

Several hours later, we all emerged from the bath. Though when I walked out stretching side to side, with an arm up to the sky. I was in my usual male body once more, and I let out a yawn. 

Flower Shadow had a look on her face like she was deep in thought. She witnessed the transformation back to my normal body. It was from that moment on that she couldn't help but think about all manner of different topics, but it was clear to me what she was thinking about. Her eyes were a dead give away. 

"Husband, let's talk for a moment…" Flower Shadow Great Emperor said, pulling Bustling World Great Emperor away for a moment. 

While they were talking between themselves, Yang Kai looked at me. "Son, how do you feel now that you're back to normal, also, what was that about?" He asked, pointing to Flower Shadow and Bustling World. 

"Ah! I feel fantastic, more at home. It wasn't a bad experience but I can only tolerate being called Big Sister so many times… Hehe." I chuckled as I drank from a cup of tea that a maid had prepared for me. "As for what is going on with those two, I'd wager a guess that Mother Tao's previous suggestion was right on the money." I continued, as the maid refilled my cup, having noticed it was empty already. 

"I see, that's most excellent. I can trust they won't go back on that promise. At least not without exceptionally good reason." Yang Kai said, rubbing his chin. "So, did your mothers give you a hard time?" He asked. 

"Hehehe, oh father, you know better than anyone you're the only one who they give a hard time." I laughed with a big smile, downing my tea once again. "By the way father, I did give them several more of those pills. And there is no need to worry about my siblings born of you and Mother. I can handle taking care…" I continued, but he raised his hand indicating for me to stop. 

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